This is post #7
This is post #552
Edit: I gave up with this post after getting so many quirky results in Windows 10 and windows 11, so I started this Thread
Some functions and rough notes on Versions on some computers used in the testings from this page 56 and page 55 and a few other related forum postings
Its useful to keep track of some of your computer specs, and Office versions when playing around with the codings on this page.
The macro below, Sub WhatAmI() ( along with the functions under it which go with it) may help to get some of that info. Run it and some info should appear in the Immediate Window. (From the VB Editor, hold the Ctrl key down and then hit key g to get that Immediate Window up)
Note there are a few bugs and quirks :
_ Application.OperatingSystem can give quirky answers in windows 11 , so the operating system result may be wrong for if you have Windows 11. In fact currently it seems a bit wonky everywhere
_I don’t know if that macro gets it correct in Office versions 2016, 2019,2021, 2024 or 365, since I don’t have them versions to check. My guess is that it might be a bit iffy for 2016 2019,2024 or 365
Sub WhatAmI() '
Debug.Print ExcelVersion & " " & Application.OperatingSystem & " (ApplicationVersion " & CLng(Val(Application.Version)) & ") Computer named " & CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName ' Environ$("computername") Nigel Heffernan
' Windows 11 (2021) ...
' Windows 10 S (2017) ...
' Windows 10 (2015) - MS Version 6.4. ...
' Windows 8/8.1 (2012-2013) - MS Version 6.2/6.3. ...
' Windows 7 (2009) - MS Version 6.1. ...
' Windows Vista (2006) - MS Version 6.0. ...
' Windows XP (2001) - MS Version 5.1. ...
' Windows 2000 (2000) - MS Version 5.0.
End Sub
Private Function ExcelVersion() As String ' From Rory somewhere, then a blind mod for above 2016 from , which probably does not work too well -
Dim Temp As String
'On Error Resume Next
#If Mac Then
Select Case CLng(Val(Application.Version))
Case 11: Temp = "Excel 2004"
Case 12: Temp = "Excel 2008" ' this should NEVER happen!
Case 14: Temp = "Excel 2011"
Case 15: Temp = "Excel 2016 (Mac)"
Case Else: Temp = "Unknown"
End Select
Select Case CLng(Val(Application.Version))
Case 9: Temp = "Excel 2000"
Case 10: Temp = "Excel 2002"
Case 11: Temp = "Excel 2003"
Case 12: Temp = "Excel 2007"
Case 14: Temp = "Excel 2010"
Case 15: Temp = "Excel 2013"
Case 16: '
Let Temp = ForVersion16() '
Case Else: Temp = "Unknown"
End Select
#End If
#If Win64 Then
Let Temp = Temp & " 64 bit"
Let Temp = Temp & " 32 bit"
#End If
Let ExcelVersion = Temp
End Function
Function ForVersion16() As String ' This may be crap -
'Test the Office application version, 'Written by Ken Puls ( ' ...."From Office 2016 onwards, Microsoft has not revved the Application.Version number - they all show as 16.0 - giving you no way to differentiate between versions."....
Dim registryObject As Object
Dim rootDirectory As String, keyPath As String
Dim arrEntryNames As Variant, arrValueTypes As Variant
Dim x As Long
'Check for existence of Licensing key
Let keyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Office\" & CStr(Application.Version) & "\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext"
Let rootDirectory = "."
Set registryObject = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & rootDirectory & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
registryObject.EnumValues &H80000001, keyPath, arrEntryNames, arrValueTypes
On Error GoTo ErrorExit
For x = 0 To UBound(arrEntryNames)
If InStr(arrEntryNames(x), "365") > 0 Then
Let ForVersion16 = 365
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(arrEntryNames(x), "2019") > 0 Then
Let ForVersion16 = 2019
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(arrEntryNames(x), "2021") > 0 Then
Let ForVersion16 = 2021
Exit Function
If InStr(arrEntryNames(x), "2024") > 0 Then
Let ForVersion16 = 2024
Exit Function
End If
Next x
Exit Function
'Version 16, but no licensing key. Must be Office 2016
Let ForVersion16 = 2016
End Function
'Some typical results of my computers for future reference for me because I keep forgetting which versions I have where
' ExcelVersion Application.OperatingSystem (CLng(Val(Application.Version) CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName ' Environ$("computername") Nigel Heffernan
'(based on App.version)
' Excel 2007 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.00 (ApplicationVersion 12) Alan's Computer named ELSTON-LAPTOP KB Vista Office 2007
' Excel 2010 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.00 (ApplicationVersion 14) Computer named ELSTON-PC Alan's Computer GB Vista Office 10
' Excel 2003 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.01 (ApplicationVersion 11) Computer named ALAN-PC Martin Windows 7 Pro Office 2003
' Excel 2010 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.01 (ApplicationVersion 14) Computer named ALAN-PC Martin Windows 7 pro Office 2010
' Excel 2010 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02 (ApplicationVersion 14) Computer named TM5730G Alan's Computer Verranda Windows 10 Office 10
' Excel 2013 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT :.00 (ApplicationVersion 15) Computer named DESKTOP-G7BIH1B Alan's Computer SerSzuD2 Windows 10 Office 13
' Excel 2016 (Windows) 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 10.00 (ApplicationVersion 16) Alan's Computer named DESKTOP-14C4HCR Torrox Windows 10 Office 2016
' Excel 2010 32 bit Windows (32-bit) NT 6.02 (ApplicationVersion 14) Computer named ASPIRE7730G Elfy Windows 11 Office 10