Originally Posted by
Rick, data can go into the adjacent columns to the right of the data fields. All is text, but that field shows an error because the cell starts with an "=".
I'm glad I asked about that #NAME? error as those lines of code required special handling. Give this macro a try...
Sub ConcatDashedRanges()
Dim NextRow As Long, TempText As String, EmptyCells As Range, EqualSignCells As Range, Ar As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set EqualSignCells = Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlFormulas)
For Each Ar In EqualSignCells
Ar.Value = "'" & Ar.Formula
Set EmptyCells = Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each Ar In EmptyCells.Areas
NextRow = NextRow + 1
TempText = Application.Trim(Join(Application.Transpose( _
Ar.Offset(1).Resize(Ar.Count - 1).Value), ";"))
If Left(TempText, 1) = "=" Then TempText = "'" & TempText
Cells(NextRow, "B").Value = TempText
End Sub
I highlighted in red the location where the delimiter is specified in case you want to change it in the future.