This is post
Some notes in support of this main forum post
Good Lord, WTF is this… a punishment, I think
Sub M_snb() '
Dim c00 As String
c00 = "Mon, 04 Mrz 2024 08:48:08 GMT"
MsgBox CDate(Replace(Mid(c00, 6, 20), Mid(c00, 8, 5), "-" & Application.Match(Mid(c00, 9, 3), [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))], 0) & "-"))
End Sub
Let’s first break it down / open it up a little bit
CDate(Replace(Mid(c00, 6, 20), Mid(c00, 8, 5), "-" & Application.Match(Mid(c00, 9, 3), [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))], 0) & "-"))
Replace(Mid(c00, 6, 20), Mid(c00, 8, 5), "-" & Application.Match(Mid(c00, 9, 3), [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))], 0) & "-")
Mid(c00, 6, 20), Mid(c00, 8, 5), "-" & Application.Match(Mid(c00, 9, 3), [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))], 0) & "-"
Expression , find , replace , start, count, compare
Replace(expression, find, replace, start, count, compare )
So let’s look at this first Application.Match(Mid(c00, 9, 3), [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))], 0)
The array, [transpose(text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))]
The final thing it ends up with is a 1 D array , ( as we need for the .Match ) , which looks like
{"Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"}
The main thing there is the Excel TEXT function, which tries to return a text out of …._
_.... = TEXT( a number , the second argument is some recognised format )
For now I will have to believe that [$-407] means German dates and the mmm is likely what it always is in these date things: The month in 3 letters. The numbers generated are { 30, 60, 90 …. 360 }, so that is a nice way to get a day number for each month, so like we finally have, as example the second array element gives pseudo like
TEXT(60, [$-407]) = "Feb"
I might do the array a bit differently…
Let vTemp = Evaluate("30*row(1:12)") ' {30; 60; 90; 120; 150; 180; 210; 240; 270; 300; 330; "360"}
Let vTemp = Evaluate("text(30*row(1:12),""[$-407]mmm"")") ' "Jan"
Let vTemp = [text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm")] ' "Jan"
Let vTemp = Evaluate("if({1},text(30*row(1:12),""[$-407]mmm""))") ' {"Jan"; "Feb"; "Mrz"; "Apr"; "Mai"; "Jun"; "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Okt"; "Nov"; "Dez"}
Let vTemp = [IF({1},text(30*row(1:12),"[$-407]mmm"))] ' {"Jan"; "Feb"; "Mrz"; "Apr"; "Mai"; "Jun"; "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Okt"; "Nov"; "Dez"}
Let vTemp = [TEXT(30*COLUMN(A:L),"[$-407]mmm")] ' "Jan"
Let vTemp = Evaluate("TEXT(30*COLUMN(A:L),""[$-407]mmm"")") ' "Jan"
Let vTemp = [IF({1},TEXT(30*COLUMN(A:L),"[$-407]mmm"))] ' {"Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"}
Let vTemp = Evaluate("IF({1},TEXT(30*COLUMN(A:L),""[$-407]mmm""))") ' {"Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"}
' So what we got is a 1 D array of the months as Excel has them for Germany