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Thread: Appendix-Thread-Evaluate-Range-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)

  1. #521
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    In support of these forum posts

    'Version : 5.1.19041.1320
    'InstanceId : e165cf30-9ddd-49ed-96c7-59cca98516ee
    'UI:  System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
    'CurrentCulture:  DE -DE
    'CurrentUICulture:  DE -DE
    'PrivateData:  Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions
    'DebuggerEnabled : True
    'IsRunspacePushed : False
    'Runspace:  System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace
    Sub Services()  '
    ' PowerShell
    Dim PScmdLet As String, cmdLet As String
     'Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000"
     Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt' -Width 1000"
     Let PScmdLet = "powershell -command " & cmdLet  '
     CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec (PScmdLet)
    ' Get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                    '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt"   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundamental type data input...
     Let TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot receives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile                                               'Debug.Print TotalFile
     Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(0), "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' There seems to be a lot of  Chr(0)s  in the string
     'Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(255) & Chr(254) & vbCr & vbLf, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' this would tsake the first bit of crap out, (alternatively we can just take out the first line when split later by
    Close #FileNum
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(TotalFile)
    ' make a 1 D array of the text file lines
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' make array for output
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2, 1 To 3) ' we are ignoring the first 3 lines. The  UBound  of the 1 dimensional array is already 1 less then the lines we need because a 1 dimensional array starts at 0
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2
            If arrRws(Cnt + 2) = "" Then
            ' This should occur at the last empty rows, so we could consider jumping out of the loop here
            ' time to split the line string
            Dim Pos1 As Long: Let Pos1 = InStr(1, arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim Nme As String: Let Nme = Left(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos1 - 1)
            Dim Pos3 As Long: Let Pos3 = Len(arrRws(Cnt + 2)) - InStrRev(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim StrtTyp As String: Let StrtTyp = Right(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos3)
            Dim DispNme As String: Let DispNme = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Nme, "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Replace(DispNme, StrtTyp, "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Trim(DispNme)
            ' fill the array for output
             Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = Nme: arrOut(Cnt, 2) = DispNme: arrOut(Cnt, 3) = StrtTyp
            End If
        Next Cnt
    ' Chuck array into a spreadsheet
     Let ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PowerShell").Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 3).Value = arrOut()
    End Sub

    Edit Some issues…
    I messed up with a few things.
    _ the display name could be long and go up to the startuptype in the text file, which messed up the manipulation of a line of data from the text file a bit. For now I fiddled that by adding some spaces before the words used for the startuptype. A better solution will probably wait until I fully understand the PowerShell code line
    _ There seems to be some strange effects with something somewhere working too slow, too fast or not giving accurate information about if a text file is present. For now that is fiddled with some Waits , Dirs and a Kill. That will do for now, but that need to be looked at again when I understand better wots going on

    The next code version is in the next post

  2. #522
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Macro for this post

    'In support of these forum posts
    Sub Services2()  '
    ' kill the text file before I make it, because the code might otherwise use a previous one, as it takes a second or so to overwrite the old or make a new one
        Do While Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) <> ""
            If Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) <> "" Then Kill PathName:="" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt"
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
     DoEvents: DoEvents
    '                                 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) ' I am not sure why I had to do this. It should not be necerssary, without it the text file is empty  - maybe Dir says something is there before it is available to have???
    ' PowerShell
    Dim PScmdLet As String, cmdLet As String
     'Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000"
     Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt' -Width 2000"
     Let PScmdLet = "powershell -command " & cmdLet  '
     CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec (PScmdLet)
    ' we need to wait a bit until the text file is made
        Do While Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) = ""
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
     DoEvents: DoEvents ' I chucked this in, but did not really have any reason
     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02")) ' I am not sure why I had to do this. It should not be necerssary, without it the text file is empty  - maybe Dir says something is there before it is available to have???  01 seemed OK  -  I made it 2
    ' Get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                    '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt"   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundamental type data input...
     Let TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot receives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile                                               'Debug.Print TotalFile
     Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(0), "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' There seems to be a lot of  Chr(0)s  in the string
     'Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(255) & Chr(254) & vbCr & vbLf, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' this would tsake the first bit of crap out, (alternatively we can just take out the first line when split later by
    Close #FileNum
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(TotalFile)
    ' make a 1 D array of the text file lines
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' make array for output
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2, 1 To 3) ' we are ignoring the first 3 lines. The  UBound  of the 1 dimensional array is already 1 less then the lines we need because a 1 dimensional array starts at 0
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2
            If arrRws(Cnt + 2) = "" Then
            ' This should occur at the last empty rows, so we could consider jumping out of the loop here
            ' This is a bit of a temporary bodge as the  Display name  sometimes pushes up to the  startuptype  which screws up the string manipulation below
             Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Manual", "      Manual", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare): Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Automatic", "      Auotomatic", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare): Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Disabled", "      Disabled", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
            ' time to split the line string
            Dim Pos1 As Long: Let Pos1 = InStr(1, arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim Nme As String: Let Nme = Left(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos1 - 1)
            Dim Pos3 As Long: Let Pos3 = Len(arrRws(Cnt + 2)) - InStrRev(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim StrtTyp As String: Let StrtTyp = Right(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos3)
            Dim DispNme As String: Let DispNme = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Nme, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Replace(DispNme, StrtTyp, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Trim(DispNme)
            ' fill the array for output
             Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = Nme: arrOut(Cnt, 2) = DispNme: arrOut(Cnt, 3) = StrtTyp
            End If
        Next Cnt
    ' Chuck array into a spreadsheet
     Let ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PowerShell").Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 3).Value = arrOut()
    End Sub

  3. #523
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs
    HTML Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

    PHP Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls

    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible $true
    [string]$excelPath "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(11).Value "name" $excelWS.Cells.Item(12).Value "displayname"  $excelWS.Cells.Item(13).Value "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS 2
    ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Value $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS2).Value $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS3).Value $Service.StartType.ToString()
    $Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex 10 }
    $Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex }
    $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs 

     Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range(”A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
     $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
     $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host  "some error occurred"  }  
    finally {  $excel .Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

  4. #524
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs
    HTML Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

    PHP Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls

    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible $true
    [string]$excelPath "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(11).Value "name" $excelWS.Cells.Item(12).Value "displayname"  $excelWS.Cells.Item(13).Value "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS 2
    ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Value $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS2).Value $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS3).Value $Service.StartType.ToString()
    $Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex 10 }
    $Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex }
    $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs 

     Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range(”A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
     $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
     $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host  "some error occurred"  }  
    finally {  $excel .Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

  5. #525
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power
    Macro for this post

    'In support of these forum posts
    Sub Services2()  '
    ' kill the text file before I make it, because the code might otherwise use a previous one, as it takes a second or so to overwrite the old or make a new one
        Do While Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) <> ""
            If Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) <> "" Then Kill PathName:="" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt"
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
     DoEvents: DoEvents
    '                                 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")) ' I am not sure why I had to do this. It should not be necerssary, without it the text file is empty  - maybe Dir says something is there before it is available to have???
    ' PowerShell
    Dim PScmdLet As String, cmdLet As String
     'Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000"
     Let cmdLet = "Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt' -Width 2000"
     Let PScmdLet = "powershell -command " & cmdLet  '
     CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec (PScmdLet)
    ' we need to wait a bit until the text file is made
        Do While Dir("" & ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt", vbNormal) = ""
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
     DoEvents: DoEvents ' I chucked this in, but did not really have any reason
     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02")) ' I am not sure why I had to do this. It should not be necerssary, without it the text file is empty  - maybe Dir says something is there before it is available to have???  01 seemed OK  -  I made it 2
    ' Get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                    '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "test.txt"   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundamental type data input...
     Let TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot receives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile                                               'Debug.Print TotalFile
     Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(0), "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' There seems to be a lot of  Chr(0)s  in the string
     'Let TotalFile = Replace(TotalFile, Chr(255) & Chr(254) & vbCr & vbLf, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' this would tsake the first bit of crap out, (alternatively we can just take out the first line when split later by
    Close #FileNum
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(TotalFile)
    ' make a 1 D array of the text file lines
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' make array for output
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2, 1 To 3) ' we are ignoring the first 3 lines. The  UBound  of the 1 dimensional array is already 1 less then the lines we need because a 1 dimensional array starts at 0
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrRws()) - 2
            If arrRws(Cnt + 2) = "" Then
            ' This should occur at the last empty rows, so we could consider jumping out of the loop here
            ' This is a bit of a temporary bodge as the  Display name  sometimes pushes up to the  startuptype  which screws up the string manipulation below
             Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Manual", "      Manual", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare): Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Automatic", "      Auotomatic", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare): Let arrRws(Cnt + 2) = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "Disabled", "      Disabled", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
            ' time to split the line string
            Dim Pos1 As Long: Let Pos1 = InStr(1, arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim Nme As String: Let Nme = Left(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos1 - 1)
            Dim Pos3 As Long: Let Pos3 = Len(arrRws(Cnt + 2)) - InStrRev(arrRws(Cnt + 2), "  ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            Dim StrtTyp As String: Let StrtTyp = Right(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Pos3)
            Dim DispNme As String: Let DispNme = Replace(arrRws(Cnt + 2), Nme, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Replace(DispNme, StrtTyp, "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let DispNme = Trim(DispNme)
            ' fill the array for output
             Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = Nme: arrOut(Cnt, 2) = DispNme: arrOut(Cnt, 3) = StrtTyp
            End If
        Next Cnt
    ' Chuck array into a spreadsheet
     Let ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PowerShell").Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 3).Value = arrOut()
    End Sub

  6. #526
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs
    HTML Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

    PHP Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls

    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible $true
    [string]$excelPath "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(11).Value "name" $excelWS.Cells.Item(12).Value "displayname"  $excelWS.Cells.Item(13).Value "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS 2
    ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Value $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS2).Value $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS3).Value $Service.StartType.ToString()
    $Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex 10 }
    $Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex }
    $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs 

     Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range(”A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
     $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
     $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host  "some error occurred"  }  
    finally {  $excel .Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

  7. #527
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs
    HTML Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

    PHP Code:
    Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls

    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible $true
    [string]$excelPath "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(11).Value "name" $excelWS.Cells.Item(12).Value "displayname"  $excelWS.Cells.Item(13).Value "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS 2
    ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Value $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS2).Value $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS3).Value $Service.StartType.ToString()
    $Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex 10 }
    $Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex }
    $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
    $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host "some error occured" } ; finally {$excel.Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs 

     Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      #   This is very helpful when developing and debuging skript in the ISE, because the ISE has a habit of maintaining variables values between script executions, so this is needed, or else a removed variable may still be there - when fucking about with variables, this can get you in a very frustrating mess.    In technical terms: By default variables are persistant.
    #    Path I have used for my text file output 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt'    here full line      Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 2000
    #              and for Excel example file      C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls
    try # Most of the main coding is in a  try  section  ==============================================================================
    {[object]$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application     #
    $excel.Visible = $true
    [string]$excelPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\PowerShellAshishRajFeedback.xls"
    $excelWB = $excel.workbooks.Open($excelPath)
    # Worksheets info
    $excelWS.Activate() #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
    $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 1).Value = "name" ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 2).Value = "displayname"  ; $excelWS.Cells.Item(1, 3).Value = "starttype"
    # write in service
    [int]$rowWS = 2
        ForEach($Service in Get-Service) { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Value = $Service.Name.ToString()  ;  $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 2).Value = $Service.DisplayName.ToString()   ;   $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 3).Value = $Service.StartType.ToString()
            If($Service.Status -eq "Running") { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range(”A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 }
            elseif($Service.Status -eq "Stopped")  { $excelWS.Cells.Item($rowWS, 1).Range("A1:C1").Font.ColorIndex = 3 }
        $rowWS++      }  
    $excelWS.Cells.Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.AutoFit() #  Tidy up column widths
    # $excelWB.SaveAs($excelPath)
     $excelWB.Save()     #  It seems that in PowerShell script an extra  ()  is needed
     $excel.Quit()       } # =============================================================================================================
    catch   {  Write-Host  "some error occurred"  }  
    finally {  $excel .Quit() }    #  this section will be done if an error occurs

  8. #528
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    10 9ZBy1PrRmM89ZEE6b4w03-       7       13        

  9. #529
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this post
    Security tweaks
    #   Will like XP or Win7  Disable Windows Defender  Disable Defender Updates  Set UAC to Never Prompt  Disable Meltdown Flag  Disable Windows Malware Scan
        Write-Host "Lowering UAC level..."
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Type DWord -Value 0
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "PromptOnSecureDesktop" -Type DWord -Value 0
        Write-Host "Disabling Windows Defender..."
    	If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender")) {
    		New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Force | Out-Null
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Name "DisableAntiSpyware" -Type DWord -Value 1
    	If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -eq 14393) {
    		Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "WindowsDefender" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    	} ElseIf ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 15063) {
    		Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "SecurityHealth" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Host "Disabling Windows Defender Cloud..."
    	If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet")) {
    		New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Force | Out-Null
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SpynetReporting" -Type DWord -Value 0
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SubmitSamplesConsent" -Type DWord -Value 2
        Write-Host "Disabling Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) compatibility flag..."
    	Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat" -Name "cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Host "Disabling Malicious Software Removal Tool offering..."
    	If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT")) {
    		New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT" | Out-Null
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT" -Name "DontOfferThroughWUAU" -Type DWord -Value 1
    	$wshell.Popup("Operation Completed",0,"Done",0x0)
    #   Enable Windows Malware Scan  Enable Meltdown Flag  Disable Windows Defender  Set UAC to Always Prompt  Disable Defender Updates      
        Write-Host "Raising UAC level..."
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Type DWord -Value 5
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "PromptOnSecureDesktop" -Type DWord -Value 1
        Write-Host "Disabling SMB 1.0 protocol..."
    	Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false -Force
        Write-Host "Enabling Windows Defender..."
    	Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Name "DisableAntiSpyware" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    	If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -eq 14393) {
    		Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "WindowsDefender" -Type ExpandString -Value "`"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe`""
    	} ElseIf ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 15063) {
    		Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "SecurityHealth" -Type ExpandString -Value "`"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe`""
        Write-Host "Enabling Windows Defender Cloud..."
    	Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SpynetReporting" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    	Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SubmitSamplesConsent" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Host "Disabling Windows Script Host..."
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" -Name "Enabled" -Type DWord -Value 0
        Write-Host "Enabling Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) compatibility flag..."
    	If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat")) {
    		New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat" | Out-Null
    	Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat" -Name "cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" -Type DWord -Value 0
        Write-Host "Enabling Malicious Software Removal Tool offering..."
    	Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MRT" -Name "DontOfferThroughWUAU" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    	$wshell.Popup("Operation Completed",0,"Done",0x0)

  10. #530
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    In support of this post
    The ps1 file, and also below the $WindowsSearch.Add_Click(
     Share ‘ChrisSearchTweaks18-19July.ps1
    iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
        Write-Host "Disabling Bing Search in Start Menu..."
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "BingSearchEnabled" -Type DWord -Value 0
        Write-Host "Disabling Cortana"
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "CortanaConsent" -Type DWord -Value 0
        If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search")) {
            New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search" -Force | Out-Null
        Write-Host "Hiding Search Box / Button..."
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "SearchboxTaskbarMode" -Type DWord -Value 0
        Write-Host "Removing Start Menu Tiles"
        Set-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -Value '<LayoutModificationTemplate xmlns:defaultlayout="" xmlns:start="" Version="1" xmlns="">'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '  <LayoutOptions StartTileGroupCellWidth="6" />'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '  <DefaultLayoutOverride>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '    <StartLayoutCollection>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '      <defaultlayout:StartLayout GroupCellWidth="6" />'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '    </StartLayoutCollection>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '  </DefaultLayoutOverride>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '    <CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '      <defaultlayout:TaskbarLayout>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '        <taskbar:TaskbarPinList>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '          <taskbar:UWA AppUserModelID="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge" />'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '          <taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\File Explorer.lnk" />'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '        </taskbar:TaskbarPinList>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '      </defaultlayout:TaskbarLayout>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '    </CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection>'
        Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\DefaultLayouts.xml' -value '</LayoutModificationTemplate>'
        $START_MENU_LAYOUT = @"
        <LayoutModificationTemplate xmlns:defaultlayout="" xmlns:start="" Version="1" xmlns:taskbar="" xmlns="">
            <LayoutOptions StartTileGroupCellWidth="6" />
                    <defaultlayout:StartLayout GroupCellWidth="6" />
        #Delete layout file if it already exists
        If(Test-Path $layoutFile)
            Remove-Item $layoutFile
        #Creates the blank layout file
        $START_MENU_LAYOUT | Out-File $layoutFile -Encoding ASCII
        $regAliases = @("HKLM", "HKCU")
        #Assign the start layout and force it to apply with "LockedStartLayout" at both the machine and user level
        foreach ($regAlias in $regAliases){
            $basePath = $regAlias + ":\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows"
            $keyPath = $basePath + "\Explorer" 
            IF(!(Test-Path -Path $keyPath)) { 
                New-Item -Path $basePath -Name "Explorer"
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $keyPath -Name "LockedStartLayout" -Value 1
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $keyPath -Name "StartLayoutFile" -Value $layoutFile
        #Restart Explorer, open the start menu (necessary to load the new layout), and give it a few seconds to process
        Stop-Process -name explorer
        Start-Sleep -s 5
        $wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.SendKeys('^{ESCAPE}')
        Start-Sleep -s 5
        #Enable the ability to pin items again by disabling "LockedStartLayout"
        foreach ($regAlias in $regAliases){
            $basePath = $regAlias + ":\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows"
            $keyPath = $basePath + "\Explorer" 
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $keyPath -Name "LockedStartLayout" -Value 0
        Write-Host "Search and Start Menu Tweaks Complete"
        } # This was missing 12 July 2021

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