* Fix an issue where hotkeys pressed while stream delay is finishing would cause a crash (R1CH)
* Fix an issue where disconnections would report the wrong error code (R1CH)
* Fix an issue with network initialization (R1CH)
* More error/bug checking/logging (R1CH)
* You no longer have to use the nvidia control panel to make nvidia laptops capture properly, you can now simply select the nvidia adapter in OBS and it will function properly (Jim)
* Fix a bug with using two push to talk hotkeys, make it so that if both buttons are down, only when the second button is released will it deactivate push to talk. (Jim)
* Can now "reset" your mic if necessary in audio settings if for whatever reason the mic audio device needs to be reset, which will cause it to reacquire itself. (Jim)
* Fix mic removal/disconnection flaw, if your mic gets disconnected it's no longer required to restart the stream, it will automatically reacquire when it's plugged in again. (Jim. FINALLY. Why, Jim, did you take so long with this? This was a serious issue. Why am I referring to myself in the third person? ..Why am I talking to myself?)
* Fix mic/device gradual syncing issues, remove "Mic Sync Fix Hack" in advanced because it fixes that problem. This was an issue that mostly happened with mics, the Avermedia Live Gamer Portable, and next-gen consoles (Jim)
* More improvements to QSV (Palana)
* Add NVEnc encoder (Written by BtbN. NOTE: requires nvidia key on non-quadro nvidia video devices)
* Because the above required more room, the "Dashboard Link" button has been removed.
* Add separate Start/Stop Recording button to the main window, you can now stop/start recording without stopping the stream. On top of that, reconnecting will no longer stop everything, you will keep recording while reconnecting. Notification also added to the status bar when streaming and/or recording is on/off. (Thanks to the awesome Paibox/Palana duo)
0.60 Beta - 2014-02-02
* Made a workaround for an issue where kona lhi devices wouldn't work properly due to their incomplete directshow filters (Jim)
* Removed the nvidia optimus "workaround" because nvidia optimus drivers seem to be too unstable when handling it and can crash when its used (Jim)
* Make it so the "WTF" log message for system clock only occurs if over a certain threshold (Jim)
* Added a log window that can be opened and viewed while streaming (Palana)
* Fixed a crash that would happen if you press start streaming and stop streaming too quickly (Palana)
* Added a few new options for QSV, and made a few minor improvements (Palana)
* Disable "keep recording" checkbox if file output is disabled (Palana)
* Add start/stop recording hotkeys (Palana)
* If set to both stream and record, enable recording button when not streaming (Palana)
* Moved "Open Log Folder" to help menu (Palana)
* Added new "Log Files" submenu to the help menu. In this menu, you can now run the analyzer on your log files, upload log files to github gists to make it easier for devs to see, or view them yourself without having to go to the folder. (Palana)
* Refactored bitmap handling and allow animated gifs in the slideshow (HomeWorld)
0.610 Beta - 2014-02-16
* I didn't properly recompile QSV stuff, which caused it to crash. Fixed that. (Jim)
* Fixed a bug with elgatos where they wouldn't work (Jim)
* Fixed issue with analyzer (R1CH)
0.611 Beta - 2014-02-16
* Fixed a bug with FLV files (paibox)
0.612 Beta - 2014-02-18
* Add -profile [profile name] command line option to start up with a specific profile (Jim)
* Add a small visual indicator for global sources in the sources list box (HomeWorld)
* Added an "aspect ratio" display to video settings (Palana)
* Moved "Use input device for desktop audio" to advanced settings (Palana) (certain individuals suddenly shed tears of joy)
* Fix right-to-left language support so it displays in the proper order (Palana/Jim/AlderaaN)
* Fix a crash with higher bitrates on nvenc (BtbN and R1CH)
* Make a few adjustments to QuickSync encoder (Palana)
* Move Nvenc/Quicksync encoder selections to encoder settings (Palana)
* Fix start/stop streaming hotkeys when used with the same key (Palana)
* Add support for controller hotkeys (BtbN)
0.613 Beta - 2014-03-07
* Remove 'use input devices for desktop audio' and make it so it can only be used via ini file. If you need to use it, then enable it in your profile ini file in %appdata%\obs\profiles, under [Audio], InputDevicesForDesktopSound=1 -- we are not going to provide an option in the UI for this because people kept enabling it without know what they were doing.
* Reduce the minimum allowable reconnect timeout to 0 (Jim)
* Fix an issue with game capture where the mouse cursor wouldn't always show up after updating its settings (Homeworld)
* Renamed 'audio time offset' to 'audio sync offset' so users actually know specifically what it is (Jim)
* Added some more important logging info, especially things like logging what game capture is trying to hook to, and logging audio sync offsets (Jim)
* Add a fast experimental windows 7 monitor capture method in game capture (homeworld)
* Fix mono audio (Jim)
* Fix 'defaults' button behavior in advanced (paibox)
* Fix audio mute threshold (R1CH)
* Fix invalid log generation (Palana)
* Fix a lot of bugs (Palana & R1CH)
* Implement an 'optimize' button in publish settings (Palana)
* Add optional 'safe' game capture hooks for anti-cheat compatibility (Jim)
* Use safer hooks so that using other hook programs doesn't cause the target game crash with game capture (vulture)
0.620 Beta - 2014-04-23
* Made it so you cannot assign left/right mouse buttons as hotkeys (listen, I know that some people are going to disagree with this, but it's causing some serious problems for new users. They accidentally click the mouse in the box and then don't realize they set a hotkey to their mouse button, and then say "why is this action occuring every time I click my mouse?" ..Please, find a different key/button to use or put it in the ini file manually)
* Clarified some text about the anti-cheat option (basically, don't use it unless the game has anti-cheat protection because otherwise it can flag a false-positive as well, which is INCREDIBLY annoying)
* Fixed a potential anti-virus false-positive with game capture that was happening with 0.62b
0.621 Beta - 2014-04-23
* Fixed an issue with game capture that caused it to stop working for many people
0.622 Beta - 2014-04-25
* Fix game capture performance issues with the latest windows 8.1 update that was causing many games to lag (jim)
* Save the hidden unmuted volume values if exiting the program while volume was muted (jim)
* Add 'set base resolution' back to window capture by popular request (jim)
* Fix potential audio/video sync issues that would happen with hardware encoders (jim)
* Changed to new volume icons (homeworld)
* Make a few minor improvements to quicksync (palana)
* Fix NVenc with the latest nvidia drivers and beta drivers (btbn)
* Warn users if they installed plugins of the wrong architecture (r1ch)
* Show an error if game capture is blocked by an outside source (r1ch)
0.623 Beta - 2014-05-21
* Made a hotfix for streams not loading properly due to a commit that managed to pass initial testing (the quicksync/nvenc sync fix)
0.624 Beta - 2014-05-21
* Update localization files for different languages (slipped by me last time)
* Updated server lists
* Again attempt to fix the bug where QSV/nvenc could sometimes cause streaming to sort of bug out (jim)
* Update nvenc (btbn)
* Update x264 version (btbn)
* Show warning if comodo antivirus is blocking the network connection for whatever reason (r1ch)
* Fix game capture performance issue for D3D9 games on latest windows 8.1 versions (jim)
0.625 Beta - 2014-06-16
* Use application compatibility manifest to prevent OBS from running on unsupported revisions of windows (R1CH)
* Preserve game capture target even if it isn't running (R1CH)
* Move "show log window" to help menu (jack0r)
* Remove help file, replace with online help which is more up-to-date (jack0r)
* Check for XInput support in the installer (R1CH)
* Remember 1:1 preview state on restart (Jim)
* Made it so game capture hotkey will remember as well as save the window it was last assigned to capture to, and always attempt to re-hook it again (Jim)
* Disable QSV encoder settings if QSV isn't selected as encoder (Palana)
* Remove references (R1CH)
* Improve game capture hooking (R1CH)
* Make a number of improvements to quicksync encoder (Palana)
* Update NVenc to latest NVenc API and make a number of improvements (BtbN)
* Update x264 to fix a crash that was occurring due to its version (R1CH)
* Fix issues with BF4 and borderless windowed mode (Jim)
* Fix some freezes that could happen when stopping stream (R1CH)
* Fix keyboard tab order of all controls in the properties/settings windows (jack0r)
* Fix other various random minor bugs and potential issues (R1CH)
* Fix bug where the log menu wouldn't display things correctly (Palana)
* Fix issues with some unicode characters not displaying correctly (Jim)
* Fix a crash if removing global sources with no scenes (R1CH)
* Fix a crash in audio settings if no devices are present (R1CH)
* Fix potential github gist API issue (R1CH)
* Fix issue where game capture would stop capturing certain games such as league of legends after the game goes back to lobby (Jim)
* Add a 'Copy To' option in scenes to allow you to copy scenes between scene collections (Glought)
* Add 'import' button to the global sources dialog to allow importing of global sources from other scene files (Glought)
* Add scene collections feature (ability to change between different sets of scenes, accessible via the 'scene collection' menu) (Glought)
* Add option in uninstaller to remove all saved settings and plugins (R1CH)
* Add a dedicated hotkey panel in settings (Palana)
* Add a drop-down to the recording button which has an option to use standard recording, replay buffer, or both at the same time (Palana)
* Add a replay buffer feature that allows you to save video files of the last configured number of seconds (Palana)
* Add DirectX 8 and DirectDraw capture to game capture (bl00drav3n)
0.630 Beta - 2014-09-07
* Fix a bug where sources that have inverted textures would not display
0.631 Beta - 2014-09-07
* Fix a freeze issue with quicksync
* Restore "Push to talk" checkbox
* Fix a bug with "Copy To" in the scenes context menu in 64bit
0.632 Beta - 2014-09-10
* Add "Show replays" menu to the file menu (palana)
* Update service list (r1ch)
* Fix "Show recordings" in the file menu (palana)
* Fix a bug where second push-to-talk hotkey wouldn't stay assigned (palana)
0.633 Beta - 2014-09-13
* Update services
* Fix bugs with recording file names
* Add support for elgato resolution changing (1920x1080, 1280x720, 640x480, 480x360) (Jim)
0.634 Beta - 2014-09-15
* Fix a service that was unintentionally removed (r1ch)
* Fix issues with elgato (Jim didn't test with the elgato 1.x.x software)
0.635 Beta - 2014-09-16
* If an elgato device is in use and 'custom resolution' is not set, it will default to the closest resolution to the OBS base resolution
* Disable QSV on windows vista, as it's not supported (Palana)
* Make it so that streams can close without freezing up the application. You can't start the stream util the stream until the previous stream has stopped, but it will no longer freeze the main window (Palana)
* Add warnings when using invalid file paths with replay buffer or recording (Palana)
* Fix replay buffering being marked as disabled when start recording fails (Palana)
* Fix a crash with elgatos when using 'output to desktop' for audio (FBirth)
0.636 Beta - 2014-10-02
* Fixed a crash on start streaming that could happen (for example if stream delay was enabled) (Palana)
0.637 Beta - 2014-10-04
* Fixed D3D9 game capture performance issues on the latest update of Windows 8.1 (Jim)
* Removed Chicago from twitch ingest list (CommanderRoot)
* Hopefully fixed an MP4 corruption bug that was occurring under certain circumstances (Palana)
* Fixed monitor capture not updating coordinates when switching monitor (Palana)
* Optimized scene transition fade (HomeWorld)
* Fixed the Advanced -> Custom quick sync encoder settings not enabling buttons (Palana)
* Added a "Enable alpha blending" option to game capture that allows the alpha of the capture to be utilized (Mattias Gustavsson)
0.638 Beta - 2014-11-11