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Thread: YouTube, Video making and editing, etc. coupled to excelfox ( windows Movie Maker )

  1. #111
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Link to here :

    1-4). Run Guarding Vision software for the first time and register the administrator account.

    Introduction and discussion of the way I have chosen to proceed with the explanations
    The main purpose of all my Blog here , is to get the remote Access via a (remote) PC using Guarding Vision PC Client Software
    We do actually have enough information to do this , at this stage, from a remote source which is away from where the DVR. In other words, theoretically, we could proceeded as if from now on
    _ we have no direct access to the DVR
    and also
    _ our PC has no direct ( LAN cable or WLAN wireless connection ) connection to the same router / modem to which the DVR is connected. ( But note*** , that the DVR must have a reliably working internet connection via the LAN socket to a router/modem or some other means to connect it to the internet: It must be “On line)

    In other words, we could proceed as if we were travelling “away from home” and have our PC or Laptop with us

    However, it is much easier to understand, and has a better chance of initial and later success, if we proceed in a more logical progression.
    In this logical progression we will in the next section remain “at home” , or physically close to the DVR.
    So we are assuming that we unpacked and did the initial first quick set up and are still using the (i) most simple use of the DVR and cameras and monitor (i) ( and have the mouse still connected to the receiver )

    We will then go on to the next way, (ii) , the “local LAN way”, to use the DVR, which is local PC use of the DVR

    Finally we will go on to the P2P Cloud way, (iii) , which is the remote PC way
    We note that at this final stage we will still be coincidentally connected to the same router / modem as the DVR, but this is just because of the way we have decided to progress in order to set up the final P2P Cloud way. However, at this final point we need do no more than simply take our PC to some remote point , ( theoretically anywhere in the world!), and as long as we can connect hat PC in some way to the world wide web internet at this remote location, then if all has gone well, we should be still able to access the DVR, that is to say view using the cameras that are connected to the DVR, and the pictures should appear close to real live time on out PC screen. This last functioning arrangement is the main goal of my entire Blog here . At that point , this Blog is finished, although note that we will discus the three different ways to get at the final P2P Cloud way: _ -A- _ -B- _ -C-
    Remote ( Cloud P2P ) Access of DVR over the internet with a PC using Guarding Vision Windows PC Client Software,
    2b) -A- ______ Following on from previously obtaining LAN local access, and
    Adding ( making available ) DVR for remote Cloud use for the first time: DVR is not yet Registered for P2P remote Access

    2b) -B- Cloud P2P remote access if you know the password and username of Sannce registered account holding DVR P2P relevant information

    2b) -C- Cloud P2P remote access if no Sannce registered account holds DVR information
    Possible Problem! Need to remove details of DVR from Sannce registered devices

    ***Very important, is to have a working strong internet connection to the LAN socket via a LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable to your Router or modem, .
    If you have a successful working internet connection, the furthest most green of the lights at the front , , of the DVR should flicker on., . The brightness of this light gives an approximate indication of the strength of the signal. If you have no green light or just a weak dim light, you might consider changing the LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable , possibly to a shorter one. My experience suggests that the DVRs from Sannce require a better and stronger LAN internet connection than most average computers and other devices do. I have also had two DVRs fail / become defect/ useless , at least as far as using local PC LAN (ii) or PC Cloud P2P (iii) is concerned, when they no longer reacted to any working LAN connection ( )

  2. #112
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Importance of maintaining a working LAN connection to DVR for our demonstration and working example of setting up procedures

    Very important, is to have a working strong internet connection to the LAN socket via a LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable to your Router or modem, .
    If you have a successful working internet connection, the furthest most green of the lights at the front , , of the DVR should flicker on., . The brightness of this light gives an approximate indication of the strength of the signal. If you have no green light or just a weak dim light, you might consider changing the LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable , possibly to a shorter one. My experience suggests that the DVRs from Sannce require a better and stronger LAN internet connection than most average computers and other devices do. I have also had two DVRs fail / become defect/ useless , at least as far as using local PC LAN (ii) or PC Cloud P2P (iii) is concerned, when they no longer reacted to any working LAN connection ( )

    We note also that different options are available to us in the Guarding Vision Software, in particular for the P2P remote availability setting up, as a result of having a LAN cable connection to the same router/ modem to which our PC is connected.

  3. #113
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Link to here :

    1-4). Run Guarding Vision software for the first time and register the administrator account.

    Introduction and discussion of the way I have chosen to proceed with the explanations
    The main purpose of all my Blog here , is to get the remote Access via a (remote) PC using Guarding Vision PC Client Software
    We do actually have enough information to do this , at this stage, from a remote source which is away from where the DVR. In other words, theoretically, we could proceeded as if from now on
    _ we have no direct access to the DVR
    and also
    _ our PC has no direct ( LAN cable or WLAN wireless connection ) connection to the same router / modem to which the DVR is connected. ( But note*** , that the DVR must have a reliably working internet connection via the LAN socket to a router/modem or some other means to connect it to the internet: It must be “On line)

    In other words, we could proceed as if we were travelling “away from home” and have our PC or Laptop with us

    However, it is much easier to understand, and has a better chance of initial and later success, if we proceed in a more logical progression.
    In this logical progression we will in the next section remain “at home” , or physically close to the DVR.
    So we are assuming that we unpacked and did the initial first quick set up and are still using the (i) most simple use of the DVR and cameras and monitor (i) ( and have the mouse still connected to the receiver )

    We will then go on to the next way, (ii) , the “local LAN way”, to use the DVR, which is local PC use of the DVR

    Finally we will go on to the P2P Cloud way, (iii) , which is the remote PC way
    We note that at this final stage we will still be coincidentally connected to the same router / modem as the DVR, but this is just because of the way we have decided to progress in order to set up the final P2P Cloud way. However, at this final point we need do no more than simply take our PC to some remote point , ( theoretically anywhere in the world!), and as long as we can connect hat PC in some way to the world wide web internet at this remote location, then if all has gone well, we should be still able to access the DVR, that is to say view using the cameras that are connected to the DVR, and the pictures should appear close to real live time on out PC screen. This last functioning arrangement is the main goal of my entire Blog here . At that point , this Blog is finished, although note that we will discus the three different ways to get at the final P2P Cloud way: _ -A- _ -B- _ -C-
    Remote ( Cloud P2P ) Access of DVR over the internet with a PC using Guarding Vision Windows PC Client Software,
    2b) -A- ______ Following on from previously obtaining LAN local access, and
    Adding ( making available ) DVR for remote Cloud use for the first time: DVR is not yet Registered for P2P remote Access

    2b) -B- Cloud P2P remote access if you know the password and username of Sannce registered account holding DVR P2P relevant information

    2b) -C- Cloud P2P remote access if no Sannce registered account holds DVR information
    Possible Problem! Need to remove details of DVR from Sannce registered devices

    ***Very important, is to have a working strong internet connection to the LAN socket via a LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable to your Router or modem, .
    If you have a successful working internet connection, the furthest most green of the lights at the front , , of the DVR should flicker on., . The brightness of this light gives an approximate indication of the strength of the signal. If you have no green light or just a weak dim light, you might consider changing the LAN RJ45 Ethernet cable , possibly to a shorter one. My experience suggests that the DVRs from Sannce require a better and stronger LAN internet connection than most average computers and other devices do. I have also had two DVRs fail / become defect/ useless , at least as far as using local PC LAN (ii) or PC Cloud P2P (iii) is concerned, when they no longer reacted to any working LAN connection ( )

  4. #114
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    1-4). Run Guarding Vision software for the first time and register the administrator ( “Super User” ) account

    Simply double click on the desktop icon for the first time***, and you will be prompted to make a username and password. This is the 3rd of the 4 username and password pairs that we have to deal with. This one is reasonably easy to understand: It is simple a username and password to let you use the guarding Vision Software on a particular computer.
    If you remember to check , ( or leave it checked as it usually is by default ) , the Enable Auto-login box, then you will probably never need to concern yourself with this username and password pair ever again. But never the less, it does no harm to make a note of it somewhere, just in case it is ever needed again.

    So in the working example that I am using for this Blog this is the user name and password ( for the administrator account, ) required to log in to the Guarding Vision PC Client software on the PC that I am using for this worked example:

    As far as I know, this user name and password is only held in the installed software and no where else. It is only required to open the installed software on a particular computer. So if you lose this user name and password, ( or as unfortunately does happen, the username and password is no longer recognised ), the simplest way around it is to de install the software and re install it. If you have a lot of time, an alternative is to contact Sannce Support who after a few weeks of correspondence may understand what you are asking and then guide you in a way to reset the user name and password ,
    SANNCE Model: DN81BL I am using correct password. But it is no longer being accepted
    Password Recovery.doc
    61.5 KB
    DN81BL I am using correct password. But it is no longer being accepted.doc
    202 KB
    36.3 MB

    ***Note: You may occasionally get various security or similar warnings, depending on your own various security settings, example:-
    Usually these can be either be ignored and/ or simply agree to allow what the Guarding Vision Software to do what it is wanting to do

    We now have the software running,
    ( you may occasionally get an extra Help suggestion window showing )
    ( The Super User name which we made on running the Guarding Vision software for the first time, ( - I chose _ DocAElstein _ ) , and that you would login with in subsequent opening, is shown in the top ribbon )
    Note also, that for the purposes of our working examples, we have , or should have, at all times, our DVR connected to the same router/modem as the computer that is running the Guarding Vision Software. This can be seen indicated in the On Devices in the bottom window.

    ( You can also see in that shown Online Device, ( which is our DVR ) , the full long character Device Serial No. , , also contains the effective 9 character user name serial number , SN , of our DVR, F53992124 , which we have discussed previously as one of the user names that we need to know about ).
    ( Note the use of the horizontal scroll bar to get at all the information: )

    If no Online Device is showing, then don’t go any further!!!
    If our DVR is not shown, , then something has gone wrong, and before we go further we should check to see if we can cure this problem,

    All further setting up is concerned with Adding information to it to allow a PC to view in a similar way to which the monitor is used in the simplest use of the DVR
    There are two ways to do this viewing via a PC,
    (ii) 2a: Local LAN Access, ( making use of a typical modern internet Modem/ Router ‘s secondary LAN / central Server type function )
    (iii) 2b: Cloud P2P Remote Access ( via the internet, ( will also need a typical modern internet Modem/ Router ) )

    Conclusion/ Summary of what we see initially:
    We are initially looking at Device Management , and by default a Device Type has been added automatically
    So we are looking by default at the Device Management , and by default a Device Type has been added automatically, but at this stage there is nothing in it, so no actual device is being manages. But we can see that a device is available in the Online Device window. It is not essential to have a device showing in the On Line window in order to manage a device, but it is helpful if we want to manage that device, as the software will automatically recognise some details relating to that device, and this will mean that we may have to add less details ourselves when managing it.
    ( Managing is, in the first instance , mostly concerned with + Adding it. This so called with + Add basically means making it available for use in one way or another.

    Attachment 3777

    ________Device Managemant
    _ Device

    _Device Type_

    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #115
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    This is page 3, post #21
    Thread number #post23438

    Try Releases 17.0.2 32Bit (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    From here

  6. #116
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    This is page 3, post #21
    Thread number #post23438

    Try Releases 17.0.2 32Bit (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    From here

  7. #117
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    17.0.2 (32Bit) (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    Try Releases 17.0.2 (32Bit) (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    Get it
    We get the .zip thing containing it all from somewhere. Here a few ideas,
    from the OBS GitHub releases page

    Or, here I have it in a few places :
    Share ‘’

    Unzip it
    The word zip may not explain things so well. A .zip file seems to be a file squashed or compressed to reduce its size, but die to this it is not much use in that squashed form. It is often represented by a Folder symbol with a zip in the middle. So maybe it is finally something like a folder with all the stuff we want squashed in it, like sardines in a sardine tin. I will call it a zip Folder/File thing.
    So once we have the zip Folder/File thing we need to put it back to its more useful unsquashed form , - that is often referred to as unzipping it.
    There seem to be a few ways to do this. In newer windows it seems to happen automatically if you go into the .zip folder like zip Folder/File thing, and either drag the contents somewhere or copy them and paste them somewhere. I often copy the contents and paste them back in the same real folder holding the zip Folder/File thing. So I end up with the zip Folder/File thing and the useful unsquashed version of the files that were in it.

    This sort of set of actions for example to Get it and unzip it( This example I get it from the GitHub OBS releases page):
    Download the zip Folder/File thing into some convenient normal folder, ( on a USB stick )

    Take a look inside the zip Folder/File thing by double clicking on it
    Copy or drag the contents back into the normal Folder

    You should end then with something like this

  8. #118
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    17.0.2 (32Bit) (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    Try Releases 17.0.2 (32Bit) (Jan 19, 2017 ) Portable

    Get it
    We get the .zip thing containing it all from somewhere. Here a few ideas,
    from the OBS GitHub releases page

    Or, here I have it in a few places :
    Share ‘’

    Unzip it
    The word zip may not explain things so well. A .zip file seems to be a file squashed or compressed to reduce its size, but die to this it is not much use in that squashed form. It is often represented by a Folder symbol with a zip in the middle. So maybe it is finally something like a folder with all the stuff we want squashed in it, like sardines in a sardine tin. I will call it a zip Folder/File thing.
    So once we have the zip Folder/File thing we need to put it back to its more useful unsquashed form , - that is often referred to as unzipping it.
    There seem to be a few ways to do this. In newer windows it seems to happen automatically if you go into the .zip folder like zip Folder/File thing, and either drag the contents somewhere or copy them and paste them somewhere. I often copy the contents and paste them back in the same real folder holding the zip Folder/File thing. So I end up with the zip Folder/File thing and the useful unsquashed version of the files that were in it.

    This sort of set of actions for example to Get it and unzip it( This example I get it from the GitHub OBS releases page):
    Download the zip Folder/File thing into some convenient normal folder, ( on a USB stick )

    Take a look inside the zip Folder/File thing by double clicking on it
    Copy or drag the contents back into the normal Folder

    You should end then with something like this

  9. #119
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Make Entry for Standard local Device - + Add an actual type to the standard type management presented to us by default
    So , as explained in the last post, on opening Guarding Vision software for the first time, a device type had been added automatically. We could call this a local or standard device.
    A Standard device could be any directly / locally connected device, so can include our PC LAN Access

    One way to make this entry is to use the +Add button of the large window in which things are written in / Added
    That is a fully acceptable way to Add a particular device, but as we have an Online Device showing in the Online Device window below , ( which is the one we want to Add ) , we can take advantage of the button by the Online Device window to add that device. This way has the advantage of adding in some of the details for us: The basic entry dialogue boy that comes up is identical to that which comes up with the standard Add button of the large window , but on opening after using the +Add to Client button, some of the entries will be already written for us: – Specifically the local address in our LAN network of our DVR ,
    We need to write in two entries, the User name and Password pair, which we discussed as the first user name and password pair that we met , which we named “ userame and password pair by first time DVR with Monitor, and needed in later LAN use on a computer

    ( We also need to add a “Nickname” of our choice. This will be used as a name on any button to select this device. It can be any name we chose. I personally prefer to use something to help remind me what it is referring to, something like
    DVR_LAN _ DN81BL _F53992124

    So we fill in the three bars and hit the Add button in the Add dialogue box,

    Since we are accessing a local directly connected device, this connection/Adding process , ( typically referred to as Importing ) will usually be very quick.
    A small black window bottom right to confirm the success will typically pop up just for a very short time , , and this ,along with the details appearing in the main window including the Net Status** symbol indicating a working connection, , will mean that almost certainly we can view our cameras now on our computer. This viewing is always done in a similar way for any added devices, but note that after the first viewing there is a small change to allow quicker viewing on any subsequent viewing. More detail on this viewing in the next post.

    Summary: Our first ( device management ) action
    So, at this stage, we opened the Guarding Vision PC Client Software for the first time, which by default had added a device type, ( a simple local device type) , and we had an online device showing, ( - our DVR was showing because we had connected it via a LAN cable to the same modem/router as our computer).
    Because our DVR was showing as an online device, this simplified the adding of a particular simple local device, our DVR, which we did in this post.

    We are not viewing anything yet on our computer, as we have just done some managing of the DVR. ( The next post takes the simple steps to now actually do our first viewing with a computer )
    Attachment 3778Attachment 3779

    ( Note in those last screenshots we have scrolled to the right in the second ( right ) screenshot to get all information )

    ( **Note , incidentally, that the Net Status is referring to the online status of the computer, and is not an indication of the status of the LAN cable connection to the DVR . ( Should the computer go off line, the Net Status will change thus: ) )

  10. #120
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Make Entry for Standard local Device - + Add an actual type to the standard type management presented to us by default
    So , as explained in the last post, on opening Guarding Vision software for the first time, a device type had been added automatically. We could call this a local or standard device.
    A Standard device could be any directly / locally connected device, so can include our PC LAN Access

    One way to make this entry is to use the +Add button of the large window in which things are written in / Added
    That is a fully acceptable way to Add a particular device, but as we have an Online Device showing in the Online Device window below , ( which is the one we want to Add ) , we can take advantage of the button by the Online Device window to add that device. This way has the advantage of adding in some of the details for us: The basic entry dialogue boy that comes up is identical to that which comes up with the standard Add button of the large window , but on opening after using the +Add to Client button, some of the entries will be already written for us: – Specifically the local address in our LAN network of our DVR ,
    We need to write in two entries, the User name and Password pair, which we discussed as the first user name and password pair that we met , which we named “ userame and password pair by first time DVR with Monitor, and needed in later LAN use on a computer

    ( We also need to add a “Nickname” of our choice. This will be used as a name on any button to select this device. It can be any name we chose. I personally prefer to use something to help remind me what it is referring to, something like
    DVR_LAN _ DN81BL _F53992124

    So we fill in the three bars and hit the Add button in the Add dialogue box,

    Since we are accessing a local directly connected device, this connection/Adding process , ( typically referred to as Importing ) will usually be very quick.
    A small black window bottom right to confirm the success will typically pop up just for a very short time , , and this ,along with the details appearing in the main window including the Net Status** symbol indicating a working connection, , will mean that almost certainly we can view our cameras now on our computer. This viewing is always done in a similar way for any added devices, but note that after the first viewing there is a small change to allow quicker viewing on any subsequent viewing. More detail on this viewing in the next post.

    Summary: Our first ( device management ) action
    So, at this stage, we opened the Guarding Vision PC Client Software for the first time, which by default had added a device type, ( a simple local device type) , and we had an online device showing, ( - our DVR was showing because we had connected it via a LAN cable to the same modem/router as our computer).
    Because our DVR was showing as an online device, this simplified the adding of a particular simple local device, our DVR, which we did in this post.

    We are not viewing anything yet on our computer, as we have just done some managing of the DVR. ( The next post takes the simple steps to now actually do our first viewing with a computer )
    Attachment 3778Attachment 3779

    ( Note in those last screenshots we have scrolled to the right in the second ( right ) screenshot to get all information )

    ( **Note , incidentally, that the Net Status is referring to the online status of the computer, and is not an indication of the status of the LAN cable connection to the DVR . ( Should the computer go off line, the Net Status will change thus: ) )

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