can you define encoding UTF 65001 in VBA ?
if it will be a problem don't worry too much about it![]()
can you define encoding UTF 65001 in VBA ?
if it will be a problem don't worry too much about it![]()
Last edited by sandy666; 08-23-2023 at 11:31 AM.
I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt
It looks like an Excel Userform
I hardly ever use them. I don’t know so much about them. I never put one in the file FilTit2.xlsm
I have no idea how it got there. I never put it there
I didnt put it there.jpg
As far as I know, you have to put them there. I never saw them come there themselves.
Perhaps with newer Excel they give you one just to fuck you up a bit more.
Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-23-2023 at 11:39 AM.
this is very good format
I found new shit from MS like:
it should be OFF
don't be fooled by UTF-8 because it is UTF-65001![]()
I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt
?? That is strange. Something weird going on. If I download my first file from here: , then I don’t see any UserForm. In any case, as far as I can tell, you never downloaded that. I think I was the first to ever download that just now. That is file FilTit.xlsm
Your screenshot shows my second file, FilTit2.xlsm
If I download that from here: , then I still see no UserForm
Still no UserForm.JPG
I am fairly sure I never added any UserForm to any file.
Not important, but strange. UQl_92mvg 9isY3Ezhx4j9itQLuif26T 9irSL7x4Moh9itTRqL7dQh 9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnWHw 9iraombnLDb9itV80HDpXc 9is0FSoF2Wi9itWKEvGSSq 9iEktVkTAHk9iF9_pdshr6 9iDVgy6wzct9iFBxma9zXI 9iDQN7TORHv9iFGQQ5z_3f 9iDLC2uEPRW9iFGvgk11nH 9iH3wvUZj3n9iHnpOxOeXa 9iGReNGzP4v9iHoeaCpTG8
Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-26-2023 at 10:25 PM.
maybe this is it
I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt
No. that is a VBA built in Message Box. We can get it with coding like this
Code:MsgBox Prompt:="Alan Big Cock" & vbCr & vbLf & "big VBA man."
( the people at Microsoft who made Excel probably used something like a UserForm to make that VBA built in Message Box. The approximately story is that…..
…… Excel and Word and similar stuff is made from VBA coding: Excel is just a very long VBA code and it makes a lot of forms. Basically we having access to VBA is like being able to manipulate and change that coding.
For example: When Excel first opens, there is a lot of coding which opens it.
Because Microsoft lets us, and because I am so incredibly big and clever VBA man, and have a big brain, I can put that coding above into the coding that works when you open Excel.
So, if/ when you get macros enabled in your Excel, then open the attached file:
As it opens it will run that coding above, because I have figured out how to put that coding inside the coding that runs when the file is opened )
Alan Big Cock big VBA man.jpg
it looks like you say that by opening a clean excel xlsm file I can see a lot of some vba code
I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt
No. Microsoft do not let us see all the VBA coding that makes Excel work.
Probably Microsoft do not want us to see it all. If we could see it all, then some people could probably steal all the coding and make their own Excel without Microsoft!
Microsoft only let us see a very very small amount in a clean file.
Mostly they let us have access to codings that do things when events, like opening, or changing things, happen. But they hide, (make invisible), their coding. But we can add our coding in those places.
The main macro I did for you I put in the Microsoft coding that works when you change something in a cell. That is why it works automatically when you change something. Not many people know how to do that. Only people like me with big cock and big brain
The start of the main coding I did for you , looks like this:
Target is the cell or cells that get changed.Code:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Rem 1 what cell changes don't interest me If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub ' More than one cell changed, for example by pasiting new range in If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub ' ' Row 1 is always header so of no interst for adding data ' If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub ' ' If we empty a cell we don't want the macro to do anything
The first few code lines check to see
_ If you changed more than one cell
_ or If you are in the first row.
In those case I exit the macro, since I assume we don’t want to do anything automatically in those cases
The coding called Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) is always there in a new file and there is already lots of coding in it. But we can’t see it. Microsoft made all their coding invisible.
If you look at that macro in a new file it looks like this to us
Microsoft have lots of coding in it, but they make that invisible to us. But they let us put extra coding in it.Code:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) End Sub