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  1. #521
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    First overcomplicated Solution

    Quote Originally Posted by adeel1 post_id=297073 time=1657888942 user_id=7609
    .... in real these values will go to another WBK.
    or now just one question, "public" will always declare for userfrom means storing value either within WBK or for Other WBK.
    Quote Originally Posted by HansV post_id=297076 time=1657891714 user_id=53
    Public means that the variable will be "known" in all code modules of the same workbook, but not in code modules in other open workbooks. .
    If Public variables are being the things that go in a normal code module, as I think they are, technically, or officially, or words to that effect, then that is the case that they won’t be known in other workbooks.
    In other words, for the purposes of what is going on here, it means you will need to be storing them in the same workbook, as Hans said, and how he demonstrated.

    However, you can do something that technically is not involving Public variables, but as far as I can tell, to all intents and purposes, is in effect the same thing as if you could have those Public variable in a different workbook.

    The short story is:
    Instead of putting the two public variables in a standard normal code module, ( in the same workbook) as Hans did, we can put them in any Class object code module in any open workbook. Technically they are not called Public variables. They are , I think, properties of the instantiated Class object, and we can access them, in the usual way that we access properties of an object.

    The full story

    I have another workbook uploaded, PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls . That is just to hold these variables. (I will call them “pseudo” Public variables, just because I feel like it ),
    I can put them in any Class object code module, but just for fun, I will put C1 in a worksheet code module, and C2 in the ThisWorkbook code module.

    So, this is what Hans did, public variables in a standard normal module like
    Standard module, Module1
     Public C1 As String
    Public C2 As String
    Instead of doing that , I will put those variables in Class object code modules in PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls, like this:

    Worksheet code module, Sheet1
     Public C1 As String
    Sub PhilC1(ByVal Wrd As String)
     Let C1 = Wrd
    End Sub
    Workbook code module, ThisWorkbook
     Public C2 As String
    Sub PhilC2(ByVal Wrd As String)
     Let C2 = Wrd
    End Sub
    *** The reason for those extra macros that fill the variables will be apparent shortly….

    Sample for Eli.xlsm
    I need to modify now the workbook uploaded by Hans, in 3 main ways:
    _(i) I don’t need the two public variables in a standard normal code module anymore
    _(ii) I need to modify slightly how I reference the variables
     Sub Fi_l()
     'Let Range("A2").Resize(10).Value = C1
     Let Range("A2").Resize(10).Value = Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").C1
     'let Range("B2").Resize(10).Value = C2
     Let Range("B2").Resize(10).Value = Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").C2
    End Sub
    _(iii) Filling the variable is slightly more tricky. As far as I know, I can’t easily directly fill them from a macro in Sample for Eli.xlsm. - ***Edit: not true - see next post!! But I can run those extra macros*** that fill the variables, from Sample for Eli.xlsm
    So to do that I modify the coding in the UserForm thus, ( for the purposes of this demo, I assume the two workbooks are stored in the same place):
     Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Select Case Me.CheckBox1
         Case True
          'C1 = "yes"
          Application.Run Macro:="'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls'!Sheet1.PhilC1", Arg1:="Yus"
        End Select
        Select Case Me.CheckBox2
         Case True
          'C2 = "yes"
          Application.Run Macro:="'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls'!ThisWorkbook.PhilC2", Arg1:="Ja"
        End Select
     Unload Me
     Call Sheet2.Fi_l
    End Sub

    That’s it. So download both files, store them in the same place, and then the coding in Sample for Eli.xlsm should work as before. The only difference is that you are using the “pseudo” public variables in the workbook PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls

    _.________________________________________________ _____________________

    I have not seen this use of “pseudo” public variables much before, so there may be some reason I don’t know about why they should not be used??
    But I use them myself sometimes, and so far I have never seen them behave any differently to “proper” public variables

    ( I would just finally say that I don’t use public variables much myself, pseudo or otherwise, if I can find another way to do what I want. I don’t like public variables myself. For one reason: I find they have an annoying habit of getting emptied sometimes. )


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  2. #522
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Second simplified Solution

    I think in the first solution I made initially a mistake in trying to set the pseudo public variables, *** and so went off in a tangent using the Application.Run stuff. You don’t need any of that and can forget the two macros that fill the variables as well.

    You just need this

    Worksheet code module, Sheet1 ( in PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls )
     Public C1 As String
    Workbook code module, ThisWorkbook ( in PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls )
     Public C2 As String

    And then the other macros are like

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Select Case Me.CheckBox1
         Case True
          'C1 = "yes"
                                              '  Application.Run Macro:="'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls'!Sheet1.PhilC1", Arg1:="Yus"
         Let Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").C1 = "Yus"
        End Select
        Select Case Me.CheckBox2
         Case True
          'C2 = "yes"
                                              '  Application.Run Macro:="'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls'!ThisWorkbook.PhilC2", Arg1:="Ja"
         Let Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").C2 = "Ja"
        End Select
     Unload Me
     Call Sheet2.Fi_l
    End Sub
    Sub Fi_l()
     'Let Range("A2").Resize(10).Value = C1
     Let Range("A2").Resize(10).Value = Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").C1
     'let Range("B2").Resize(10).Value = C2
     Let Range("B2").Resize(10).Value = Workbooks("PurseWayDoughPublicVariables.xls").C2
    End Sub
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  3. #523
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some extra notes for this Thread:

    Hans Solution
    This is a nice solution which I totally misread, or rather in my ignorance, I did not understand.

    The main point I missed is…
    The solution assumes that the final solution actually has a 26 element 1 dimensional array, and the weight numbers in that array are sorted in alphabetical order, so that the first element represents the weight for “A” and the last Element represents the weight for “Z”, etc.
    ( So the array Letters() is redundant, and only the Weights() array is needed )
    Hans has kindly set me straight and explained where I was going wrong. The final working version of his solution is
    Sub Testit()
     MsgBox prompt:=Weight("ZAC")
    End Sub
    Public Function Weight(S As String) As Long '
    Dim Weights() As Variant  ' Letters() As Variant,
    Dim i As Long
    '    Letters = Array("A", "B", "C", ..., "Z")
    '    Weights = Array(1, 5, 3, ..., 2)
     '                     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
     Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2) ' Watch : - : Weights() :  : Variant/Variant(0 to 25) : Module1.Weight
        For i = 1 To Len(S)
         Let Weight = Weight + Weights(Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 65)
        Next i
    End Function
    How is that working:
    We are looping through each character, then doing something clever to get the running total. The clever bit is getting the array element
    To demonstrate that working consider a couple of examples for the case of a word having an A and a Z in it
    A has the Ascii Code number of 65. So we end up referring to Weights(65-65) = Weights(0) , which is the first element typically in a 1 dimensional array that starts at indicia 0
    Z has the Ascii Code number of 90. So we end up referring to Weights(90-65) = Weights(25) , which is the last element in a 1 dimensional array of 26 elements that starts at indicia 0

    In order for the function to get correct results in the case of lower case letters, then one way to do it, ( assuming you have the correct Weights() array you want for lower case letters), you would need to change the 65 to 97
    Sub Testit()
    Debug.Print Tab(4); "ASCII"; Tab(12); "Weight"
    Debug.Print Tab(4); "Code"
     Call Weight("ZAC")
     Call WeightLowerCase("zac")
    End Sub
    Public Function Weight(S As String) As Long '
    Dim Weights() As Variant  ' Letters() As Variant,
    Dim i As Long
     '                     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
     Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2) ' Watch : - : Weights() :  : Variant/Variant(0 to 25) : Module1.Weight
        For i = 1 To Len(S)
         Let Weight = Weight + Weights(Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 65)
         Debug.Print Mid(S, i, 1); Tab(4); Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)); Tab(8); Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 65; Tab(12); Weights(Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 65)
        Next i
    End Function
    Public Function WeightLowerCase(S As String) As Long '
    Dim Weights() As Variant  ' Letters() As Variant,
    Dim i As Long
     '                     a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
     Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2) '
        For i = 1 To Len(S)
         Let WeightLowerCase = WeightLowerCase + Weights(Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 97)
         Debug.Print Mid(S, i, 1) & vbTab & Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) & vbTab & Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 97 & vbTab & Weights(Asc(Mid(S, i, 1)) - 97)
        Next i
    End Function

    Here is the Debug.Print output from the last demo coding
       ASCII   Weight
    Z   90  25  2 
    A   65  0   1 
    C   67  2   3 
    z   122 25  2
    a   97  0   1
    c   99  2   3

  4. #524
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Here is an alternative single liner ( almost ## ) type solution to the last post. It was much simpler than I expected, and ends up much shorter than these solutions of mine usually do. (## There was a small snag, not solved yet, which means I have to do it in 2 code lines for now. I may take a look at that later here: )

    Solution explanation.
    Part 1. Background

    This is all to do with
    _ “my”** ____arrOut()=Index(ArrIn(), Rws(), Clms()) ______ type solutions, ( )
    and also
    _ using the Match in a similar way – ( some time ago I obsessed with trying out Application.Match where the first argument is an array, in a similar way to those of those array arguments Rws() and Clms() in Index. I got so obsessed I littered a sub forum with over long posts until they deleted them all and limited the post size to stop me doing it again. With hindsight, not a bad thing to do, as I could not see the wood for the trees back then. I can now, and its not at all difficult to understand, so I really don’t need all that crap anymore. Let me call that for now “my” **
    ________arrOut() = Match(arrArg1(), arrIn() , 0 )
    ___ type solution.
    ( ** I use the word “my” lightly. – I learnt all this stuff from looking at stuff from Rick Rothstein and snb. ( I am not sure if they “invented it” , or got it from other peoples stuff. if I added anything “new” , it might be some of my detailed explanations, which whilst I don’t know if they are correct, they seem to be a valid theory as they go a long way to explain the results ) )

    Here is a quick demo of how
    _ my ____arrOut()=Match(arrArg1(), arrIn() , 0 )
    ____ works
    Ordinarily, or most usually the first argument is just one thing that you are looking for. As far as I know all documentation tells you that the way Match in Excel works is, ( simplified ) :
    _... you look in the second argument array of things for the thing in the first argument, and , assuming you find it, return the position along where it is, pseudo like
    _____ Match( b , { a, b, c } , 0 ) = 2
    In the practice we sometimes, ( not always ) , find that things in Excel will work with array arguments and return a corresponding array of outputs. So taking that last example, pseudo like
    _____ Match( {b, a} , { a, b, c } , 0 ) = {2, 1}

    So that is a bit of theory out of the way. ( I have done a fuller explanation in a few places of how the Application.Index with Look Up Rows and Columns Arguments as VBA Arrays works in a few places

    Part 2. Here is my solution examples
    Refering to the first long macro below:

    Rem1 is just making some stuff I need for the demo. I use the string example of “ZAC” as per the original OP example . For reasons given in the next bit, I make an array of the 26 Ascii Code numbers for the capital alphabet characters, A, B. C ….Z , Asskeys() = { 65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81 ,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90 }
    My array of the weights values, Weights(), for the characters will be the same size as Asskeys() and will have the corresponding weight value for each of the 26 characters in the same order.
    Once again it will be clear why later. For now, the point is to have arrays of the same size with related things in the same order
     ' '   Ascii Code       65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90
    ' '                     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
    ' Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2)  
    Rem 2
    I found a way on the internet to turn my string example into an array of single characters, which is what I will be feeding into my Match as first argument. ( Unfortunately it does not return in each element the character, but rather its Ascii Code. But for my purposes that’s just as good.

    Rem 3 Match
    This is the Match bit, and it tells me the position along where I find the three Ascii Code numbers of “ZAC” in the Ascii Code array, Asskeys()
    We get from match here, a 3 element array, MtchRes(), of the position along, of the characters in “ZAC” in the array Asskeys(). We have organised that the array of weights is organised in the same order, so this will also be the position along of the corresponding weight number in the array of weights, Weights().
    In the example we should have then an array like {26, 1, 3} _ ( if you have followed the logic so far, you can see this is like a pseudo Alphabet position of the characters, Z , A , and C __ (But don’t get confused with Ascii codes, which is pseudo like the official position of characters, and defined by some world standard, that Excel knows about. As example, capital A is listed as Ascii code 65, lowercase a is listed as 97 )

    Rem 4 Index
    The 3 element array of the position along, of the characters in “ZAC” in the array Asskeys(), is effectively the Clms() array we need for a __arrOut()=Index(ArrIn(), Rws(), Clms())__type solution, where the look up array, arrIn() , will be the weights array, Weights()
    The returned array from Index , arrOut(), will be an array, of 3 numbers, which are the weight numbers for the example string “ZAC”.

    Rem 5
    Finally we simply sum the elements of the found weight values, as per the original OP request.
    Sub AssKeys()
    Rem 1 Make the arrays and other hard coded things for the demo
    Dim AssKeys(1 To 26) As Long
    Dim Eye As Long
        For Eye = 65 To 90 Step 1
         Let AssKeys(Eye - 64) = Eye
        Next Eye
    ' OR
    '  Dim AssKeys() As Variant: Let AssKey() = Array(65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90)
    Dim Weights() As Variant:
     '   Ascii Code       65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90
     '                     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
     Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2)
    Dim ZAC As String
     Let ZAC = "ZAC" ' This is a demo example text string
    Rem 2 String to array
    Dim arrZAC() As Byte: Let arrZAC() = StrConv(ZAC, vbFromUnicode) '
    Rem 3 Match
    Dim MtchRes() As Variant
     Let MtchRes() = Application.Match(arrZAC(), AssKeys(), 0)
    Rem 4 Index
    Dim arrOut() As Variant
     Let arrOut() = Application.Index(Weights(), 1, MtchRes())
    Rem 5
    Dim Some As Long: Let Some = Application.Sum(arrOut())
    End Sub
    Here the shortening possibilities

    Sub BeautifulAsskeys()
    Rem 1 Make the arrays and other hard coded things for the demo
    'Dim Asskeys(1 To 26) As Long
    'Dim Eye As Long
    '    For Eye = 65 To 90 Step 1
    '     Let Asskeys(Eye - 64) = Eye
    '    Next Eye
    ' OR
    '  Dim AssKeys() As Variant: Let AssKey() = Array(65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90)
    'Dim Weights() As Variant:
    ' '   Ascii Code       65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90
    ' '                     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
    ' Let Weights() = Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2)
    'Dim ZAC As String
    ' Let ZAC = "ZAC" ' This is a demo example text string
    Rem 2 String to array
    Dim arrZAC() As Byte: Let arrZAC() = StrConv("ZAC", vbFromUnicode) '
    Rem 3 Match
    'Dim MtchRes() As Variant
    ' Let MtchRes() = Application.Match(arrZAC(), Asskeys(), 0)
    ' Let MtchRes() = Application.Match(StrConv(ZAC, vbFromUnicode), Asskeys(), 0)' this does not work
    Rem 4 Index
    'Dim arrOut() As Variant
    ' Let arrOut() = Application.Index(Weights(), 1, MtchRes())
    Rem 5
    Dim Some As Long: Let Some = Application.Sum(Application.Index(Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2), 1, Application.Match(arrZAC(), Array(65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90), 0)))
    End Sub
    Sub AsKeys()                                                       '
    Dim arrZAC() As Byte: Let arrZAC() = StrConv("ZAC", vbFromUnicode) '
    Dim Some As Long: Let Some = Application.Sum(Application.Index(Array(1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2), 1, Application.Match(arrZAC(), Array(65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90), 0)))
    End Sub

    ** I use the word “my” lightly. – I learnt all this stuff from looking at stuff from Rick Rothstein and snb. ( I am not sure if they “invented it” , or got it from other peoples stuff. if I added anything “new” , it might be some of my detailed explanations, which whilst I don’t know if they are correct, they seem to be a valid theory as they go a long way to explain the results

  5. #525
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Spare post for sharing some documents
    Ersatzpost für die gemeinsame Nutzung einiger Dokumente

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  6. #526
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this main forum post

    Assuming this is data and wanted results from column D

    _____ Workbook: DogsNutsFormulas.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Code Values Code Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4
    Worksheet: SimpleUniqueVLookUp

    Enter this In D2 via CSE, then drag it down:

    Alternative formula for earlier versions of Excel:

    Hi Amelynn
    Quote Originally Posted by Amelynn View Post
    • If after TextBox(n) it is necessary to put the .text or .value
    • If not putting anything is wrong (although it works)
    • What is the difference between the three things……
    I can’t answer most of your question here, unfortunately, because
    _ I have no experience with Textboxes
    _ I am not too familiar with the .Text property.

    I can only tell you the small part that I know about: - what I know about is

    Range__ object
    Range__ is an object with an extremely large number of properties, methods and various things.
    Range__ is all to do with how Excel organises and uses cells. Understanding the Range__ object is probably one of the most important things to know about in Excel and VBA, especially if you are interested in spreadsheet things.
    But many times, we are only interested in the value that is in a cell. Because most people are often only interested in the value in a cell, Microsoft have made .Value the default of what you get if you just use Range__. So most of the time if you choose to write just Range__ , then in fact , Excel will not see that, instead it will see and use Range__.Value
    It is just personal choice if you choose to use Range__.Value or Range__. Usually there are no problems if you just use Range__ , but I have seen occasions when this caused problems as there may be occasions when Excel tries to refer to the Range__ object instead of the value.
    So personally I prefer to always include the .Value if I am interested in a value. I will only leave out the .Value if I am doing something that wants me to reference the Range__ object. Just personal choice.

    So, in your example, when you used Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B10") , Excel did not see and use that.
    Instead, Excel saw and used this: Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B10").Value

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelynn View Post
    ....After the range, should I put .text, .value or just nothing? ...
    So in your examples you could probably just use nothing , but I personally would recommend that you include .Value ( or .Value2 )
    But that is just my personally recommendation

    .Value or .Value2
    .Value is almost the simplest cell value. But not quite. If you are interested in dates or currency, then .Value will show you the date or currency in a date or currency format.
    .Value2 is the most simplest cell value as Excel has it held before any formatting is done.

    Personally I will use .Value2 most of the time, because it may work a little faster or may be less likely to problems caused by awkward cell formatting issues. I think theoretically it is also a bit more efficient to use .Value2

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelynn View Post
    .....If not putting anything is wrong (although it works).....
    It is not wrong to put nothing. But it is bad practice, as it may cause problems in other situations in Excel VBA
    (More than half of people put nothing, and they will often get a problem later that they don’t understand )

    Quote Originally Posted by Amelynn View Post
    ....Should I necessarily declare that, for example, "Niebla" is a variable of type Str?
    The way that you are using "Niebla" in VBA coding is perfectly alright, because: Most of the time in VBA coding, if VBA sees something enclosed in quotes, _ "__" _ , like
    , then VBA will take the value of _ xyz _ to be a string.
    Even if , in your coding, you did this
    , the VBA would not take the FONT=Courier New]"3"[/FONT] as a number. It would see it as a string, just as it would see this as a string
    "I have 3 Apples"

    Note that VBA is very user friendly with numbers and strings. For example if you pass it a string like "3" in a function wanting a number, the VBA will not error, but instead it will take a number 3 instead.

    In many other computer languages you must be much more careful in defining precisely variable types.

    That is as close as I can come to answering your question.
    But I do know about Range__ , Range__.Value , Range__.Value2 quite well.
    So I am happy to give you any further clarity on those things. Those things are all to do with range referencing in Excel and VBA, which is a very important thing to know about.


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  7. #527
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some notes in support of this forum main post

    An erroring formula:

    Highlight a section, such as the Match section

    Hit key F9

    This reveals that we have 5 , or in total , 5 + 1 = 6

    So in the VLookUp we are looking at column 6 in the range given by bk
    The names manager tells us which range we want:
    Second formula section is the range bk

    Similarly we can investigate the first section in the erroring formula
    Highlight first formula section

    Hit key F9

    This reveals that the Look up value, the value that you are looking for is "DMG1"

    Further investigations by trial and error , reveals that some character combinations in cell A2 cause the error. But I do not know why yet ?

    Not work:


    In fact, it seems that some character combinations are not allowed as the Look Up value generally , for example try another cell, and I can find a character combination that does not work

    I am puzzled.

    In fact if you look in detail at the results you are getting when it does appear to work, then they are not alwaysthe correct values.

    Very strange. I am even more puzzled

    Update Answer from Sandy
    Quote Originally Posted by sandy666 View Post
    with formula =VLOOKUP(F$26,bk,MATCH($B$24,bkt,1)+1,0) value $1.55 is returned and so on
    ..just forgot comma on the end or define last argument 0, VLOOKUP(F$26,bk,MATCH($B$24,bkt,1)+1,) so he need to learn how to use VLOOKUP function
    VLOOKUP require all arguments, even if last argument is omitted there should be defined place for it after last comma
    ( I thought I had checked that, but missed something somewhere, I don’t know why I missed that, maybe I think also I need to learn how to use VLoopUp properly! )

    A Folk, A Forum, A Fuhrer ….

  8. #528
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    I see what you are saying its like “the 14th thing along” , like in if it was in a 1 dimensional or 1 “row” array,
    This sort of thing
    _number along{1 _ , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 _ , 9 _ , 10_, 11_, 12_,13 , 14 __ , 15 , _16}
    ____INDEX({"Part",13,25,37,48,73,101,145,201,289,600,750,1009, "DMG1",4.1,2.85},1,14) = "DMG1"
    Or similarly
    __number along_____{1 _ , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 _ , 9 _ , 10_, 11_, 12_,13 , 14 __ , 15 , _16}
    __=MATCH("DMG1",{"Part",13,25,37,48,73,101,145,201,289,600,750,1009, "DMG1",4.1,2.85},0) = 14
    (Note I must change the row separating ; before the to a column separating , **

    I also get indexes mixed up and also I mix up item numbers and indexes. Sometimes they are the same, sometimes they have a similar meaning

    ( ** just passing interest, if in a range we talk about the “number along” on any range, then we are talking about the range item number, and this “number along” goes like all columns in a row, then next row and so on.
    So example in both these ranges, the range item number is 14
    Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
    1 Part 13 25 37 48 73 101 145 201 289 600 750 1009 DMG1

    Range("A1:N1").Item(14) = "DMG1"

    Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K L M
    1 Part 13 25 37 48 73 101 145 201 289 600 750 1009
    2 DMG1 $ 4.10 $ 2.85 $ 2.85 $ 1.90 $ 1.55 $ 1.35 $ 1.25 $ 0.95 $ 0.85 $ 0.75 $ 0.75 $ 0.65

    Range("A1:M2").Item(14) = "DMG1"

    Row\Col O P Q R S T U V W
    4 Part 13 25 37 48 73 101 145 201
    5 289 600 750 1009 DMG1 $ 4.10 $ 2.85 $ 2.85 $ 1.90

    Range("O4:W5").Item(14) = "DMG1"

    Here is a very interesting article by a very clever person on all that
    A Folk, A Forum, A Fuhrer ….

  9. #529
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.

    In support of this forum thread

    In worksheet String to search is the following:

    _____ Workbook: VBA delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Row\Col A
    2 paragraph/line
    4 searched string
    5 #VBA
    Worksheet: String to search

    Here is the given input examples ( The OP gave 4 cells , but for demo here I will put them all in the same code box and separate the 4 examples with a line. Black is the before/input , and Blue the after/ wanted output
     in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    "Looking for help in VBA"
    if the given string is found in any paragraph/line excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    "Looking for help in VBA"searched*string
    if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
     in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    "Looking for help in VBA"
    if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in #VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete paragraph/line everything between two newlines where the string appears. in VBA if the given string is found then delete paragraph/line everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. searched*string in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any paragraph/line excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA"searched*string if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in #VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete paragraph/line everything between two newlines where the string appears. in VBA if the given string is found then delete paragraph/line everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. searched*string in VBA if the given string is found then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears. "Looking for help in VBA" if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    OK so it looks quite clear what is needed. The OPs explanation does confirm to this, …. if the given string is found in any excel cell then delete everything between two newlines where the string appears.
    … How can I delete sentences with a specific keyword in excel cells in all sheets?
    …..but without the example it was much more difficult to understand and may have been interpreted to mean something else..

    Putting the explanation of what is wanted a bit clearer,
    There is text in some cells. The text is split into paragraphs or lines, that is to say we see multi-line text, something like
    How are you?
    Well I am OK Bro today
    Enjoying a wank just now.
    What we want to do is: Modify the text in cells in this way: If certain words are found in a paragraph or line, then all the text in that line needs to be deleted. Lets say in that example, Bro was one of the words to search for. In that case, the text should be modified so as to look like this
    How are you?
    Enjoying a wank just now.
    We remove all the text, Well I am OK Bro today, but it looks like the lines stay there.

    We are manipulating text and some form of line separation is involved, so its usually a good idea to look carefully at the actual characters: Almost immediately I think of Splitting and Joining text where the thing to split by or use to join together will be a text line separator, which can vary. Hence important to take a look, so I will, here, later
    A Folk, A Forum, A Fuhrer ….

  10. #530
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this main Forum Thread

    "#VBA: keep only one searched string searched string searched string searched string.
    #VBA: keep only searched string one searched string.
    The list of search stings searchedCSV string searched string is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is CSV searched string found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with CSV searched string multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    "searched string searched string #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    searched string searched string searched stringThe list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one. #VBA #VBA #VBA #VBA 
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    "#VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file. #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string. searched string searched string searched string searched string
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2. searched string searched string searched string searched string
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    	"#VBA: #VBA  keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: #VBA #VBAkeep only one searched string.
                  searched string searched string  searched string  searched string  searched string
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than #VBA once in a paragraph/line. If found more than #VBA once then keep only one.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than #VBA once in a paragraph/line. If found more than #VBA once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."			
    				"#VBA: keep only one searched string.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file. #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a  paragraph/line given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."
    "#VBA: keep only one searched string .
    #VBA: keep only searched string one .
    The list of search stings searchedCSV string searched string is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is CSV searched string found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with CSV searched string multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    "searched string  #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    searched string searched stringThe list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one. 
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    "#VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file. #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.  
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2. searched string
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."				
    	"#VBA:   keep only one searched string.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
                  searched string
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    The list of search stings is given in sheet 2.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."			
    				"#VBA: keep only one searched string.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file. #VBA: keep only one searched string.
    In sheet1, with #VBA check if a  paragraph/line given string is found more than once in a paragraph/line paragraph/line. If found more than once then keep only one.
    I want to do this both in an excel sheet with multiple column data in multiple rows as well as in a CSV or text file."
    A Folk, A Forum, A Fuhrer ….

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