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Thread: Appendix Thread. 3 *

  1. #511
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    header1 header2 A Header Last Column Header
    SubItem SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 0 and an Item idenitfier/name of 345
    SubItem SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 1 and an Item idenitfier/name of 232
    SubItem SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 2 and an Item idenitfier/name of 36

    header1 header2 A Header Last Column Header
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This brown thing is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 0 and an Item idenitfier/name of 345
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This blue thing is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 1 and an Item idenitfier/name of 232
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This purple thing is a ListView Item. It has an Item number of 2 and an Item idenitfier/name of 36

    header1 header2 A Header Last Header <-- This bit with the created “column” is part of the main ListView object
    0\ 345
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This brown thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 0,
    and an Item identifier/name of 345
    1\ 232
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This blue thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 1,
    and an Item identifier/name of 232
    2\ 36
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This purple thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 2
    and an Item identifier/name of 36
    In the above schematic we are showing 4 objects. The last three belong to the first one, ( after they have been ned to it ).
    The values in the first column somehow belong to the main ListView object.
    SubItems are Added to the ListViewItems
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  2. #512
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this Thread

    Vertical to Horizontal,
    This to this

    Part 1 The main data Vertical to Horizontal
    An idea I have is to build up the single string that we know can be put into the Windows Clipboard, and then pasted out into Excel. ( )
    I basically build that up with some Do While Loopy stuff

    The Full Story
    The usual worksheets defining and data getting information stuff.
    ( We capture one extra empty row, because, past experience with these sort of Do While Loopy stuff has shown that it can help simplify some conditional comparison things and/ or help prevent arrays doing out of bounds by one row.

    Rem 1
    The purpose of this is to get that maximum Amounts or Notes count, ( the biggest group ) ( which is 4 in the given example )
    But its worth looking at how that works since the basic Do While Loop is then used in the next main ( Rem 2 ) section.
    The #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
    Within that the ' ---- Inner Loop that takes us through a group
    This loop adds the things in the group, and after each loop is finished we check If the count was the biggest group so far.

    Rem 2
    This is the main meat of the solution.
    First, exactly as before we have a #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows

    Within that Main Outer Loop we now have 2 inner loops.
    The '2a The first inner loop one does something similar to before. It loops for a group. This time within it we build up two strings that we need for a line in the output.
    As example, for the first group we are basically trying to build up these two strings, ( Just before we start that loop, we tack onto the string at the start the group name, which is A in the first group example.
    This is what we would see, for example in the immediate window, for querying the string content after, in this example, the the loops for that inner loop
     ?  strClipL
    A   vbTab  10 vbTab     20 vbTab     30  
    ?    strClipR
      vbTab    N1  vbTab  N2  vbTab  N3
    ( For the sake of clarity I use a vbTab to indicate the “invisible” vbTab characters, which is actually on those strings )
    The purpose of '2b the second inner loop is to ,( if necessary ), give us effectively extra empty cells, ( achieved by adding a vbTab of the strings.
    Using the same example, we would see that the loop is needed to be done once, and at the end of that single loop, our strings are modifies such:
     ?  strClipL
    A   vbTab  10 vbTab     20 vbTab     30   vbTab  
    ?    strClipR
      vbTab    N1  vbTab  N2  vbTab  N3  vbTab 
    At this point we combine the two strings and add a line separator so that this row data can be added onto by the next row data
    So as to be sure what I have and demonstrate it more clearly, I added a line in testing which calls a function of mine , ( ) , which checks that line screen,
    Here is the result
    "A" & vbTab & "10" & vbTab & "20" & vbTab & "30" & vbTab & vbTab & "N1" & vbTab & "N2" & vbTab & "N3" & vbTab & vbTab & "GroupA" & vbCr & vbLf
    That looks about correct.

    Doing a few other tests, suggest to me that I have the final result that I need:
     ? strclip
    A   10  20  30      N1  N2  N3      GroupA
    B   40  50  60  70  N4  N5  N6  N7  GroupB
    C   80              N8              GroupC
    D   90  100         N9  N10         GroupD
    "A" & vbTab & "10" & vbTab & "20" & vbTab & "30" & vbTab & vbTab & "N1" & vbTab & "N2" & vbTab & "N3" & vbTab & vbTab & "GroupA" & vbCr & vbLf & "B" & vbTab & "40" & vbTab & "50" & vbTab & "60" & vbTab & "70" & vbTab & "N4" & vbTab & "N5" & vbTab & "N6" & vbTab & "N7" & vbTab & "GroupB" & vbCr & vbLf & "C" & vbTab & "80" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "N8" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "GroupC" & vbCr & vbLf & "D" & vbTab & "90" & vbTab & "100" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "N9" & vbTab & "N10" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "GroupD" & vbCr & vbLf

    ' Ref

    ' VBA to clear the Office Clipboard

  3. #513
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Coding so far , for last post,

    Sub Stantial()
    Rem 0 data
    Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Dim RngPlus1 As Range
     Set RngPlus1 = Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1, Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count)
    Dim vArr() As Variant: Let vArr() = RngPlus1.Value2
    Rem 1 determine the biggest group ( that maximum Amounts or Notes count )
    Dim Cnt As Long, Cnt2 As Long, Mx As Long: Let Mx = 1: Let Cnt = 1
        Do  '            ############################# Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
            Do  '                           -----------------  Inner Loop that takes us through a group
             Let Cnt = Cnt + 1 ' Cnt is the main data row number
             Let Cnt2 = Cnt2 + 1
            Loop While vArr(Cnt + 1, 1) = vArr(Cnt, 1) ' ----  Inner Loop that takes us through a group
            If Cnt2 > Mx Then Let Mx = Cnt2
         Let Cnt2 = 0
        Loop While Cnt < UBound(vArr(), 1) - 1 '  #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
    Rem 2 '            ############################# Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
     Let Cnt = 1
        Dim HrCnt As Long: Let HrCnt = 1
        Dim strClipR As String, strClipL As String: Let strClipL = strClipL & vArr(Cnt + 1, 1)
            Do                                         '2a The first inner loop
             Let Cnt = Cnt + 1
             Let HrCnt = HrCnt + 1
             Let strClipL = strClipL & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 2)
             Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 3)
            Loop While vArr(Cnt + 1, 1) = vArr(Cnt, 1) '   The first inner loop
            Do While HrCnt < Mx + 1                    '2b the second inner loop
             Let strClipL = strClipL & vbTab
             Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab
             Let HrCnt = HrCnt + 1
            Loop                                       '   the second inner loop
        '2c Finishing off the strings, and final string for an output line, after the inner loops
         Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 4) ' add the group name
        Dim strClip As String: Let strClip = strClip & strClipL & strClipR & vbCr & vbLf  ' join the strings and add a line seperator to the output row string
        'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strClip)
        Let strClipL = "": strClipR = ""
        Loop While Cnt < UBound(vArr(), 1) - 1 '  #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
     'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strClip)
    '2d paste  strClip  out via the windows Clipboard
    Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")   '
     objDataObject.SetText Text:=strClip
     Ws1.Paste Destination:=Ws1.Range("G2")
    End Sub
   bC 8o bu 4T 1E nR

  4. #514
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Spare post for later

    Row\Col A B C D
    1 Numbers ID Date
    2 12345 22 01/03/2022
    3 12345 22 01/03/2022
    4 12345 22 01/03/2022
    5 12345 22 01/03/2022
    6 12345 22 01/05/2022
    7 12345 22 01/05/2022
    8 12345 22 01/06/2022
    9 12345 22 01/06/2022
    10 12345 22 04/02/2022
    11 12345 22 04/02/2022
    12 12345 22 04/02/2022
    13 12345 22 04/03/2022
    14 12345 22 04/03/2022
    15 12345 22 04/04/2022
    16 23456 22 01/03/2022
    17 23456 22 01/03/2022
    18 23456 22 01/03/2022
    19 23456 22 01/04/2022
    20 23456 22 01/04/2022
    Worksheet: Data

    And this is your results.

    Row\Col A B C D E F G
    1 Number ID Start Date End Date Days Working Days
    2 12345 22 01/03/2022 04/04/2022 92 64 Incorrect
    3 23456 22 01/03/2022 01/04/2022 2 1
    7 12345 22 01/03/2022 01/06/2022 4 3 Correct
    8 12345 22 04/02/2022 04/04/2022 3 0
    Worksheet: Result

    It is impossible to understand why you have more than one result for 12345

  5. #515
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Following on from posts,

    The header row,
    Group Amount1 Amount2 Amount3 Amount4 Notes1 Notes2 Notes3 Notes4 Name
    , we could make partially dynamic, as is needed, since we don’t know the maximum number of amounts ( = maximum number of Notes ) , before seeing the data.

    We do have the information needed, since Mx contains, in our current example, the required value of 4

    Evaluate Range techniques are a convenient way to get these sort of things.

    We start by considering spreadsheet formulas such as this,
    ={"Amount" & COLUMN(A1:D1)}
    , which returns us an array, which applied across a range , would give us like
    Amount1 Amount2 Amount3 Amount4

    Taking that general idea and a few other steps we can finally get at our heading like in this demo coding
    Sub MakeHeadings()
    Dim Mx As Long: Let Mx = 4
    Dim Amounts() As Variant
     Let Amounts() = Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A1:D1)")
     Let Amounts() = Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:D)")
     Let Amounts() = Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & "D" & ")")
    ' We need to get   D  from what we know,  Mx
    Dim vTemp As Variant
     vTemp = Cells(1, 4).Address
     vTemp = Split(vTemp, "$", 3, vbBinaryCompare)
     vTemp = vTemp(1)
    ' Or
     vTemp = Split(Cells(1, 4).Address, "$", 3, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
    ' Or
     vTemp = Split(Cells(1, 4).Address, "$")(1)
     vTemp = Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1)
    Let Amounts() = Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & vTemp & ")")
    Let Amounts() = Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")")
    ' We want this array as a string with   vbTabs seperating the array elements
    Dim strAmounts As String
     Let strAmounts = Join(Amounts(), vbTab)
     Let strAmounts = Join(Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab)
    ' similarly for the  notes
    Dim strNotes As String
     Let strNotes = Join(Evaluate("=""Note"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab)
    ' To get our final heading string,
    Dim strHd As String
     Let strHd = "Group" & vbTab & Join(Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab) & vbTab & Join(Evaluate("=""Note"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab) & vbTab & "Notes"
    Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")   '
     objDataObject.SetText Text:=strHd
    Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
     Ws1.Paste Destination:=Ws1.Range("G1")
    End Sub

    In the next post , , is that integrated into the main coding in Rem 3

  6. #516
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Coding for these posts

    Sub Stantially()
    Rem 0 data
    Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Dim RngPlus1 As Range
     Set RngPlus1 = Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1, Ws1.Cells.Item(1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count)
    Dim vArr() As Variant: Let vArr() = RngPlus1.Value2
    Rem 1 determine the biggest group ( that maximum Amounts or Notes count )
    Dim Cnt As Long, Cnt2 As Long, Mx As Long: Let Mx = 1: Let Cnt = 1
        Do  '            ############################# Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
            Do  '                           -----------------  Inner Loop that takes us through a group
             Let Cnt = Cnt + 1 ' Cnt is the main data row number
             Let Cnt2 = Cnt2 + 1
            Loop While vArr(Cnt + 1, 1) = vArr(Cnt, 1) ' ----  Inner Loop that takes us through a group
            If Cnt2 > Mx Then Let Mx = Cnt2
         Let Cnt2 = 0
        Loop While Cnt < UBound(vArr(), 1) - 1 '  #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
    Rem 2 '            ############################# Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
     Let Cnt = 1
        Dim HrCnt As Long: Let HrCnt = 1
        Dim strClipR As String, strClipL As String: Let strClipL = strClipL & vArr(Cnt + 1, 1)
            Do                                         '2a The first inner loop
             Let Cnt = Cnt + 1
             Let HrCnt = HrCnt + 1
             Let strClipL = strClipL & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 2)
             Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 3)
            Loop While vArr(Cnt + 1, 1) = vArr(Cnt, 1) '   The first inner loop
            Do While HrCnt < Mx + 1                    '2b the second inner loop
             Let strClipL = strClipL & vbTab
             Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab
             Let HrCnt = HrCnt + 1
            Loop                                       '   the second inner loop
        '2c Finishing off the strings, and final string for an output line, after the inner loops
         Let strClipR = strClipR & vbTab & vArr(Cnt, 4) ' add the group name
        Dim strClip As String: Let strClip = strClip & strClipL & strClipR & vbCr & vbLf  ' join the strings and add a line seperator to the output row string
        'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strClip)
        Let strClipL = "": strClipR = ""
        Loop While Cnt < UBound(vArr(), 1) - 1 '  #### Main Outer Loop keeps us going through all data rows
     'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strClip)
    '2d paste  strClip  out via the windows Clipboard
    Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")   '
     objDataObject.SetText Text:=strClip
     Ws1.Paste Destination:=Ws1.Range("G2")
    Rem 3 headers
    Dim strHd As String
     Let strHd = "Group" & vbTab & Join(Evaluate("=""Amount"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab) & vbTab & Join(Evaluate("=""Note"" & COLUMN(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Mx).Address, "$")(1) & ")"), vbTab) & vbTab & "Name"
     objDataObject.SetText Text:=strHd
     Ws1.Paste Destination:=Ws1.Range("G1")
    End Sub

  7. #517
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some extra notes for this main forum post:

    This is a sample input,

    _____ Workbook: Split- Copy.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    1,2,3,4 t,y,u,m
    Worksheet: Sheet2Original

    This is what I want out

    _____ Workbook: Split- Copy.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Worksheet: Sheet2

    I want to do this sort of thing,

    __ arrOut()= App.Index(arrIn(), Rws(), Clms())

    The arrIn() in this case will be all the input data. Conveniently, we can join the two cell values with a comma then split all that by comma to get a single array, {1 2 3 4 t y u m }
    Then we need the Rws() like this
    1 1
    1 1
    1 1
    1 1

    and the Clms() like this
    1 5
    2 6
    3 7
    4 8

    Sub SplitData4()
    Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet2")
    Dim strDta As String: Let strDta = Ws2.Range("A2").Value & "," & Ws2.Range("B2").Value
    Dim arrIn() As String
     Let arrIn() = Split(strDta, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' Or
     arrIn() = Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")
    Dim Rws() As Variant
     Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:4)/Row(1:4)*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)")
     Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")/Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)")
    Dim Clms() As Variant
     Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:4)+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
     Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
    Dim arrOut() As Variant
     Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), Rws(), Clms())
     Let Ws2.Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = arrOut()
    ' Or
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = arrOut()
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), Rws(), Clms())
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")/Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)"), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ","), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")/Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)"), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
    End Sub
    Sub StantiallyBeautiful() '
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ","), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")/Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)"), Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
    End Sub

    In actual fact, we can simplify things a bit , since Intersexual interception theory tells us that if Excel is looking for the indicies of this form
    A b
    C d
    E f
    G h

    , but we only give it
    , then it will see this instead
    1 1
    1 1
    1 1
    1 1

    So that means we can replace Rws() with just 1
    So that all simplifies it a bit…
    Sub SplitData4b()
    Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet2")
    Dim strDta As String: Let strDta = Ws2.Range("A2").Value & "," & Ws2.Range("B2").Value
    Dim arrIn() As String
     Let arrIn() = Split(strDta, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' Or
     arrIn() = Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")
    'Dim Rws() As Variant
    ' Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:4)/Row(1:4)*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)")
    ' Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")/Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")*Column(A:B)/Column(A:B)")
    Dim Clms() As Variant
     Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:4)+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
     Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
    Dim arrOut() As Variant
    ' Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), Rws(), Clms())
     Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Clms())
     Let Ws2.Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = arrOut()
    ' Or
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = arrOut()
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Clms())
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
    End Sub
    Sub StantiallyBeautifulb() '
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = Application.Index(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Range("A2").Value & "," & Range("B2").Value, ",")) + 1) / 2 & ")"))
    End Sub

  8. #518
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    some more notes on it....

    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  9. #519
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    This is post

    Some more notes related to these posts

    Making it more flexible / dynamic, most for academic interest and aesthetic Pleasure

    The code is flexible already in terms of the number of elements in each cell, ( but note The macro assumes the cells all have the same number of elements - like __ 1,2,3,4 __ t,y,u,m __ 5,6,7,8 __ a,b,c,d )
    This post extends the flexibility to a dynamic number of cells used. ( While I was writing this, the OP asked for a mod to increase the used cells from 2 to 4, so a flexible solution is , as often, worthwhile )

    We almost certainly need to know how many cells we have, and the usual way is done to get that,
    __ Lc = Ws1.Cells(2, Ws1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    Join an array of the cells
    The key to the new flexible solution is to Join the elements of an array with a comma, where the elements are the cell values, which themselves are separated already with a comma. (So then as previously, we then finally have a single string of comma separated values, which we , as previously split by a comma, to give us our single array of all data values.
    Initially we can get an array of cell values from applying the .Value property to our multi cell range.
    Something of this sort of form, for example, for if we had 4 cells in the second row,
    _________arrCels2D1Row() = Ws1.Range("A2:D2").Value2
    A small snag here is that the array returned by the .Value property, is a 1 row, 2 Dimensional array, ( a pseudo “horizontal” , “single width” array) but the VBA strings Join function only accepts a 1 dimensional array. However, it’s a strange characteristic of VBA that many things if they are asked to return something in the orientation of pseudo “horizontal” , “single width” , then they return a 1 Dimensional array: It seems that somehow the internal workings often relate a row orientation to a single dimensional array. ( This is convenient to think about, as is the idea of pseudo “horizontal” , “single width” , since in the case of a 1 dimensional array we often write it in a line like {1, 2, 3, 6, "z"} , but we should remember that strictly speaking academically orientation in arrays is subjective. )
    As example this seemingly redundant code line takes the first row from our single row 2 Dimensional array: Seemingly useless, but in fact it returns the 1 Dimensional array of cell values, as we require, -
    ___ arrCels1D() = Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0)
    ___ ___ - Effectively that converts a 2 Dimensional 1 row array into a 1 Dimensional array, and why VBA has that sort of strange characteristic thing is not clearly known

    After this, we simply modify the previous solutions to replace some hard coded values with the dynamic Lc: For example we see the number 2 used frequently, when we originally had 2 cells, and this will likely need to be replaced by Lc, and correspondingly we used B in places where this will likely need to be replaced by the column letter corresponding to column Lc

    Unfortunately, the final single code line does not quite fit on one line, but it is one code line, but needs to be split to get it in the VB Editor
    Sub PrettydammBeautiful()
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = _
     Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
    End Sub
    Here the full story: see next post

  10. #520
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Here is the full workings for the last macro from the last post
    Sub SplitDataFlexibly() '
    Rem 1 worksheets data info
    Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
    Dim Lc As Long: Let Lc = Ws1.Cells(2, Ws1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column: Lc = Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Rem 2 create a 1 Dimensional array of all data
    Dim LCL As String: Let LCL = Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$", 3, vbBinaryCompare)(1): LCL = Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) ' what we are doing is splitting like  $D$1  by the  $  and then taking the second element,  in the example that will be  D
    Dim arrCels2D1Row() As Variant: Let arrCels2D1Row() = Ws1.Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2
    Dim arrCels1D() As Variant: Let arrCels1D() = Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0)
    Dim strDta As String: Let strDta = Join(arrCels1D(), ",")                                        'Ws2.Range("A2").Value & "," & Ws2.Range("B2").Value
    Rem 3 Making previous solution dynamic, - requires changing  B  with  " & LCL & "   and some hard coded occurasnces  of  2  with   Lc
    Dim arrIn() As String
     Let arrIn() = Split(strDta, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    ' Or
     arrIn() = Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ",")
    Dim Clms() As Variant
     ' the next lines, used in previous example. is for the case of two cells, so we need to change some hard coded stuff to make the solution dynamic. ' Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:4)+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
     ' Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")+((Column(A:B)-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2 & ")")
      Let Clms() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")")
    Dim arrOut() As Variant
     Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Clms())
    ' Let Ws2.Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / 2, 2).Value = arrOut() ' This was the case for 2 cells
     Let Ws1.Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = arrOut()
    ' Or
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = arrOut()
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Clms())
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(arrIn(), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(arrIn()) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(arrCels1D(), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & LCL & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Ws1.Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc, Lc).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Lc & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(arrCels2D1Row(), 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & LCL & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
    ' Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Lc).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
     Range("A2").Resize((UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = _
     Application.Index(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ","), 1, Evaluate("=Row(1:" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")+((Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & ")-1)*" & (UBound(Split(Join(Application.Index(Range("A2:" & Split(Cells(1, Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Address, "$")(1) & "2").Value2, 1, 0), ","), ",")) + 1) / Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column & ")"))
    End Sub
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