'Testies: NOT FINAL CODE --- TEST CODE FOR LATER REFERRENCE ! TEST ! --- Testies to you '_-
' Code for approximately Posts: 14 - 23
Sub IJAdjustLAddTotalAllWorksheetCode3() '
Rem 1) Workbooks Info.
Dim Wb As Workbook ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Dim wsStear As Worksheet ' Used for each Worksheet counting Tabs from left from 1 To Total
Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
'Const TDays As Long = 30 'Total days just taken as 30 ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Dim Dte As Date, DteNo As Long ' I am hoping Dte will sort out getting a date in a format that I can use the Weekday function to see what week day it is and get that as a nuumber to check for..
Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
'3a) main Loop start=====================================================
For Cnt = 1 To Wb.Worksheets.Count ' The Worksheets collection Object Property returns the number of worksheet items in the Workbook
Set wsStear = Wb.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' At each loop the variable is set to the current Worksheet counting from the Cnt'ths tab from left
Dim lr As Long ' Used for last row number in column E
Let lr = wsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
Let lr = 30 ' maybe nelson means thÃs ? "...For all Month no. of days we take as 30 only..."
Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = wsStear.Range("A1") ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
'3b) Data arrays from worksheet. We need columns E H I J .... Date ( Column E ) and Total hrs ( Column H ) are required to use in calculations
Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 or .value Property is applied a Range object which presents the Value or Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' I ' Normal Hrs ( Column I ) are needed as they must be set to zero for Holy ?? Holidays ?? Friday ??
Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' J ' Overtime ( Column J ) is needed as it will be changed and then used in calculations
Dim arrTotHrs() As Variant ' ,' ## ' arrDteClr() As Variant
Let arrTotHrs() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 7).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' H ' ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. )
' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary. Also 1 breadth Arrays due to Alan Intercept theory are held in such a ways as to be very effient in usage of values within
Dim arrL() As String 'I know the size, but must make it dynamic as Dim declaration only takes numbers, and so I use ReDim method below wehich can also take variables or formulas
ReDim arrL(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1) ' Any array first dimension ("row") will do
Dim arrAbscentK() As String 'K column to have ABSCENT in for person Abscent on not Holiday
ReDim arrAbscentK(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1)
'Must Loop to get interior color as this will not work. ' ## ' Let arrDteClr() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Interior.Color ' because .Interior property for a Range object shows only one value for the entire range which seems to be zero unless all the cells have a colour
Dim arrDteClr() As Double, rngDts As Range
Set rngDts = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1)
Dim Rws As Long: ReDim arrDteClr(1 To lr, 1 To 1) ' so must loop in each Interior color value
For Rws = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 'InnerLoop for dates background colors
Let arrDteClr(Rws, 1) = rngDts.Item(Rws, "A").Interior.Color
Next Rws
'3c) Inner loop for rows
Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
Dim ValidHoliday As Boolean: Let ValidHoliday = True 'Assume for now Holiday days are valid for Holiday adjustments
For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 '------------------- For "rows" in data arrays
'3d) We need to check Interior color, and a few other things, Adjust columns I and J so that column I has no hours for holiday day and total hours goes to over time hours with criteria 9 or less than 9 hrs all total hours added overtime, 10 or above 10 hrs one hour deducted from total hours and added to column J ..... and add a H or N in helper column K
If arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then ' We have a Holiday, ...but... have some other checks
If Not (ShtCnt = 1 Or ShtCnt = UBound(arrDteClr(), 1)) Then ' ....but... Possible futher checks for not adjusting Normal Total Hrs to overtime and remove normal Hrs
'It is possible to check for absent before and after current day
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt - 1, 1) <> Empty And arrTotHrs(ShtCnt + 1, 1)) <> Empty Then '...." is deducted if the person does not come the day before and after the holiday..."....
Let ValidHoliday = False
Let ValidHoliday = True
End If
Else 'It is not possible for absence before AND after to check for absence as one will lie in last or next month
End If ' We remmain at default or last set true or just set true
'We had Holiday ...
If ValidHoliday = True Then ' ...and all conditions for valid Holiday pay adjustments
'Conditions met to adjust make all of 1 less of Normal Hrs to overtime
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) <= 9 Then '(i) If Total Hrs are less than or equal to 9 ,Then all Total Hrs are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) ' Given To ' Added to arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1)
ElseIf (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) > 9 Then ' (ii) If Total Hrs are less greater than 9 , Then ( Total Hrs - 1 ) are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 ' Given To ' arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 'Added to 1 hr less overtime for more than 9 hrs worked
End If
Let arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty ' (iii) As array is variant type can empty Remove normal Hrs Array for(Column I) is then set tom zerow for this "row"o
Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "H" ' ' (iv)H Give string, "" value of H for Holiday in Admin's help column
Else ' We had a Holiday but abscence before and after, we need
Let ValidHoliday = True 'we need to reset to true
End If
Else ' No Holy Holiday
Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "N" ' give string N for normal ' (iv)N
End If
If arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty And Not arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then Let arrAbscentK(ShtCnt, 1) = "ABSENT" ' column K absent days should be marked as ABSENT.
'3e) ' from last code, is not now used to calculate totals
Next ShtCnt '--------------------------End Inner loop for rows-----
'3f) Paste out final Totals and days to current Worksheet
Let wsStear.Range("G34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""N"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("J34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""H"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("C34").Value = "=COUNT(F1:F31)" ' TDays ' The constant value of Total days is simply added to cell C34
'3g) Normal Hrs ( Column I ) and Overtime Hrs ( Column J ) are changed ' And can paste out help column if you like
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInOver() ' J ' The required spreadsheet cells range has its Range Object .Value2 values filled an allowed direct assignment to an array of values
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInNorm() ' I
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 11).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrL() ' L
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 10).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrAbscentK() ' K
'3h) Set Booleans for
Next Cnt '==End main Loop==============================================
End Sub