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Thread: LookUp Value and Concatenate All Found Results

  1. #41
    Junior Member
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    Hi Rick,

    Firstly, thanks for sharing this helpful code.

    I have two questions, so I appreciate if you can help me.

    1. Is it possible to skip duplicate results?

    2. I have some empty cells; is it possible to skip them in the result.


  2. #42
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    Hi Rick,

    I saved my workbook as macro enabled and saved your UDF code as a module. However when I enter the formula into my table I get the following error: Compile Error. Unexpected end function.

    Is there a way to trouble shoot this?

    Capture.jpg 9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnWHw 9ht16tzryC49htJ6TpIOXR 9ht16tzryC49htOKs4jh3M
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-24-2023 at 02:54 PM.

  3. #43
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwoodsum View Post
    I saved my workbook as macro enabled and saved your UDF code as a module. However when I enter the formula into my table I get the following error: Compile Error. Unexpected end function.

    Is there a way to trouble shoot this?

    It is hard to see that small picture, but if what is displayed in the picture is all of the code you copied, then you did not manage to copy all of the code there is.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Rothstein View Post
    It is hard to see that small picture, but if what is displayed in the picture is all of the code you copied, then you did not manage to copy all of the code there is.
    Oh gosh I didn't even see that the original code has a scroll bar

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Rothstein View Post
    The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

    Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource

    This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

    Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
                          SearchRange As Range, _
                          ReturnRange As Range, _
                          Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
                          Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
                          Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)
      Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String
      If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
         (ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
        LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
        If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
        For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
          If MatchCase Then
            CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
            CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
          End If
          ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
          If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
            If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
                    ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
            Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
          ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
            If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
                    ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
            Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
          End If
        LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
      End If
    End Function
    The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

    The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

    That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

    If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.
    I have installed this as instructed however, the result is just a blank cell. I'm using Excel 2016 on Mac if that makes a difference. I'm really struggling to get this to work I'm new to VBA as well which probably doesn't help :/

    I am unable to attach a sample workbook because the file is too big. So instead, I have included a link below. The second sheet contains a calendar and I would like each day to be filled with the companies from the first sheet where the day matches.

    Also, is it possible to set the font colour of each concatenated result depending on its status in the first sheet? i.e. if a company has a status of UNCONFIRMED, would it possible to make that company and that company only red in the concatenated cell?

    Lastly, on the calendar sheet, how would I fill the cell that corresponds to the current day?

    Link to sample:


  6. #46
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    Please forgive me if this is duplicated - my first time using these forums.
    I need to either create a CONCATENATE formula or a VBA to accomplish what is in this picture.Exel Concatenate.JPG

    Thank you!

  7. #47
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    I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for this UDF. This solves so many issues I have encountered.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Rothstein View Post
    The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

    Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource

    This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

    Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
                          SearchRange As Range, _
                          ReturnRange As Range, _
                          Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
                          Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
                          Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)
      Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String
      If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
         (ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
        LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
        If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
        For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
          If MatchCase Then
            CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
            CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
          End If
          ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
          If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
            If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
                    ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
            Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
          ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
            If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
                    ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
            Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
          End If
        LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
      End If
    End Function
    The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

    The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

    That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

    If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.
    Hi Rick, such a god-sent! This VBA is marvelous

    Can I follow this up by asking if this can be a lookupconcat UDF for multiple criteria?

  9. #49
    Junior Member
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    Hi Rick. This is just the thing I was looking for!

    One thing I would like to know is, I would like to exclude blanks from my results. Should I show this in the VBA or in the formula?

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