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  1. #31
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Manual / Semi Manual Device Driver Back up

    Manual / Semi Manual Device Driver Back up
    Manual 1 Copying the files from folders DriverStore and drives

    Copying the files from folders DriverStore and drives took a very ling time. Almost a day for approximately 500MB - 850MB from the computer to a USB stick , ( 500MB - 850MB drivers and DriverStore.JPG :
    Manaul copy DriverStore and drivers.jpg Manaul copy DriverStore and drivers takes long time.jpg

    The final explorer type listing can be obtained ( ) of the files looks something like this:
    'wbCodesBefore.xlsm' :
    wbCodesBefore.JPG .
    Attachment 2721

    In that file, are about 5000 files and folders!!

    It is very unlikely that we need all that information..

    Manual 2 Device Manager , select the devices , and then look at their properties
    The way to check for where the software is to look in the Device Manager , select the devices , and then look at their properties:
    One way to find the Device Manager is to right click bottom left on the Microsoft Start Symblol, then look for it in the pop up list:
    Right Click bottom left Device Manager.jpg
    Or you can start typing in a search box somewhere something like devi .. and you will likely find your way there somehow
    Search device manager.jpg :

    Once you have that main Window open , you can navigate with some mouse clicking and selecting until you find the shown Files location
    Device Manager device properties.jpg

    You can then use the File explorer to find the file or files

    Here is the list made manually from the Device Manager driver properties
    Also in worksheet „Manaul“ here:-
    wbCodesBeforeFrom cmd prompt.xlsm :

    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #32
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Using single line command windows Commands.
    Semi Manual , Deployment Image Servicing and Management, DISM
    One of the main important differences of the integrated internal storage devices such as our C: and V: drives compared to the simple storage devices such as our USB stick is that they are intended to allow access in a more direct way to different physical places in a storage medium. We need this because things that "work" or "do things" or "control things" need to be stored in specific places in relation to each another. That is one reason why we generally have an installing process to get software that work on our computers, rather than simply copying a file and "opening it/ running it ". This is one reason why it used to be a complicated process to feed different discs into a computer at different times during the instillation process.
    In real life, we could compare this with having a complicated set of ideas , notes and instruction and piles of materials to build a house. At some point it became easier to produce models or very detailed plans based on pictures, - Images for want of a better word. Having at least 2 dimensions to use we could produce something along the lines of detailed pictures / images to greatly assist in the efficient building of a house.
    In computing the comparison is so called Image files , or the word Image in general refers to a way to give a simplified way to show how things need to be placed. Modern Instillation disks , which typically need only to be one in quantity, for an operating system , are often called image to distinguish them from a simple disc used for storage.
    The main difference between these special discs and others is that things are stored in specific locations. In addition it needs to be a well etched or "burnt" form , but the latter gets a bit lost in the definitions and trade secrets of what is actually going on in disc manufacture and use. No one can explain exactly what all the different forms of DVD or CD are all about. But generally you will likely need a specific software to produce an "Image" type disc. The exact form of the discs usually loosely follow some Internationally agreed format and set of Standards, set by some Organisation or another.
    Sometimes such disks are loosely named as ISO disks, or an ISO image disc or an ISO Image Operating System disc.
    In actual fact it is all a bit imprecise and / or a bit secret , probably based on illegal secret agreements.
    So you won't find anyone that really will ever explain precisely what it is all about.
    The software associated with managing Image things goes by the name of DISM. As time has gone on, this has been refined and so made available to us to use.

    Relevance to our current discussions
    As we have seen by our truly manual backing up, we have an enormous amount of data, and it is unlikely that we need a lot of it. Some material may routinely always be there and may not be Device dependant. Some might be automatically produced by the instillation process associate with the Devices, whether device dependant or not.
    The point of the DISM technology is to allow ease and efficiency of things like instillations, by being responsible for the minimum actual data specifically that is required. This both aids in the simplicity of final use whilst also making it much more difficult to understand and so replicate. In other words it helps the final user, helps the organisation by the manufacturer , but makes it more difficult for third parties to manipulate.

    Using the Semi Manual , in particular , DISM things, within Windows
    Historically in computing, simple one line commands or code lines did a lot of things, and initially were also necessary to start off more complicated software such as Windows itself. In particular things to do with File organising used simple commends. Anybody over 50 years old will likely have at some time typed the command Dir , or variations thereof, on an old computer in order to navigate around the Files in an old computer
    These things are still available, and we have a couple of ways from within windows which are very similar to get at them, which both end up with us having as big black, ( or blue ) windows, which mimics an old computers simple plain screen where you typed code lines one after the other.

    In particular , things to do with file control were and can still be controlled in this way. DISM things are concerned with file management and also can be to some extent be controlled by these commands.

    The command windows
    The more fundamental "black screen type" cmd window we have already come across in out discussions: ( It was one of a few ways to access our disc management window.).
    When talking about command windows type things we can distinguish between the older cmd window, typically black, and things which often have the word Shell associated with them. Shell things came a bit later and were a development to make a more powerful interface between the user and files and file management. For our purposes we can approximately regard it as a more advance modern version of the command window. It does a lot of other things as well, but the command window feature is one of them. Generally it is conventionally seen in our use as a blue window, and we can do slightly more with it than in our black cmd window

    Getting at the command windows
    cmd window as Administrator

    You can open the cmd window as a normal user , or as an administrator, ( assuming that you are a user with Administrator rights: Usually by default, you would have such rights. If not then there may be a reason for that. You should then contact someone with administrator rights )
    You need to open it as administrator to do the commands that we are interested in.
    Here are a couple of ways to do that in Windows 10:

    _ Search bar: If you have a search bar, then type in cmd , after which you should see a
    Command Prompt .
    option. Right clicking on that should give you an option to Run as administrator
    Search bar cmd right click on cmd as administrator.jpg ,

    _ WinX power user menu: Press [Windows Key+x] , and in the menu that should come up, choose Command Prompt (Admin) in it. ( This may not be available in all Windows 10 versions ).
    Windows Key+x cmd as administrator.png

    ( in both cases you will need to confirm to allow cmd to run as administrator, )

    Change Black to Blue
    When in the black window, type Powershell or start powershell , to get into the Blue Window
    Black to Blue Command windows.JPG :

    Directly getting the "blue" PowerShell Window

    _ The search bar approach is similar to that for the black cmd window: begin typing the word powershell , and an options window containing
    Windows PowerShell (Administrator).
    should be available, after which you can right click on it and select to Run as administrator
    Search bar power right click on cmd as administrator.jpg , ,

    _ WinX power user menu: As with cmd , Press [Windows Key+x] , and in the menu that should come up, choose Windows PowerShell (Administrator).
    WinX powershell as admin.jpg :

  3. #33
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Command Lines. Back up of drivers semi automated, aka BackUp Drivers without software

    Back up of drivers semi automated, sometimes referred to as BackUp Drivers without software…

    Using single line command windows Commands in
    Exporting” Drivers without Software
    When looking at these things , you come across a word often used loosely in computing by people who either forgot or never learnt properly exactly what they are talking about when they use the word – “ Export ” or “ Exporting

    We saw already in the manual approach ( ) , that we had a massive amount of files. We commented already that we likely won’t need a lot of them.

    When we export driver files from Windows using windows management type things, then this will usually not include additional software that would typically be bundled with a driver package.
    Theoretically if all works well, we have the minimum information we need which can then be used to restore fully the drivers into windows later, for example after a clean re install of the operating software.

    Basic command lines for the Command windows

    Command, ( cmd ) , prompt lines

    A basic code line to list all drivers , dism.exe /Online /Get-Drivers /All , can be extended slightly to put that list into a text file.
    dism.exe /Online /Get-Drivers /All > "C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\driverlist.txt" 
    ( Notes:
    If that text file does not exist, it will be made. If it exists , it will be overwritten
    If the path contains no spaces the " " pair can be omitted
    All drivers_txt.jpg :

    A reduced list can be obtained containing only third-party drivers like this .
    dism.exe /Online /Get-Drivers  > "C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\3rdparty driverlist.txt" 
    3rd Party DriversBefore_txt :

    ( The /Online part refers to the current operating active system )

    The actual files can be “exported” using
     dism /online /export-driver /destination:"C:\Users\Elston\Desktop\driverbackupBefore" 
    Command Prompt Exported driver backup.jpg :
    The final folder in the path, which is filled with the Driver files , must exist.
    If the path contains no spaces the " " pair can be omitted

    'driverbackup' :
    ( '' : )

    That Folder contains only approximately 70 Files and folders, ( the full manual way gave us about 5000 files and folders )
    ‘wbCodesBeforeFrom cmd prompt.xlsm’

    Export/backup Windows drivers via PowerShell
     Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination "C:\Users\MeinPC\Desktop\PowerShell driverbackup" 
    Power Shell export driverbackup.JPG : ,
    Note that the final folder in the path, which is filled with the Driver files , will be made if it does not exist.
    The final folder in the path, which is filled with the Driver files , must exist.
    If the path contains no spaces the " " pair can be omitted


    The files in the folders driverbackupBefore and PowerShell driverbackup are identical:

    See also YouTube Tutorial List :

  4. #34
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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  5. #35
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Driver BackUp YouTube Tutorials

    Driver BackUp YouTube Tutorials
    I have collected some links to Youtube Tutorials on Windows 10 Driver back up. I did not find any particularly good one.
    I have tried to order them in an approximate order of usefulness.
    None were particularly good. There are drips of information in them

    There is the standard You tube internet link, and also a link to a copy of the video in Windows Media Player, .WMV format.
    I personally found it useful to put all the .WMV files in a folder, then if you select them all , you can right click and select something like Play, and then you will get a repeating continuous long play of all the videos without adverts. I left this running in the background on an old computer for a few days whilst I did something else, so I slowly picked up all the information without too much effort.
    Highlight all WMV videos Right click Play.jpg :

    Using Software: Advanced Driver Updater

    3 How to Take Backup of Drivers in Advanced Driver Updater – Windows 10_8_7-kWXC7rhD1Sc_Systweak Software ( sound )

    Using Software: Double Driver
    ( takes from Windows device manager )

    6.5 How to backup your drivers on Windows 7 _ 8 _ 10-Ffts_wQ5E24_pixxyTube ( NO sound )


    5 Windows Grundlage - Ganz einfach die Treiber sichern - Mit DoubleDriver Freude am Treiber--_1axe_t9AQ_René Stelljes - Freude an der IT ( sound )

    5 How to Backup and Restore Windows Drivers on Windows 10, 8, 7 Before Formatting Your Computer-XwNQ0_soXSA_dreamerBros ( sound )

    3.5 Sichern Sie Ihre Treiber mit Double Driver-XGWgUI4CB9A_WindowsPowerDE ( sound )

    3 How to BACKUP and RESTORE DRIVERS on WINDOWS 10 in 2018-mv50ZX4iJSo_Apk Heaven ( NO sound )

    3 ★How to backup drivers in Windows 10★-JGz8p0mwbZ8_ Rabi Neupane ( sound )

    2 How to Backup All Drivers for further Use in Windows 10_8.1_7 (Easy)-ecTo_knqsEk_MJ Tube ( sound )

    Without external Software: Using Command CMD , or PowerShell

    6.6 Windows 10 And 8.1 Backup Driver Files And Folders - Helps Restore Windows-NdXtuRLkxkM_Windows Ninja ( sound )

    6.5 How To Backup Windows 8.1 Drivers Using PowerShell Or Command Prompt-MVazb_mZEH4_MySchoolProject ( NO sound )

    5.5 How To Backup and Restore Your Computer Drivers-mQWe0pKLEMU_MDTechVideos ( sound )

    5.5 How To Backup And Restore Windows Drivers Without Any Software-jx0EFLKqoBU_OSToto Software ( NO sound )

    4.5 HOW TO BACKUP AND RESTORE DRIVERS ON WINDOWS 7, 8, 10-yEzPTOEpNUg_Britec09 ( sound )

    4.5 HINDI How to Backup And Restore Drivers in Windows 10 - Using CMD-xZBbZ17fusQ_TechyHow ( sound )

    4 Windows 10 - Backup_export drivers from Windows 10 computer via Powershell cmdlet-atOjBiap-OQ_IT Man ( NO sound )

    4 Backup drivers Windows, Saving install drivers with DISM Windows 10-OvAol-iSyXk_Mykola Politienko ( NO sound )

    2 Backup and Restore Your Windows Drivers (2018)-KrcARBLYPmY_ Windows Love Windows Love ( No Sound )

    1 HINDI Driver Backup by Cmd in Windows 10-sitkVAN4yBg_Cygen Technology ( sound )

    1 Data backup using CMD-vu8takR-vjE_ Uttam Baroi ( NO sound )

    Some Miscillaneous ..
    Restoring: 7 How to Re-Install Drivers & Apps for Windows 10-QrdDM6qYv74_Movie Studio Zen Movie Studio Zen ( sound ) , ,

  6. #36
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Double Driver

    To be filled in later ...Room for spill from last post

  7. #37
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Double Driver

    Double Driver

    In searching the internet for information about backing up drivers , one comes across this free software a lot. It has not been updated for a while, but appears to have been trusted by many people from XP through to windows 10

    So the last thing I will look at on my Windows 10 Driver back Up example excursion will be to get a back up list using the free software, Double driver…

    The Double Driver software analyzes all hardware drivers that are on your computer. This lists the softwarte ( “drivers” ) in a clear list with the most important details, such as the manufacturer, exact version number and the date of installation.

    You can do a few further things with the software once the analysis is complete. We will be mainly concerned initially here with making a backup of the “drivers”, so that we can compare what we get with what we have got so far using the other Back Up methods.
    ( It is also possible in some cases to produce the so called “ISO” discs to use to install the “driver software”. Effectively you would then have something similar discs that historically were , and occasionally still currently are , supplied by the manufacturer of a physical device to be built into a computer )

    Find a source to Download the Software, Double Driver
    It’s your responsibility!

    Despite currently being well recommended , the software has not been supported, updated, or changed for some time, and is not directly available from the original author anymore.
    It is difficult to give precise information as to where to safely get the software from as such things change frequently. As always you must take care in downloading any software. Try to find a reliable source, and try to have as much security software in place during the download and if you have the possibility, do a full computer scan for viruses after the downloading.
    I used as it was recommended to me by someone for this download. But some years ago I got a bad virus after downloading a different software from this site.
    You need to make your own decisions and take the responsibility yourself. It is your decision what and how you download. I never give any recommendations on where to download from. You do any downloading at your own risk.
    ( One reason that I finally got around to getting a fairly up to date operating system was to use that computer for downloading. Despite all the other frequent criticism about Microsoft and Windows 10, most people seem to think that an up to date system will be fairly well protected against third party abuse: Microsoft prefer to try to abuse you themselves. Think of Microsoft as a modern day version of a Mafia Protection Racket, all be it not as deadly or Evil … yet.)
    If you do chose to use , and it is your decision if you do, the one tip I would give is to look very carefully for a small, almost hidden link on the main download page. If you click on what looks more prominent any obvious to click on then you often get either a totally different software, or a download of the software that also includes a lot of other stuff you do not want. See for example, towards the start of this YouTube Tutorial : , )

    But remember: this site, , could all change tomorrow , so it remains your responsibility

    If you have found a source for the download, and have started it, then , depending on your system and settings, you are likely to firstly get some window asking you where you want to save the package. Usually the package comes in a .Zip Folder
    I personally saved this initially on an external USB stick: I downloaded the .zip Folder into another Folder which I had made previously on the USB stick named Double driver downloaded Feb 2020
    Double Driver download.JPG :
    Double Driver download in Folder.JPG :
    Double Driver download in Folder.JPG :

    Here is what I downloaded in cloud sharing sites. So you could download it from here instead: But once again: It is your decision if you want to download and use it. So far these files have not given me any problems, but use them at your own risk. I have the downloaded folder in normal and zipped form.
    Normal Folder :
    Zipped Folder :

    Downloading/ unzipping the Software, Double Driver
    (You can skip this section if you chose to download my normal Folder from the site)
    The saved zip file needs to be “unzipped”.. in my default settings in Windows 10 , this seems to be done automatically if you copy simultaneously all the contents of the zip folder, and simply paste into any other Folder outside the zip folder.
    I downloaded the .zip Folder into a Folder which I made on my stick named Double driver downloaded Feb 2020
    DD in Folder.JPG :

    Then I double clicked on the .zip folder to get at the contents of the .zip Folder , Double click on zipped folder.jpg : , which appears to be a Folder with the name Double Driver
    Double Driver Folder inside zipped Folder.JPG :

    which I then copied ,
    Double Driver download in Folder Right Click Copy.JPG :
    and then navigated back into Double driver downloaded Feb 2020 and pasted into there.
    Double Driver download Paste.JPG : ,

    Finally I have a folder with the name Double Driver , which shows a date from around 2010
    DD March 2010.JPG :
    Inside that are all the required Double Driver Software files
    Double Driver download Pasted.JPG :

    Running Double Driver to “get driver back-up” (Default ( non Microsoft only ) )
    A double click on the file dd.exe will start things.
    Double click the dd exe to start Double Driver.JPG :
    Double Driver started.JPG : ,

    Usually the first action then is to click first on Backup from the ribbon at the top, and then click the Scan Current System button bottom left
    DD Backup Scan Current System.JPG :
    A detailed list is then obtained. It appears that only a few things are checked. This is usually by default Double Driver settings, just non Microsoft. Double Driver Selected non Microsoft by default.JPG :
    Double Driver scanned.JPG : , ,

    The logic behind this may be that the Microsoft drivers may be installed automatically during the operating system instillation. Initially I will examine these drivers, and back them up

    At this point I would suggest trying a Save , which should give you a text file, which I have named DoubleDriverDriverListBefore.txt
    Double Driver save List txt.JPG : ,
    DoubleDriverDriverListBefore.txt :

    There does not seem to be much information there. But I did click the bottom right Backup Now button
    Double Driver BackUp.JPG :
    I am offered a path at which to save the Backup, , and I can also now browse and , if I choose , make a new Folder at which to save “the driver back up”. I chose Double Driver Backup Non Microsoft
    Double Driver Backup in new Folder.JPG : ,

    The process starts, which may take some time
    Double Driver Backing up.JPG ,

    Finally, I seem to have two main Folders, Display and Printer and therein one Display Sub Folder and 3 Printer Folders
    Double Driver non Microsoft BackUp.JPG :
    From the main Folder , Double Driver Backup Non Microsoft , I have produced the following Explorer type view of all the Folders and Files within them in an Excel File, in the worksheet DDNonMicrosoftBefore
    I have approximately 170 Files and Folders
    wbCodesBeforeFromDoubleDriver.xlsm :

    Full List.
    I am not sure at this point what I actually need, so I repeat the backing up process for a full listing of all drivers.
    Double Driver Select All and Backup.JPG : , ,

    I have this in Folder named Double Driver Backup All
    Double Driver Backup All.JPG :

    I also made the text file:
    Double Driver save ALL List txt.JPG : ,
    DoubleDriverDriverListAllBefore.txt :

    I have produced the following Explorer type view of all the Folders and Files within them in an Excel File, in the worksheet DDAllBefore
    I have approximately 560 Files and Folders
    wbCodesBeforeFromDoubleDriver.xlsm :

  8. #38
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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  9. #39
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Comparison of the different back ups

    This is an attempt to briefly compare and summarise what the different ways have given us.

    It is based on the explorer type folder output looked at in a summary file
    ExplorerViewDriversBefore.xlsm :

    Double Driver All
    This gave us finally a Folder, EG41MFT-US2H 09.02.2020 17-50-05 ,
    Apply the following macro we can see what is in the first level …_
    Sub ColumnsE()
     Columns("E:E").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues + xlNumbers).Copy
     Paste Destination:=Range("E680")
    End Sub
    _.. which is 26 Folders with the following names, ( and I have added the number of Sub folders at the next level )

    PrintQueue (1)
    USB (8)
    CDROM (1)
    Computer (1)
    DiskDrive (1)
    Display (1)
    HDC (2)
    Keyboard (1)
    MEDIA (6)
    Monitor (2)
    Mouse (1)
    Net (10)
    Printer (3)
    SCSIAdapter (1)
    System (29)
    Processor (1)
    VolumeSnapshot (1)
    SoftwareDevice (1)
    1394 (1)
    Image (1)
    Volume (1)
    HIDClass (4)
    AudioEndpoint (1)
    WSDPrintDevice (1)
    WPD (1)

    The file types are of these sorts

    The number of sub Folders at the next 2 levels is approx 161


    If we look at the manually produced results from the device manager we see 20 entries
    Audio, Video und Gamecontroller (2)
    Audioeingänge und – ausgänge (3)
    Computer (1)
    Druckwarteshlangen (5)
    DVD/CD-ROM-Laufwerke (1)
    Eingabegeräte (Human Interface Device) (6)
    Grafikkarten (1)
    IDE ATA/ATAPI-Controller (3)
    IEEE 1394-Hostcontroller (1)
    Laufwerk (2)
    Mäuse und andere Zeigegeräte (1)
    Monitore (1)
    Netzwerkadaptor (9)
    Prozessoren (2)
    Softwaregeräte (7)
    Speichercontroller (1)
    Systemgeräte (25)
    Tastaturen (1)
    Tragbare Geräte (1)
    USB-Controller (12)

    The file types are of sorts

    The number of sub folders at the next level is approximately 87

    Here is an attempt to match them up approximately
     PrintQueue (1) 
    DoubleDriver                  Manual from Device Manager Properties
    Printer (3)
    PrintQueue (1)               Druckwarteshlangen (5)
    USB (8)                         USB-Controller (12)    Tragbare Geräte (1)
    CDROM (1)                    DVD/CD-ROM-Laufwerke (1)
    Computer (1)                 Computer (1)
    DiskDrive (1)                 Laufwerk (2)
    Display (1)                    Grafikkarten (1)          
    HDC (2)                        IDE ATA/ATAPI-Controller (3)
    Keyboard (1)                 Tastaturen (1)
    System (29)                  Systemgeräte (25)
    SoftwareDevice (1)        Softwaregeräte (7)
    MEDIA (6)
                                        Audioeingänge und – ausgänge (3)
    VolumeSnapshot (1)
    Image (1)
    Volume (1)
    HIDClass (4)                  Eingabegeräte (Human Interface Device) (6)
    AudioEndpoint (1)
    WSDPrintDevice (1)
    WPD (1)
    1394 (1)                       IEEE 1394-Hostcontroller (1)
    Monitor (2)                    Monitore (1)
    Mouse (1)                      Mäuse und andere Zeigegeräte (1)
    Net (10)                        Netzwerkadaptor (9)
    SCSIAdapter (1)            Speichercontroller (1)
    Processor (1)                 Prozessoren (2)

  10. #40
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