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Thread: Appendix Thread. 3 TEST COPY

  1. #221
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub FileTypesHereDoubleDriverFull_Clamers_SquareBrackets()
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me
    Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Ws.Range("F5:G670")
    'Dim arrFiles() As Variant: Let arrFiles() = Rng.Value2
    Rem 2 File extension types
    Dim Ddl As Long, Sys As Long, Bin As Long, Cpa As Long, Vp As Long, Els As Long
    Dim Inf As Long, Ini As Long, Cat As Long, Gpd As Long, Xml As Long, Gdl As Long
    Dim Ddl2 As Long, Sys2 As Long, Bin2 As Long, Cpa2 As Long, Vp2 As Long, Els2 As Long
    Dim Inf2 As Long, Ini2 As Long, Cat2 As Long, Gpd2 As Long, Xml2 As Long, Gdl2 As Long
    Dim Ddl3 As Long, Sys3 As Long, Bin3 As Long, Cpa3 As Long, Vp3 As Long, Els3 As Long
    Dim Inf3 As Long, Ini3 As Long, Cat3 As Long, Gpd3 As Long, Xml3 As Long, Gdl3 As Long
    Dim Js As Long, Dpd As Long, Ppd As Long, Cab As Long, Bag As Long, Exe As Long
    Dim Js2 As Long, Dpd2 As Long, Ppd2 As Long, Cab2 As Long, Bag2 As Long, Exe2 As Long
    Dim Js3 As Long, Dpd3 As Long, Ppd3 As Long, Cab3 As Long, Bag3 As Long, Exe3 As Long
    Dim Dpb As Long
    Dim Dpb2 As Long
    Dim Dpb3 As Long
    Rem 3 Looping
    'Dim ClCnt As Long, RwCnt As Long
    Dim rngStr As Range ' a single cell to use as a stear element in the For Next loop
        For Each rngStr In Rng
    '    For RwCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 1)
    '        For ClCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 2)
                'If arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt) = "" Then
                If rngStr.Value = "" Then
                ' Empty cell, so do nothing
                Else ' Time to look at cell value
                    'If Left(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    'If Left(RngStr.Value, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, RngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    If InStr(2, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then  ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    ' Get the extension
                    Dim Xtn As String
                    'Let Xtn = Mid(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), (InStr(4, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                     Let Xtn = Mid(rngStr.Value, (InStr(2, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                        Select Case UCase(Xtn)
                         Case "SYS"
                          Let Sys = Sys + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Sys2 = Sys2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Sys3 = Sys3 + 1
                         Case "DLL"
                          Let Ddl = Ddl + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ddl2 = Ddl2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Ddl3 = Ddl3 + 1
                         Case "BIN"
                          Let Bin = Bin + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Bin2 = Bin2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Bin3 = Bin3 + 1
                         Case "CPA"
                          Let Cpa = Cpa + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cpa2 = Cpa2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Cpa3 = Cpa3 + 1
                         Case "VP"
                          Let Vp = Vp + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Vp2 = Vp2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Vp3 = Vp3 + 1
                         ' Inf As Long, Ini As Long, Cat As Long, Gpd As Long, Xml As Long, Gdl As Long
                          Case "INF"
                          Let Inf = Inf + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Inf2 = Inf2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Inf3 = Inf3 + 1
                         Case "INI"
                          Let Ini = Ini + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ini2 = Ini2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Ini3 = Ini3 + 1
                         Case "CAT"
                          Let Cat = Cat + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cat2 = Cat2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Cat3 = Cat3 + 1
                         Case "GPD"
                          Let Gpd = Gpd + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Gpd2 = Gpd2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Gpd3 = Gpd3 + 1
                         Case "XML"
                          Let Xml = Xml + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Xml2 = Xml2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Xml3 = Xml3 + 1
                         Case "GDL"
                          Let Gdl = Gdl + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Gdl2 = Gdl2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Gdl3 = Gdl3 + 1
                         ' Js As Long, Dpd As Long, Ppd As Long, Cab As Long, Bag As Long, Exe As Long
                         Case "JS"
                          Let Js = Js + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Js2 = Js2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Js3 = Js3 + 1
                         Case "DPD"
                          Let Dpd = Dpd + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Dpd2 = Dpd2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Dpd3 = Dpd3 + 1
                         Case "PPD"
                          Let Ppd = Ppd + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ppd2 = Ppd2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Ppd3 = Ppd3 + 1
                         Case "CAB"
                          Let Cab = Cab + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cab2 = Cab2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Cab3 = Cab3 + 1
                         Case "BAG"
                          Let Bag = Bag + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Bag2 = Bag2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Bag3 = Bag3 + 1
                         Case "EXE"
                          Let Exe = Exe + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Exe2 = Exe2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Exe3 = Exe3 + 1
                         ' DPB
                         Case "DPB"
                          Let Dpb = Dpb + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Dpb2 = Dpb2 + 1: If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Dpd3 = Dpd3 + 1
                         Case Else
                          Debug.Print "Case Else   " & rngStr.Value
                          Let Els = Els + 1:: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Els2 = Els2 + 1
                        End Select
                    Else ' not a file path
                    End If
                End If
    '        Next ClCnt
    '    Next RwCnt
        Next rngStr
    Rem 4 output
    Debug.Print "sys   " & Sys & " (" & Sys2 & ") [" & Sys3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "dll   " & Ddl & " (" & Ddl2 & ") [" & Ddl3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "bin   " & Bin & " (" & Bin2 & ") [" & Bin3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "cpa   " & Cpa & " (" & Cpa2 & ") [" & Cpa3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "vp   " & Vp & " (" & Vp2 & ") [" & Vp3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "els   " & Els & " (" & Els2 & ")"
    ' Inf As Long, Ini As Long, Cat As Long, Gpd As Long, Xml As Long, Gdl As Long
    Debug.Print "inf   " & Inf & " (" & Inf2 & ") [" & Inf3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "ini   " & Ini & " (" & Ini2 & ") [" & Ini3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "cat   " & Cat & " (" & Cat2 & ") [" & Cat3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "gpd   " & Gpd & " (" & Gpd2 & ") [" & Gpd3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "xml   " & Xml & " (" & Xml2 & ") [" & Xml3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "gdl   " & Gdl & " (" & Gdl2 & ") [" & Gdl3 & "]"
    ' Js As Long, Dpd As Long, Ppd As Long, Cab As Long, Bag As Long, Exe As Long
    Debug.Print "js   " & Js & " (" & Js2 & ") [" & Js3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "dpd   " & Dpd & " (" & Dpd2 & ") [" & Dpd3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "cab   " & Cab & " (" & Cab2 & ") [" & Cab3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "bag   " & Bag & " (" & Bag2 & ") [" & Bag3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "ppd   " & Ppd & " (" & Ppd2 & ") [" & Ppd3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "exe   " & Exe & " (" & Exe2 & ") [" & Exe3 & "]"
    ' DPB
    Debug.Print "dpb   " & Dpb & " (" & Dpb2 & ") [" & Dpb3 & "]"
    Debug.Print " Total " & Sys + Ddl + Bin + Cpa + Vp + Els + Inf + Ini + Cat + Gpd + Xml + Gdl + Js + Dpd + Cab + Bag + Ppd + Exe + Dpb & " (" & Sys2 + Ddl2 + Bin2 + Cpa2 + Vp2 + Els2 + Inf2 + Ini2 + Cat2 + Gpd2 + Xml2 + Gdl2 + Js2 + Dpd2 + Cab2 + Bag2 + Ppd2 + Exe2 + Dpb2 & ") [" & Sys3 + Ddl3 + Bin3 + Cpa3 + Vp3 + Els3 + Inf3 + Ini3 + Cat3 + Gpd3 + Xml3 + Gdl3 + Js3 + Dpd3 + Cab3 + Bag3 + Ppd3 + Exe3 + Dpb3 & "]"
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  2. #222
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    '  Macro to color text of matching files in two worksheets
    Sub CompareDriverFilesCommandIndrivers()  '
    Rem 0
        If ActiveSheet.Name <> "PowerShell" Then
         MsgBox prompt:="Oops": Exit Sub
        End If
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Wsdr As Worksheet, WsCmd As Worksheet
     Set Wsdr = Worksheets("drivers"): Set WsCmd = Worksheets("PowerShell")
    Rem 2 Looking at each cell in the selection
    ' Random number between 3 and 56 to get color index for any matching file names (1 is black, 2 is white , up to 56 is other colors:  3 to 56   is like  (0 to 53)+3  Rnd gives like  0-.99999  so (Int(Rnd*54))+3  is what we want
    Dim ClrIdx As Long
     Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
    Dim SrchForCel As Range
        For Each SrchForCel In Selection ' Take each cell in selected range
        Dim CelVl As String: Let CelVl = SrchForCel.Value
            'If CelVl <> "" And Left(CelVl, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
            If CelVl <> "" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then  ' use some criteria to check we have a file and not a Folder name with a  .  in it
                If Len(CelVl) > (InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 3) Then
                ' case a lot of characters after the  .  so we probably have a Folder name
                Dim FileNmeSrchFor As String
                 Let FileNmeSrchFor = Right(CelVl, (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))) ' Determine the file name as that looking from the right as many characters as (the total character number) - (the position looking from the right of a "\")
                Rem 3 We now should have a file name, so we look for it in worksheet  DDAllBefore
                Dim SrchRng As Range: Set SrchRng = Application.Range("=drivers!D4:drivers!E180")    '
                Dim FndCel As Range
                 Set FndCel = SrchRng.Find(what:=FileNmeSrchFor, After:=Application.Range("=drivers!D4"), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                    If Not FndCel Is Nothing Then ' the range is set, so the file string has been found in a cell in  DDAllBefore
                    Rem 4 we have two matching cells
                     'Debug.Print FndCel.Value
                    '4b) color matching file names in each worksheet, we do the unecerssary activating and selecting so we can see what is going in
                     WsCmd.Activate: SrchForCel.Select
                     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                     'Let SrchForCel.Characters(((InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare)) + 1), (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))).Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                     Let SrchForCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                     Wsdr.Activate: FndCel.Select
                     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"))
                     Let FndCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                    Else ' No match was found - the thing in the cell in
                    End If
                End If ' end of check that the string with a  .  in it was a file
            Else ' case no file string in cell
            End If
        Next SrchForCel
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  3. #223
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    '  Macro to color text of matching files in two worksheets
    Sub CompareDriverFilesCommandInDriverStore()  '
    Rem 0
        If ActiveSheet.Name <> "PowerShell" Then
         MsgBox prompt:="Oops": Exit Sub
        End If
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim WsDS As Worksheet, WsCmd As Worksheet
     Set WsDS = Worksheets("DriverStore"): Set WsCmd = Worksheets("PowerShell")
    Rem 2 Looking at each cell in the selection
    ' Random number between 3 and 56 to get color index for any matching file names (1 is black, 2 is white , up to 56 is other colors:  3 to 56   is like  (0 to 53)+3  Rnd gives like  0-.99999  so (Int(Rnd*54))+3  is what we want
    Dim ClrIdx As Long
     Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
    Dim SrchForCel As Range
        For Each SrchForCel In Selection ' Take each cell in selected range
        Dim CelVl As String: Let CelVl = SrchForCel.Value
            'If CelVl <> "" And Left(CelVl, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
            If CelVl <> "" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then  ' use some criteria to check we have a file and not a Folder name with a  .  in it
                If Len(CelVl) > (InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 3) Then
                ' case a lot of characters after the  .  so we probably have a Folder name
                Dim FileNmeSrchFor As String
                 Let FileNmeSrchFor = Right(CelVl, (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))) ' Determine the file name as that looking from the right as many characters as (the total character number) - (the position looking from the right of a "\")
                Rem 3 We now should have a file name, so we look for it in worksheet  DDAllBefore
                Dim SrchRng As Range: Set SrchRng = Application.Range("=DriverStore!D5:DriverStore!F4437")    '
                Dim FndCel As Range
                 Set FndCel = SrchRng.Find(what:=FileNmeSrchFor, After:=Application.Range("=DriverStore!D5"), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                    If Not FndCel Is Nothing Then ' the range is set, so the file string has been found in a cell in  DDAllBefore
                    Rem 4 we have two matching cells
                     'Debug.Print FndCel.Value
                    '4b) color matching file names in each worksheet, we do the unecerssary activating and selecting so we can see what is going in
                     WsCmd.Activate: SrchForCel.Select
                     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                     'Let SrchForCel.Characters(((InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare)) + 1), (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))).Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                     Let SrchForCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                     WsDS.Activate: FndCel.Select
                     Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"))
                     Let FndCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                    Else ' No match was found - the thing in the cell in
                    End If
                End If ' end of check that the string with a  .  in it was a file
            Else ' case no file string in cell
            End If
        Next SrchForCel
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  4. #224
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub CompareDriverFilesDeviceManagerInDoubleDriverAllList2()
    Rem 0
        If ActiveSheet.Name <> "DeviceManagerProperties" Then
         MsgBox prompt:="Oops": Exit Sub
        End If
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim WsDMP As Worksheet, WsDDA As Worksheet
     Set WsDMP = Worksheets("DeviceManagerProperties"): Set WsDDA = Worksheets("DDAllBefore")
    Rem 2 Looking at each cell in the selection
    ' Random number between 3 and 56 to get color index for any matching file names (1 is black, 2 is white , up to 56 is other colors:  3 to 56   is like  (0 to 53)+3  Rnd gives like  0-.99999  so (Int(Rnd*54))+3  is what we want
    Dim ClrIdx As Long
     Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
    Dim SrchForCel As Range
        For Each SrchForCel In Selection ' Take each cell in selected range
        Dim CelVl As String: Let CelVl = SrchForCel.Value
            If CelVl <> "" And Left(CelVl, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
            Dim FileNmeSrchFor As String
             Let FileNmeSrchFor = Right(CelVl, (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))) ' Determine the file name as that looking from the right as many characters as (the total character number) - (the position looking from the right of a "\")
            Rem 3 We now should have a file name, so we look for it in worksheet  DDAllBefore
            Dim SrchRng As Range: Set SrchRng = Application.Range("=DDAllBefore!F5:DDAllBefore!G670")    ' WsDDA.Range("=F5:G670")
            Dim FndCel As Range
             Set FndCel = SrchRng.Find(what:=FileNmeSrchFor, After:=Application.Range("=DDAllBefore!F5"), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                If Not FndCel Is Nothing Then ' the range is set, so the file string has been found in a cell in  DDAllBefore
                Rem 4 we have two matching cells
                 'Debug.Print FndCel.Value
                '4b) color matching file names in each worksheet, we do the unecerssary activating and selecting so we can see what is going in
                 WsDMP.Activate: SrchForCel.Select
                 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                 'Let SrchForCel.Characters(((InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare)) + 1), (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))).Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                 Let SrchForCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                 WsDDA.Activate: FndCel.Select
                 Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                 Let FndCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                Else ' No match was found - the thing in the cell in
                End If
            Else ' case no file path string in cell
            End If
        Next SrchForCel
    End Sub

    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  5. #225
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this post:

    Note a new modification... for the case of when a cell in Device Manger is coloured ( indicating a match to drivers ) but the case when no match is found in DriverStore. We then need to make the underline which we are using as an indication for a match to drivers
                Else ' No match was found - the thing in the cell in this worksheet is not in the other worksheet
                    If SrchForCel.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let SrchForCel.Font.Underline = True 'we need an extra check for if the cell is already coluoured indicating a match in drivers
                End If
    Sub CompareDriverFilesDeviceManagerInDriverStore2() '
    Rem 0
        If ActiveSheet.Name <> "DeviceManagerProperties" Then
         MsgBox prompt:="Oops": Exit Sub
        End If
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim WsDMP As Worksheet, WsDrSt As Worksheet
     Set WsDMP = Worksheets("DeviceManagerProperties"): Set WsDrSt = Worksheets("DriverStore")
    Rem 2 Looking at each cell in the selection
    ' Random number between 3 and 56 to get color index for any matching file names (1 is black, 2 is white , up to 56 is other colors:  3 to 56   is like  (0 to 53)+3  Rnd gives like  0-.99999  so (Int(Rnd*54))+3  is what we want
    Dim ClrIdx As Long
     Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
    Dim SrchForCel As Range
        For Each SrchForCel In Selection ' Take each cell in selected range. Each should be a cell in DeviceManagerProperties
        Dim CelVl As String: Let CelVl = SrchForCel.Value
            If CelVl <> "" And Left(CelVl, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, CelVl, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
            Dim FileNmeSrchFor As String
             Let FileNmeSrchFor = Right(CelVl, (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))) ' Determine the file name as that looking from the right as many characters as (the total character number) - (the position looking from the right of a "\")  ---   the characters count left over after the subtraction is equal to the character length of the file name
            Rem 3 We now should have a file name, so we look for it in worksheet  DDAllBefore
            Dim SrchRng As Range: Set SrchRng = Application.Range("=DriverStore!D5:DriverStore!F4437")    '
            Dim FndCel As Range: Set FndCel = SrchRng.Find(what:=FileNmeSrchFor, After:=Application.Range("=DriverStore!D5"), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                If Not FndCel Is Nothing Then ' the range is set, so the file string has been found in a cell in  DDAllBefore
                Rem 4 we have two matching cells
                '4a) but we might already have a match,
                    If SrchForCel.Font.Color <> 0 Then ' Extra things to do if we already found the cell value in drivers
                     Let ClrIdx = SrchForCel.Font.ColorIndex ' this will make the line below to colorthe text of this cell redundant but will ensure that we use the same color in the DriverStore worksheet rather than the randomly generated one
                     WsDMP.Activate: SrchForCel.Select
                     Let SrchForCel.Font.Underline = True
                    End If
                'Debug.Print FndCel.Value
                  Do While Not FndCel Is Nothing ' Start Find next loop ======
                  '4b) color matching file names in each worksheet, we do the unecerssary activating and selecting so we can see what is going in
                    WsDMP.Activate: SrchForCel.Select ' This worksheet will be colured
                    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                    'Let SrchForCel.Characters(((InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare)) + 1), (Len(CelVl)) - (InStrRev(CelVl, "\", -1, vbBinaryCompare))).Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                    Let SrchForCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                    Let SrchForCel.Font.Italic = True
                    WsDrSt.Activate: FndCel.Select ' the other workseet
                    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"))
                    Let FndCel.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                  Set FndCel = Application.Range("=DriverStore!D" & FndCel.Row + 1 & ":DriverStore!F4437").Find(what:=FileNmeSrchFor, After:=Application.Range("=DriverStore!F4437"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)  '
                  Loop  '  End Find next loop =================================
                Else ' No match was found - the thing in the cell in this worksheet is not in the other worksheet
                    If SrchForCel.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let SrchForCel.Font.Underline = True 'we need an extra check for if the cell is already coluoured indicating a match in drivers
                End If
            Else ' case no file path string in cell
            End If
        Next SrchForCel
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  6. #226
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub FileTypesHereInDeviceManagerPropertiesUndDriverStoreUnddrivers2() '                      
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me
    Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Ws.Range("D2:F264")
    'Dim arrFiles() As Variant: Let arrFiles() = Rng.Value2
    Rem 2 File extension types
    Dim Ddl As Long, Sys As Long, Bin As Long, Cpa As Long, Vp As Long, Els As Long
    Dim Ddl2 As Long, Sys2 As Long, Bin2 As Long, Cpa2 As Long, Vp2 As Long, Els2 As Long
    Dim Ddl3 As Long, Sys3 As Long, Bin3 As Long, Cpa3 As Long, Vp3 As Long, Els3 As Long
    Rem 3 Looping
    'Dim ClCnt As Long, RwCnt As Long
    Dim rngStr As Range ' a single cell to use as a stear element in the For Next loop
        For Each rngStr In Rng
    '    For RwCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 1)
    '        For ClCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 2)
                'If arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt) = "" Then
                If rngStr.Value = "" Then
                ' Empty cell, so do nothing
                Else ' Time to look at cell value
                    'If Left(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    If Left(rngStr.Value, 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    ' Get the extension
                    Dim Xtn As String
                    'Let Xtn = Mid(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), (InStr(4, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                     Let Xtn = Mid(rngStr.Value, (InStr(4, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                        Select Case UCase(Xtn)
                         Case "SYS"
                          Let Sys = Sys + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Sys2 = Sys2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Sys3 = Sys3 + 1
                         Case "DLL"
                          Let Ddl = Ddl + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Ddl2 = Ddl2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Ddl3 = Ddl3 + 1
                         Case "BIN"
                          Let Bin = Bin + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Bin2 = Bin2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Bin3 = Bin3 + 1
                         Case "CPA"
                          Let Cpa = Cpa + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Cpa2 = Cpa2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Cpa3 = Cpa3 + 1
                         Case "VP"
                          Let Vp = Vp + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Vp2 = Vp2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Vp3 = Vp3 + 1
                         Case Else
                          Debug.Print "Case Else   " & rngStr.Value
                          Let Els = Els + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Italic = True Then Let Els2 = Els2 + 1
                          If rngStr.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then Let Els3 = Els3 + 1
                        End Select
                    Else ' not a file path
                    End If
                End If
    '        Next ClCnt
    '    Next RwCnt
        Next rngStr
    Rem 4 output
    Debug.Print "sys     " & Sys & " (" & Sys2 & ")   [" & Sys3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "dll     " & Ddl & " (" & Ddl2 & ")   [" & Ddl3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "bin     " & Bin & " (" & Bin2 & ")   [" & Bin3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "cpa     " & Cpa & " (" & Cpa2 & ")   [" & Cpa3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "vp      " & Vp & " (" & Vp2 & ")    [" & Vp3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "els     " & Els & " (" & Els2 & ")   [" & Els3 & "]"
    Debug.Print "Totals " & Sys + Ddl + Bin + Cpa + Vp + Els & " (" & Sys2 + Ddl2 + Bin2 + Cpa2 + Vp2 + Els2 & ") [" & Sys3 + Ddl3 + Bin3 + Cpa3 + Vp3 + Els3 & "]"
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  7. #227
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Option Explicit
    Sub DDAllEarlier_Marz172020()  '
    Dim WsDDD As Worksheet: Set WsDDD = Worksheets("DDAllEarlier_Marz17")
    Dim RngDD As Range, rngDB As Range  '     =ANZAHL2(B2:B550) 255         =ANZAHL2(D2:D550)    366
     Set RngDD = WsDDD.Range("B2:B550"): Set rngDB = WsDDD.Range("D2:D550")
    ' take each cell in column B range and find it in column D, but find next if the text is already coloured
    Dim Rng As Range
        For Each Rng In RngDD '----------------------|
            If Rng <> "" Then
            Dim ClrIdx As Long: Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
            Dim FndRng As Range
             Set FndRng = rngDB.Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=rngDB.Cells.Item(1), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                If Not FndRng Is Nothing Then ' we have a match that may or may not have already been found.
                    Do While Not FndRng Is Nothing ' ===
                        If FndRng.Font.Color = 0 Then ' case "virgin black" text
                         Let FndRng.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Let Rng.Font.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Set FndRng = Nothing ' This will force the Loop to end after a succesful match
                        Else ' The cell text is already colored, so try again
                         Set FndRng = WsDDD.Range("D" & FndRng.Row + 1 & ":D550").Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=WsDDD.Range("D550"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)  '
                        End If
                    Loop ' looping for next match ======
                Else ' no cell value match
                End If
            Else ' case rng has not text in it
            End If
        Next Rng  ' Each Rng In RngDD ---------------|
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  8. #228
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ' _   Marz 2020
    Sub DeviceManagerPropertiesMarz172020()  '
    Dim WsDMP As Worksheet: Set WsDMP = Worksheets("DeviceManagerProperties")
    Dim rngDMP1 As Range, rngDMP2 As Range  '           B1:F550          G1:J550
     Set rngDMP1 = WsDMP.Range("B5:F550"): Set rngDMP2 = WsDMP.Range("G5:J550")
    ' take each cell in range for original DMP and find it in range for new DMP but find next if the interior is already coloured
    Dim Rng As Range
        For Each Rng In rngDMP1 '----------------------|
            If Rng <> "" Then
            Dim ClrIdx As Long: Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
            Dim FndRng As Range
             Set FndRng = rngDMP2.Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=rngDMP2.Cells.Item(1), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                If Not FndRng Is Nothing Then ' we have a match that may or may not have already been found.
                    Do While Not FndRng Is Nothing ' ===
                        If FndRng.Interior.ColorIndex = -4142 Then  ' case "virgin "white"" text
                         Let FndRng.Interior.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Let Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Set FndRng = Nothing ' This will force the Loop to end after a succesful match
                        Else ' The cell already has background color, so try again from next row
                         Set FndRng = WsDMP.Range("G" & FndRng.Row + 1 & ":J550").Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=WsDMP.Range("J550"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)  '
                        End If
                    Loop ' looping for next match ======
                Else ' no cell value match
                End If
            Else ' case rng has not text in it
            End If
        Next Rng '------------------------------------|
    End Sub

    ExplorerBefore DeviceManager Earlier and Marz17 2020.xlsm :
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  9. #229
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Option Explicit
    ' Marz 2020
    Private Sub FileTypesHere_And_MaybeAlsoInDeviceManager()
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me
    Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Ws.Range("D4:E300") 'Set Rng = Ws.Range("F4:G300") ' Set Rng = Ws.Range("D4:E75")
    'Dim arrFiles() As Variant: Let arrFiles() = Rng.Value2
    Rem 2 File extension types
    Dim Ddl As Long, Sys As Long, Bin As Long, Cpa As Long, Vp As Long, Els As Long
    Dim Bag As Long, Xml As Long, Js As Long, Gdl As Long, Cab As Long, Ini As Long
    Dim Cat As Long, Inf As Long, Pnf As Long, Gpd As Long, Exe As Long
    Dim Ddl2 As Long, Sys2 As Long, Bin2 As Long, Cpa2 As Long, Vp2 As Long
    Dim Bag2 As Long, Xml2 As Long, Js2 As Long, Gdl2 As Long, Cab2 As Long, Ini2 As Long
    Dim Cat2 As Long, Inf2 As Long, Pnf2 As Long, Gpd2 As Long, Exe2 As Long
    Dim Dpb As Long, Ppd As Long
    Dim Dpb2 As Long, Ppd2 As Long
    Rem 3 Looping
    Dim ClCnt As Long, RwCnt As Long
    Dim rngStr As Range
        For Each rngStr In Rng
    '    For RwCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 1)
    '        For ClCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFiles(), 2)
                'If arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt) = "" Then
                If rngStr.Value = "" Then
                ' Empty cell, so do nothing
                Else ' Time to look at cell value
    '                If Left(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), 3) = "C:\" And InStr(4, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    'If InStr(2, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    If InStr(2, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) > 1 Then ' use some criteria to check we have a file path
                    ' Get the extension
                    Dim Xtn As String
                     'Let Xtn = Mid(arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), (InStr(2, arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt), ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                     Let Xtn = Mid(rngStr.Value, (InStr(2, rngStr.Value, ".", vbBinaryCompare) + 1))
                        Select Case UCase(Xtn)
                         Case "SYS"
                          Let Sys = Sys + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Sys2 = Sys2 + 1
                         Case "DLL"
                          Let Ddl = Ddl + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ddl2 = Ddl2 + 1
                         Case "BIN"
                          Let Bin = Bin + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Bin2 = Bin2 + 1
                         Case "CPA"
                          Let Cpa = Cpa + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cpa2 = Cpa2 + 1
                         Case "VP"
                          Let Vp = Vp + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Vp2 = Vp2 + 1
                         'Dim Bag As Long, Xml As Long, Js As Long, Gdl As Long, Cab As Long, Ini As Long, Cat As Long
                         Case "BAG"
                          Let Bag = Bag + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Bag2 = Bag2 + 1
                         Case "XML"
                          Let Xml = Xml + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Xml2 = Xml2 + 1
                         Case "JS"
                          Let Js = Js + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Js2 = Js2 + 1
                         Case "GDL"
                          Let Gdl = Gdl + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Gdl2 = Gdl2 + 1
                         Case "CAB"
                          Let Cab = Cab + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cab2 = Cab2 + 1
                         Case "INI"
                          Let Ini = Ini + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ini2 = Ini2 + 1
                         Case "CAT"
                          Let Cat = Cat + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Cat2 = Cat2 + 1
                         ' Inf As Long, Pnf As Long, Gpd As Long, Exe as long
                         Case "INF"
                          Let Inf = Inf + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Inf2 = Inf2 + 1
                         Case "PNF"
                          Let Pnf = Pnf + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Pnf2 = Pnf2 + 1
                         Case "GPD"
                          Let Gpd = Gpd + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Gpd2 = Gpd2 + 1
                         Case "EXE"
                          Let Exe = Exe + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Exe2 = Exe2 + 1
                         ' Dim Dpb As Long, Ppd As Long
                         Case "DPB"
                          Let Dpb = Dpb + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Dpb2 = Dpb2 + 1
                         Case "PPD"
                          Let Ppd = Ppd + 1: If rngStr.Font.Color <> 0 Then Let Ppd2 = Ppd2 + 1
                         Case Else
                          Debug.Print "Case Else   " & rngStr.Value ' arrFiles(RwCnt, ClCnt)
                          Let Els = Els + 1
                        End Select
                    Else ' not a file path, or rather not a  .  in
                    Dim Fldr As Long: Let Fldr = Fldr + 1
                    End If
                End If
    '        Next ClCnt
    '    Next RwCnt
        Next rngStr
    Rem 4 output
    Debug.Print "sys   " & Sys & " (" & Sys2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "dll   " & Ddl & " (" & Ddl2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "bin   " & Bin & " (" & Bin2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "cpa   " & Cpa & " (" & Cpa2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "vp   " & Vp & " (" & Vp2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "els   " & Els
    'Dim Bag As Long, Xml As Long, Js As Long, Gdl As Long, Cab As Long, Ini As Long, Cat As Long
    Debug.Print "bag   " & Bag & " (" & Bag2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "xml   " & Xml & " (" & Xml2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "js   " & Js & " (" & Js2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "gdl   " & Gdl & " (" & Gdl2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "cab   " & Cab & " (" & Cab2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "ini   " & Ini & " (" & Ini2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "cat   " & Cat & " (" & Cat2 & ")"
    ' Inf As Long, Pnf As Long, Gpd As Long, Exe as long
    Debug.Print "inf   " & Inf & " (" & Inf2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "pnf   " & Pnf & " (" & Pnf2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "gpd   " & Gpd & " (" & Gpd2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "exe   " & Exe & " (" & Exe2 & ")"
    ' Dim Dpb As Long, Ppd As Long
    Debug.Print "dpb   " & Dpb & " (" & Dpb2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "ppd   " & Ppd & " (" & Ppd2 & ")"
    Debug.Print "Total files is  " & Sys + Ddl + Bin + Cpa + Vp + Bag + Xml + Js + Gdl + Cab + Ini + Cat + Inf + Pnf + Gpd + Exe + Dpb + Ppd
    Debug.Print "Things with no  .  are  " & Fldr
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  10. #230
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this post

    Option Explicit  '
    Sub DDAllEarlier_Marz172020()  '
    Dim WsDDD As Worksheet: Set WsDDD = Worksheets("DDAllComparison")
    Dim RngDD1 As Range, RngDD2 As Range  '
     Set RngDD1 = WsDDD.Range("D4:E680"): Set RngDD2 = WsDDD.Range("F4:H680")
    ' take each cell in column B range and find it in column D, but find next if the text is already coloured
    Dim Rng As Range
        For Each Rng In RngDD1 '----------------------| looking at each cell in the newest range, trying to find it in the original range
            If Rng <> "" Then
            Dim ClrIdx As Long: Randomize: Let ClrIdx = (Int(Rnd * 54)) + 3
            Dim FndRng As Range ' FndRng, if found, is in RngDD2 , looking for value in each cell in RngDD1
             Set FndRng = RngDD2.Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=RngDD2.Cells.Item(1), LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
                If Not FndRng Is Nothing Then ' we have a match that may or may not have already been found.
                    Do While Not FndRng Is Nothing ' ===
                        If FndRng.Interior.ColorIndex = -4142 Then  ' case "virgin "white"" text
                         Let FndRng.Interior.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Let Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = ClrIdx
                         Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
                         Set FndRng = Nothing ' This will force the Loop to end after a succesful match
                        Else ' The cell text is already colored, so try again
                         Set FndRng = WsDDD.Range("F" & FndRng.Row + 1 & ":H680").Find(what:=Rng.Value, After:=WsDDD.Range("H680"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)  '
                        End If
                    Loop ' looping for next match ======
                Else ' no cell value match
                End If
            Else ' case rng has not text in it
            End If
        Next Rng  ' Each Rng In RngDD1 ---------------|
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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