Macro for this Thread post
Calculate 2% of colum H & column I & considered the greater number between them
column S should be positive, so don’t considere the no. which are negative
& if column S is lower than that 2% of column H or Column I (whichever is greater )then put -1
vba macro will be placed in a seperate file , sheet name can be anything, all files are located in different place
the U2 cell will become -1 after runing the macro
Code:Sub CalculationByPercentageAndConditionallyPutingTheData() ' Rem worksheets info ' ap.xls Dim Wbap As Workbook Set Wbap = Workbooks("ap.xls") Dim Wsap As Worksheet Set Wsap = Wbap.Worksheets.Item(1) Dim Lrap As Long: Let Lrap = Wsap.Range("B" & Wsap.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' Making Lr dynamic ( using rng.End(XlUp) for a single column. ) Dim Arrap As Variant: Let Arrap = Wsap.Range("A1:Y" & Lrap & "").Value2 ' 1b) Evaluate range H and I at 2% - Calculate 2% of colum H & column I Dim arrH2pc() As Variant, arrI2pc() As Variant Let arrH2pc() = Evaluate("=2/100*H2:H" & Lrap & "") Let arrI2pc() = Evaluate("=2/100*I2:I" & Lrap & "") Rem 2 Dim arrS() As Variant: Let arrS() = Wsap.Range("S1:S" & Lrap & "").Value2 Dim arrU() As Variant: Let arrU() = Wsap.Range("U1:U" & Lrap & "").Value2 Dim Cnt As Long For Cnt = 2 To Lrap If arrS(Cnt, 1) >= 0 Then Dim BgstHI As Double ' colum H & column I & considered the greater number between them Let BgstHI = arrH2pc(Cnt - 1, 1) ' Cnt - 1 is because our arrays for the H and I columns start at row 2 , so the indices will be one less than the roe to which they apply . I chose to do this to avoid trying to get 2% of the header , as that would error If arrH2pc(Cnt - 1, 1) < arrI2pc(Cnt - 1, 1) Then Let BgstHI = arrI2pc(Cnt - 1, 1) ' If I column is largest, use that, otherwise H will be taken NOTE: H will be taken if the H and I columnns are equal If arrS(Cnt, 1) < BgstHI Then Let arrU(Cnt, 1) = -1 Else ' S < 0 ' column S should be positive, so don’t considere the no. which are negative End If Next Cnt Rem 3 paste out Let Wsap.Range("U1:U" & Lrap & "").Value2 = arrU() End Sub
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