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Thread: Appendix-Thread-Evaluate-Range-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)

  1. #491
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some extra notes for the solution to this Thread

    This what C2 looks like
    _____ Workbook: LisaExSampleFile.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    655; 661; 663; 665; 667; 6688; 670; 677; 678; 68860-68861; 68864; 68877; 6889; 689; 690; 810; 820
    Worksheet: Old

    "655" & ";" & " 661" & ";" & " 663" & ";" & " 665" & ";" & " 667" & ";" & " 6688" & ";" & " 670" & ";" & " 677" & ";" & " 678" & ";" & " 68860" & "-" & "68861" & ";" & " 68864" & ";" & " 68877" & ";" & " 6889" & ";" & " 689" & ";" & " 690" & ";" & " 810" & ";" & " 820"
    "655" & ";" & " 661" & ";" & " 663" & ";" & " 665" & ";" & " 667" & ";" & " 6688" & ";" & " 670" & ";" & " 677" & ";" & " 678" & ";" & " 68860" & "-" & "68861" & ";" & " 68864" & ";" & " 68877" & ";" & " 6889" & ";" & " 689" & ";" & " 690" & ";" & " 810" & ";" & " 820"

    Sub AlexSaltColumnB()
    Dim WsOld As Worksheet: Set WsOld = Workbooks("LisaExSampleFile.xlsm").Worksheets("Old")
    Dim strC2 As String: Let strC2 = WsOld.Range("C2").Value2
     Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strC2) ' A function of mine which i wrote. this analyses all characters in a given text string, in this case a cell in column C
    End Sub
    '   "655" & ";" & " 661" & ";" & " 663" & ";" & " 665" & ";" & " 667" & ";" & " 6688" & ";" & " 670" & ";" & " 677" & ";" & " 678" & ";" & " 68860" & "-" & "68861" & ";" & " 68864" & ";" & " 68877" & ";" & " 6889" & ";" & " 689" & ";" & " 690" & ";" & " 810" & ";" & " 820"
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #492
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this answer

    Old Worksheet:

    _____ Workbook: Task.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Row\Col A B C D E F G H
    1 Name Number Code Note Date Currency Min Max
    2 John 43 655; 661; 663; 665; 667; 6688; 670; 677; 678; 68860-68861; 68864; 68877; 6889; 689; 690; 810; 820 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    3 Steve 43 660; 67833; 67890; 67891; 68183; 699 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    4 Tom 43 6600; 6990 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    5 Anthony 43 644; 664; 680; 681; 688; 69981-69982; 69988-69989 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    Worksheet: Old

    New worksheet , Before running macro

    Row\Col A B C D E F G H I
    1 Name Number Code Note Date Currency Min Max
    Worksheet: New

    New worksheet After running Sub Alex1()

    Row\Col A B C D E F G H
    1 Name Number Code Note Date Currency Min Max
    2 John 43 655 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    3 John 43 661 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    4 John 43 663 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    5 John 43 665 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    6 John 43 667 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    7 John 43 6688 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    8 John 43 670 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    9 John 43 677 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    10 John 43 678 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    11 John 43 68860 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    12 John 43 68861 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    13 John 43 68864 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    14 John 43 68877 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    15 John 43 6889 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    16 John 43 689 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    17 John 43 690 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    18 John 43 810 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    19 John 43 820 03-01-2021 USD 19.83 24.79
    20 Steve 43 660 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    21 Steve 43 67833 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    22 Steve 43 67890 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    23 Steve 43 67891 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    24 Steve 43 68183 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    25 Steve 43 699 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    26 Tom 43 6600 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    27 Tom 43 6990 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    28 Anthony 43 644 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    29 Anthony 43 664 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    30 Anthony 43 680 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    31 Anthony 43 681 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    32 Anthony 43 688 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    33 Anthony 43 69981 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    34 Anthony 43 69982 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    35 Anthony 43 69988 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    36 Anthony 43 69989 03-01-2021 USD 17.38 21.73
    Worksheet: New

  3. #493
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some further tests in support of this Thread:
    this post:

    Some transpose tests using this test macro

    Sub TransposyTests() '
    Dim strTst As String
     Let strTst = "068 069"
    Dim arrOutTempC() As String  '
     Let arrOutTempC() = Split(strTst, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim arrOutTempCT1() As Variant, arrOutTempCT2() As Variant, arrOutTempCT3() As Variant
     Let arrOutTempCT1() = Application.Index(arrOutTempC(), Evaluate("=row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")/row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")"), Evaluate("=row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")"))
     Let arrOutTempCT2() = Application.Transpose(arrOutTempC())
    Dim Cnt: ReDim arrOutTempCT3(1 To 2, 1 To 1)
        For Cnt = 0 To UBound(arrOutTempC())
         Let arrOutTempCT3(Cnt + 1, 1) = arrOutTempC(Cnt)
        Next Cnt
    End Sub
    Running that macro then stopping it before it ends, then highlighting the array variables followed by hitting Shift+F9 will reveal the contents in the Watch Window
    Attachment 3575

    At first glance it looks like the transpose is not the problem
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #494
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Continued from last post

    If you then look once again at array contents, then you still have what you want : For example in your test data for row with 18; 061-069, this here is what you see.
    Attachment 3576

    Once again, the transpose is not the problem
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #495
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Another alternative solution for

    Sub AlexAlanPascal() '
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim WsOld As Worksheet, WsNew As Worksheet
     Set WsOld = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Old"): Set WsNew = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("New")
    Dim Lr As Long: Let Lr = WsOld.Range("A" & WsOld.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row  '
    Rem 2
    Dim ACel As Range, TLeft As Long: Let TLeft = 2  ' This variable holds the position of the next section in the  New  worksheet
        For Each ACel In WsOld.Range("A2:A" & Lr & "") '   main loop going down all name cells ======
        Dim AName As String: Let AName = ACel.Value2
        Dim CVal As String: Let CVal = ACel.Offset(0, 2).Value2 & ";"  ' I need the extra  ;  or otherwise I might miss the last number range ( number range is something like  45-48 ) if there is one,  because I look for the  ;  in order to determine where that number rang ends
        ' 2b modifying any  3-5  type data
        Dim PosDsh As Long: Let PosDsh = InStr(1, CVal, "-", vbBinaryCompare)
            Do While PosDsh > 0 '  Position of the dash will be returned as  0  by the  Instr  function if  the Instr  function cannot find a next dash.  Also my coding below might retun me  -1  at this line ---###
            Dim StrtN As String, StpN As String '  I use these variables initially for the position of the number  and then the actual number
             Let StrtN = InStrRev(Left(CVal, PosDsh), " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare) + 1
             Let StrtN = Mid(CVal, StrtN, PosDsh - StrtN)
             Let StpN = InStr(PosDsh, CVal, ";", vbBinaryCompare)
             Let StpN = Mid(CVal, PosDsh + 1, (StpN - 1) - PosDsh)
            Dim NRng As String
            Let NRng = StrtN & "-" & StpN
            Dim Cnt As Long, Padding As Long
             Let Padding = Len(StrtN)
                For Cnt = StrtN To StpN Step 1
                Dim NRngMod As String
    '            Dim FrstSym As String
    '             Let FrstSym = Left(NRng, 1)
    '                If FrstSym = 0 Then
    '                Let NRngMod = NRngMod & "0" & Cnt & "; "
    '                Else
    '                Let NRngMod = NRngMod & Cnt & "; "
    '                End If
                 Let NRngMod = NRngMod & Format(Cnt, Application.Rept(0, Padding)) & "; "
                Next Cnt
             Let NRngMod = Left(NRngMod, Len(NRngMod) - 2) ' I don't need the last 2 characters of   "; "
             Let CVal = Replace(CVal, NRng, NRngMod & "|", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' I haver a temporary  "|"  to indicate the end of the last modified bit
             Let PosDsh = InStr((InStr(1, CVal, "|", vbBinaryCompare)), CVal, "-", vbBinaryCompare) - 1 ' because I start looking at just after the last modified part, this will return me the position of the next one, ( or 0 if none is found )   -1 is because I am reducing the length by 1 in the next code line    ---###
             Let CVal = Replace(CVal, "|", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let NRngMod = ""  ' rest this variable for next use '
        ' 2c Modified column C output
         Let CVal = Replace(CVal, ";", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) '  I don't want any  ;  in the modified list
        Dim arrOutTempC() As String  '
         Let arrOutTempC() = Split(CVal, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        Dim arrOutTempCT() As Variant
         Let arrOutTempCT() = Application.Index(arrOutTempC(), Evaluate("=row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")/row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")"), Evaluate("=row(1:" & UBound(arrOutTempC()) + 1 & ")"))
        ' 2d All  New  column output
         Let WsNew.Range("C" & TLeft & ":C" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = arrOutTempCT()
         Let WsNew.Range("A" & TLeft & ":A" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Value2  ' Name
         Let WsNew.Range("B" & TLeft & ":B" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Offset(0, 1).Value2 ' Number
         Let WsNew.Range("E" & TLeft & ":E" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Offset(0, 4).Value2  ' Date
         Let WsNew.Range("E" & TLeft & ":E" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
         Let WsNew.Range("F" & TLeft & ":F" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Offset(0, 5).Value2  ' Currency
         Let WsNew.Range("G" & TLeft & ":G" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Offset(0, 6).Value2  ' Min
         Let WsNew.Range("H" & TLeft & ":H" & TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1) - 1 & "").Value2 = ACel.Offset(0, 7).Value2  ' Max
         Let TLeft = TLeft + UBound(arrOutTempCT(), 1)  '  this should adjust our top left cell for next range of  new  columns
        Next ACel  '  '   main loop going down all name cells   =========
    End Sub

  6. #496
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this Thread

    _____ Workbook: Stats_Template.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K L M
    1 Player 1 Overs Maiden Runs Wickets Bwl Ave Econ Wides No Balls balls strike rate 5w BBI
    2 Match 1 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    3 Match 2 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    4 Match 3 1 2 0.50 n/a 0 0.00
    5 Match 4 1 2 0.50 n/a 0 0.00
    6 Match 5 70 3 23.33 n/a 0 0.00
    7 Match 6 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    8 Match 7 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    9 Match 8 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    10 Match 9 32 3 10.67 n/a 0 0.00
    11 Match 10 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    12 Match 11 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    13 Match 12 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    14 Match 13 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    15 Match 14 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    16 Match 15 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    17 Match 16 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    18 Match 17 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    19 Match 18 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    20 Match 19 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    21 Match 20 1 1 1.00 n/a 0 0.00
    22 Player 1 0 0 120 26 4.62 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0
    24 Player 2 Overs Maiden Runs Wickets Bwl Ave Econ Wides No Balls balls strike rate 5w
    25 Match 1 n/a n/a 0 n/a
    26 Match 2 n/a n/a 0 n/a
    Worksheet: Sheet3

    A basic formula to get a maximum value:

    _____ Workbook: Stats_Template.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Worksheet: Sheet3

    _____ Workbook: Stats_Template.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Worksheet: Sheet3

  7. #497
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    .... test post for later

    Hi prkhan56
    Welcome to ExcelFox

    I am sorry you have had no reply.
    We don’ t have many Word experts popping by excelfox much these days.

    I don’t know much about Word VBA, and have never done anything with images so I don’t really understand what is wanted here. I don’t see the relation to images , pictures , “moving images”.

    I have manipulated Word files with some VBA code working from Excel. Sometime my files were saved as extension type .htm – those files were normal word files with a lot of text and tables in them and the coding handled them the same as any files of extension type .doc or .docx or .docm

    So I am not really so well qualified to help on what you want, but I will have a go…..

    I took a quick look at this macro , Sub GetPicturesFromWordDocument() ,
    I have rewritten, or rather just re arranged slightly the macro and made some minor changes as I went along and added some 'comments . I did this to help me understand what is going on.
    ( Here is my version: )

    Here is a walk through my version:
    For the sake of explanation, let me assume that when you run this macro you have a Word document open , which is active, and it has the name MyDoc.doc

    The macro stores the current active document name ( but without the extension type) in strDocumentName. So if the active document was MyDoc.doc , then strDocumentName will have MyDoc in it.
    We also store the path to the current active document in strPath
    The macro seems to save the active document under its existing name, at the existing place, but with the extension type changed to .htm , so you would have then the active document, if it was MyDoc.doc now saved as MyDoc.htm - …. It is not clear to me why that is being done??

    The macro makes a folder, MovedToHere in the same place as where the current active document is. I have slightly modified this code line, to prevent it erroring if the folder already exists: It only makes the folder if the folder does not exist. - If you try to make a folder when it already exists, then that would chuck up an error

    __ The main outer loop === is doing the following:
    It is looping 4 times, going through all your file extension types, .png .jpeg .jpg and .bmp. ( The loop control variable, lngLoop , is going from 0 To 3 )
    __ For each file extension type it is looking for files which are in a folder which, using the same example, would have a name like MyDoc_files . That folder is looked for at the same path as the current active document.
    So for example, the first loop is looking for files of the extension type .png in that folder
    ____ The purpose of the Do While __ Loop _ loop is to keep going while you still find files of the extension type currently being looked for. ( The use of Dir on its own, without any bracket ( ) stuff tells VBA to look again for the next file of the same type and in the same place that it looked the last time )
    ____ Each of the files you find gets copied to folder, MovedToHere and has its name modified a bit to have the text "New " added at the start, like for example, Filex.png would become New Filex.png ( Note: actually we are not really copying – we are moving – the original file gets effectively deleted )

    Once we have finished doing all that copying, we close the current active document. It is not clear to me why that is being done. In particular it’s not clear to me why it is done at this point. We could have closed it immediately after we created it, since we have done nothing with it since creating it

    We now open the original file we had open at the start of running the macro. Its not clear to me why we do that, other than maybe to get back to having the same file open and active that we had when we started running the macro.

    Now we go on to killing ( deleting ) a few things.
    The code line Kill strPath & "" & strDocumentName & ".htm*" does not error for me. I can not see why it should, since it is trying to delete all files of the extension type .htm , html etc. in the folder where we made like our MyDoc.htm
    Since we should have at least that one file there, MyDoc.htm , then that at least that is there to be deleted
    The next code line, Kill strPath & "" & strDocumentName & "_files\*.*" could error , if, for example, you had only had files of the type .png .jpeg .jpg or .bmp originally in that folder with the name like MyDoc_files . The reason for that is because the VBA Name statement renames a file, in other words it moves , or in other words it copies the file to somewhere and then deletes the original. So effectively it will be removing all files of the type .png .jpeg .jpg or .bmp from that folder.
    So I have modified that code line so that it only tries to delete files if there are any files there to delete.
    I expect the reason the code line is there is so that the next code line works. – This next code line, RmDir strPath & "" & strDocumentName & "_files" , tries to delete the original folder, and that code line would error if any files were in that folder.

    The last few lines are not needed in VBA. Those code lines were considered good practice in programming earlier, I think. Possibly they may have sometimes been needed previously. I am not sure.

    I am not sure if I can help much further, since I cannot reproduce your error. The macro version of mine ( Here: ) does not error, but I may have missed something due to my lack of experience with Word VBA.
    Quote Originally Posted by prkhan56 View Post
    I want to fix this code ...... Can someone fix this issue ...
    I cant fix the code for you , because I cannot see the problem with it. But I am also not 100% sure of why some things are being done in the macro.

    Quote Originally Posted by prkhan56 View Post
    .....and also amend to run on all the sub folders.....
    I don’t think you can amend a macro like this one to do that. The reason for me saying that is that the main process we are using to look at, and get at files, is the Dir function, and in particular the code line of Dir within a loop. This restricts us to one “folder level”.
    We are using a fairly simple macro, like the one you are using.
    Its this sort of thing:
    To look at sub folders we would usually use a different macro type, one which uses recursion. This sort of thing:

    As you can see, that is a rather complex thing. Depending on your knowledge of VBA, that could be a rather time consuming thing to get across to you, especially as we don’t have the simpler issue fixed of why you are getting the error in the simpler macro

    I expect it could take me a long time to help you further. I am busy all this week, and could take another look for you next week.

    Alternatively you might want to try one of the other forums where a lot more people usually are, and certainly more people clued up on Word VBA
    Here a couple of places :

    Please note that most forums have what they call a “cross posting rule”. This means that you should tell everyone everywhere about where else you have posted the same question.
    So for example you should pass on these URL link to your questions here

    One last tip here: If you are posting for the first time at some forums then a spam filter will prevent you posting those links. To get over that you need to disguise them when posting. You could add some spaces like this
    h t t p s:/ /excelfox . com/forum/showthread.php/2760-Get-Pictures-from-Word-Documents-in-All-Sub-Folders?p=15605#post15605
    h t t p s:/ /excelfox . com/forum/showthread.php/2761-Get-Pictures-from-Word-Documents-in-All-Sub-Folders?p=15613#post15613

    Or alternatively try fooling the filter by posting using some BB code for black color to disguise the link – that way the filter does not see the link, but it comes out in the final post as you want it


  8. #498
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    testing image links

    Hallo Seit dem letzten Mal habe ich viele Male versucht... Auch habe ich es in einem anderen Drucker versucht. Außerdem habe ich weitere Patronen gekauft.
    Die meisten Patronen funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen Druckern, abgesehen von Ihren 2 Patronen, die immer noch in keinem Drucker funktionieren...
    _.. . - Ja, ich kenne das alles schon sehr gut und habe es schon oft versucht
    _..<.. Bersetzen Sie durch Ihre eigene Patrone, ob Problem verschwindet …> .. - Ja, ich habe viele meiner Patronen ausprobiert und das Problem ist dann immer verschwunden
    _...< Fotos der auf Ihrem Drucker angezeigten Fehlermeldung…> rote lichter zeigen immer -
    _..< .. Foto zeigt Ihr Druckermodell ..> ich habe 2 . Eins benutze ich viel, , das andere ist eine Reserve und wird nicht viel verwendet ,
    Ich habe auch mit dem meiner Frau experimentiert ,
    _..<.. Wie viele Tintenpatronen haben Sie ausprobiert .. welche haben nicht funktioniert? ..> - Ich habe 6 meiner Patronen ausprobiert. Die Patronen stammen aus 3 verschiedenen Quellen:-
    _ Ich habe neu im lokalen Geschäft gekauft -
    _ Ich habe neu im Internet -
    _ Ich habe auch zwei von einem kaputten Drucker - , ,

    Also habe ich 6 verschiedene Patronen von mir ausprobiert. (Alle sind original HP , , , , ). - Alle funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen meinen Druckern, - , , ,

    Die Patronen von Ihnen funktionieren immer noch in keinem meiner Drucker -


    Hallo Seit dem letzten Mal habe ich viele Male versucht... Auch habe ich es in einem anderen Drucker versucht. Außerdem habe ich weitere Patronen gekauft.
    Die meisten Patronen funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen Druckern, abgesehen von Ihren 2 Patronen, die immer noch in keinem Drucker funktionieren...
    _.. . - Ja, ich kenne das alles schon sehr gut und habe es schon oft versucht
    _..<.. Bersetzen Sie durch Ihre eigene Patrone, ob Problem verschwindet …> .. - Ja, ich habe viele meiner Patronen ausprobiert und das Problem ist dann immer verschwunden
    _...< Fotos der auf Ihrem Drucker angezeigten Fehlermeldung…> rote lichter zeigen immer -
    _..< .. Foto zeigt Ihr Druckermodell ..> ich habe 2 . Eins benutze ich viel, , das andere ist eine Reserve und wird nicht viel verwendet ,
    Ich habe auch mit dem meiner Frau experimentiert ,
    _..<.. Wie viele Tintenpatronen haben Sie ausprobiert .. welche haben nicht funktioniert? ..> - Ich habe 6 meiner Patronen ausprobiert. Die Patronen stammen aus 3 verschiedenen Quellen:-
    _ Ich habe neu im lokalen Geschäft gekauft -
    _ Ich habe neu im Internet -
    _ Ich habe auch zwei von einem kaputten Drucker - , ,

    Also habe ich 6 verschiedene Patronen von mir ausprobiert. (Alle sind original HP , , , , ). - Alle funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen meinen Druckern, - , , ,

    Die Patronen von Ihnen funktionieren immer noch in keinem meiner Drucker -


    Hallo Seit dem letzten Mal habe ich viele Male versucht... Auch habe ich es in einem anderen Drucker versucht. Außerdem habe ich weitere Patronen gekauft.
    Die meisten Patronen funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen Druckern, abgesehen von Ihren 2 Patronen, die immer noch in keinem Drucker funktionieren...
    _.. < stellen Sie sicher..die schwarze Abdeckung entfernt wurde, bevor Sie die Tinte installieren….. Wischen Sie die Chips und den Kontaktpunkt …> . - Ja, ich kenne das alles schon sehr gut und habe es schon oft versucht
    _..<.. Bersetzen Sie durch Ihre eigene Patrone, ob Problem verschwindet …> .. - Ja, ich habe viele meiner Patronen ausprobiert und das Problem ist dann immer verschwunden
    _...< Fotos der auf Ihrem Drucker angezeigten Fehlermeldung…> rote lichter zeigen immer -
    _..< .. Foto zeigt Ihr Druckermodell ..> ich habe 2 . Eins benutze ich viel, , das andere ist eine Reserve und wird nicht viel verwendet ,
    Ich habe auch mit dem meiner Frau experimentiert ,
    _..<.. Wie viele Tintenpatronen haben Sie ausprobiert .. welche haben nicht funktioniert? ..> - Ich habe 6 meiner Patronen ausprobiert. Die Patronen stammen aus 3 verschiedenen Quellen:-
    _ Ich habe neu im lokalen Geschäft gekauft -
    _ Ich habe neu im Internet -
    _ Ich habe auch zwei von einem kaputten Drucker - , ,

    Also habe ich 6 verschiedene Patronen von mir ausprobiert. (Alle sind original HP , , , , ). - Alle funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen meinen Druckern, - , , ,

    Die Patronen von Ihnen funktionieren immer noch in keinem meiner Drucker -


    Seit dem letzten Mal habe ich viele Male versucht... Auch habe ich es in einem anderen Drucker versucht. Außerdem habe ich weitere Patronen gekauft.
    Die meisten Patronen funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen Druckern, abgesehen von Ihren 2 Patronen, die immer noch in keinem Drucker funktionieren...
    _.. < stellen Sie sicher..die schwarze Abdeckung entfernt wurde, bevor Sie die Tinte installieren….. Wischen Sie die Chips und den Kontaktpunkt …> . - Ja, ich kenne das alles schon sehr gut und habe es schon oft versucht
    _..<.. Bersetzen Sie durch Ihre eigene Patrone, ob Problem verschwindet …> .. - Ja, ich habe viele meiner Patronen ausprobiert und das Problem ist dann immer verschwunden
    _...< Fotos der auf Ihrem Drucker angezeigten Fehlermeldung…> - rote lichter zeigen immer -
    _..< .. Foto zeigt Ihr Druckermodell ..> ich habe 2 . Eins benutze ich viel, , das andere ist eine Reserve und wird nicht viel verwendet ,
    Ich habe auch mit dem meiner Frau experimentiert ,
    _..<.. Wie viele Tintenpatronen haben Sie ausprobiert .. welche haben nicht funktioniert? ..> - Ich habe 6 meiner Patronen ausprobiert. Die Patronen stammen aus 3 verschiedenen Quellen:-
    _ Ich habe neu im lokalen Geschäft gekauft -
    _ Ich habe neu im Internet -
    _ Ich habe auch zwei von einem kaputten Drucker - , ,

    Also habe ich 6 verschiedene Patronen von mir ausprobiert. (Alle sind original HP , , , , ). - Alle funktionieren die meiste Zeit in allen meinen Druckern, - , , ,

    Die Patronen von Ihnen ( , ) funktionieren immer noch in keinem meiner Drucker -


  9. #499
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of these forum Threads:

    Sub GetPicturesFromWordDocument() '
    Dim strFile As String, strFileType As String, strPath As String, strOriginalFile As String, strDocumentName As String
    Dim lngLoop As Long
     Let strFileType = "*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.bmp" 'Split with semi-colon if you want to specify more file types
     Let strOriginalFile = ActiveDocument.FullName
     Let strDocumentName = Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStrRev(ActiveDocument.Name, ".") - 1) ' The macro stores the current active document name ( but without the extension type) in strDocumentName. So if the active document was MyDoc.doc , then strDocumentName will have MyDoc in it.
     Let strPath = ActiveDocument.Path                                                       ' We also store the path to the current active document in strPath
     ActiveDocument.SaveAs strPath & "\" & strDocumentName, wdFormatHTML, , , , , True       ' The macro seems to save the active document under its existing name, at the existing place, but with the extension type changed to .htm , so you would have then the active document, if it was MyDoc.doc now saved as MyDoc.htm - …. It is not clear to me why that is being done??
        If Dir(strPath & "\MovedToHere", vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir strPath & "\MovedToHere"  ' The macro makes a folder, MovedToHere in the same place as where the current active document is. I have slightly modified this code line, to prevent it erroring if the folder already exists: It only makes the folder if the folder does not exist. - If you try to make a folder when it already exists, then that would chuck up an error
        For lngLoop = LBound(Split(strFileType, ";")) To UBound(Split(strFileType, ";")) ' ========================    The main outer loop is doing the following:   It is looping 4 times, going through all your file extension types, .png .jpeg .jpg and .bmp. ( The loop control variable, lngLoop , is going from 0 To 3 )    For each file extension type it is looking for files which are in a folder which, using the same example, would have a name like MyDoc_files . That folder is looked for at the same path as the current active document.So for example, the first loop is looking for files of the extension type .png in that folder
         Let strFile = Dir(strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & "_files\" & Split(strFileType, ";")(lngLoop))
            Do While strFile <> ""   '     The purpose of the Do While __ Loop _ loop is to keep going while you still find files of the extension type currently being looked for.
             Name strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & "_files\" & strFile As strPath & "\MovedToHere\" & "New " & strFile  '   Each of the files you find gets copied to folder, MovedToHere and has its name modified a bit to have the text "New " added at the start, like for example, Filex.png would become New Filex.png
             Let strFile = Dir  '   The use of Dir on its own, without any bracket ( ) stuff tells VBA to look again for the next file of the same type and in the same place that it looked the last time
        Next lngLoop ' ============================================================================================
     ActiveDocument.Close 0         ' Once we have finished doing all that copying, we close the current active document. It is not clear to me why that is being done. In particular it’s not clear to me why it is done at this point. We could have closed it immediately after we created it, since we have done nothing with it since creating it
     Documents.Open strOriginalFile ' We now open the original file we had open at the start of running the macro. Its not clear to me why we do that, other than maybe to get back to having the same file open and active that we had when we started running the macro.
     Kill strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & ".htm*"
        If Not Dir(strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & "_files\*.*") = "" Then Kill strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & "_files\*.*"  '    Kill strPath & "" & strDocumentName & "_files\*.*" could error , if, for example, you had only had files of the type .png .jpeg .jpg or .bmp originally in that folder with the name like MyDoc_files . The reason for that is because the VBA Name statement renames a file, in other words it moves , or in other words it copies the file to somewhere and then deletes the original. So effectively it will be removing all files of the type .png .jpeg .jpg or .bmp from that folder.     So I have modified that code line so that it only tries to delete files if there are any files there to delete. I expect the reason the code line is there is so that the next code line works. – This next code line, RmDir strPath & "" & strDocumentName & "_files" , tries to delete the original folder, and that code line would error if any files were in that folder.
     RmDir strPath & "\" & strDocumentName & "_files"                                                                                 '
    'strFile = vbNullString  '   These last few lines are not needed in VBA. These code lines were considered good practice in programming earlier, I think. Possibly they may have sometimes been needed previously. I am not sure.
    'strFileType = vbNullString
    'strPath = vbNullString
    'lngLoop = Empty
    End Sub

  10. #500
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some extra notes in support of this Thread post:
    Einige zusätzliche Hinweise zur Unterstützung dieses Thread-Beitrags:

    Anfangs, als Laie, dachte ich, dass eine Fritzbox keine Zugangsdaten braucht. Das war falsche. Aber hier erkläre ich warum ich das gedacht haben:

    Diese Screenshots zeigen einen typischen automatisierten Prozess, der beim ersten Anschließen eines neuen FRITZ!Box 7590 Routers startet

    und die letzten leeren Zugangsdatenfelder auch nach Neustarts leer bleiben.

    Aber der Router funktioniert, um Ihnen Internet zur Verfügung zu stellen, daher gehe ich davon aus, dass die verwendeten Zugangsdaten irgendwo innerhalb der Router an einem Ort gespeichert sind, auf den Sie keinen Zugriff haben.

    (Wenn Sie später Zugangsdaten manuell hinzufügen, werden die intern gespeicherten Zugangsdaten mit Ihren Eingaben überschrieben und Ihre Eingaben werden in diesen letzten Feldern später immer angezeigt.)

    Anfangs dachte ich fälschlicherweise, dass eine Fritzbox keine Zugangsdaten braucht.

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