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Thread: Spare post for andy

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    Sir Moderator sandy666's Avatar
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    My Property has two large buildings: the main house; an old wood workshop and a large garden, but the garden has a funny shape. It is not square. The garden is a V shape. On one east side is the V is a main road. On the west side of the V is a nice old lane. ( You can google my address, Schleizer Str. 111, 95028 Hof : )
    Here is what the lane looked like, two months ago:
    Looking from the main road at the front ;
    in the middle ;
    and looking from the back
    I have just three neighbours, two small houses at the back of the lane, and a large fashion sport shop across the lane. It is always quiet there. I do not own the Lane, but it is a nice place to do things, and I also build things illegally there. But I cannot do too much or some neighbours might get upset. (Many neighbours walk there dogs along the lane and let them shit there. So we call it "Dog-shit Alley")

    All was quiet and nice. Then late June, 2024, the Stadtwerke people from Hof, (Utility people, Water, Gas, Electricity) arrived. They told me that the two neighbours at the back and the Sport shop are getting new water pipes and electricity cables. I have newer ones already, so for me no change on my property, but all the digging work is around my property, especially in the Back Lane

    Big deep holes appeared very quickly
    , and it is very interesting to see all the pipes.

    Also on the main road at the front, my old blue VW bus has interesting blue digger things parked next to it

    But the most interesting thing is because most activity is centred around the main holes at the start of the Lane. (For example they broke one of my sewage pipes: . But no problem, they are nice people, and they repaired it later, with a nice new green pipe , )
    The reason why it is so interesting that they do most things there at the start of the lane, is because that by a nice coincidence, one of my hidden security cameras already there is, fully hidden by trees, and I can see all they are doing, right from the first days, when they bring their toilet, and spend many hours discussing what they want to do for the next few months

    There is always a lot of going on there, at the start of the Lane. For example they found my sewage pipe, and are confused and do not know what to do about it, because it is in the way where new pipes are planned
    So they discuss what to do about it, and dig a bit differently covering the first hole with a large metal plate
    New interesting equipment arrives carried in the air carried by their biggest digger , ( That compressor is for the pneumatic drill and Jack hammer which is what broke my sewage pipe, ( the pipe was in concrete ) )

    They wanted to put new plastic water pipes through the old metal ones, to save time and money, as they would not need to dig a long hole along the entire back lane. But when they try, it kept getting stuck. So other people arrived with special pipe examining cameras to try and find the problem,
    When they located the problem, they had to dig a new hole close to the main hole, so then almost the hole start of the Lane is blocked, and the neighbours van only get past if they walk over my property,


    Because of all this work going on, and all the barriers, and lots of things going on, I did some things that I had wanted to do for a long time, but thought might attract too much attention from moaning neighbours or passing authority officials: Because so much is going on, it is less noticeable when I do things at the same time…
    Here are a couple of examples:
    _1) There is an old barn in the middle of the lane with a large roof.
    It belongs to the sport fashion shop, but they don’t care about it. Inside the Barn I did look a few times, and it is much deeper, and the wall is almost caving in. So I dug the earth away and built a long metal contraption like a long strong box,
    In my Cellar where lots of potatoes, all growing shoots,
    So I threw them all in my contraption, ,
    Now, two months later, they have grown very quickly. , I think they grow so well because they get lots of water from the roof

    _2) I have some large trees in my garden, getting much too big. I wanted to chop down some long branches, but they would fall on the Lane and fall over to the Sport Fashion shop. So I did something clever: First I cut most of the branch, but leave it hanging vertically downwards, because it is not fully sawn through. So it is left initially dangling down vertically in the air. Then I cut the last bit. It then falls into one of the holes
    (It fell onto a yellow high pressure gas pipe, but I was lucky that it did not explode, )


    I find it all very interesting to watch.
    I would prefer them to leave the holes there for ever. I think the new pipes are very Pretty and colourful
    But they sometimes fill the holes, ,
    Then they usually seem to go on Holiday for a few days, but they leave a few things here, for example, their middle sized digger

    So I put plants and flowers on it and near it. It looks very pretty
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-26-2024 at 01:18 PM.
    I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt

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