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Thread: Fetch multiple values based on criteria

  1. #1
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    Fetch multiple values based on criteria

    Hi, I have this data below as example and underneath the expected data output.
    What's needed is a drop down box menu which allows user to choose an Agency and then to automatically populate in separate cells its respective Centers from "CentersList" and its respective IDs from the "IDList".

    Is this something that can be done just with regular excel or does it need VBA? This is for my work and have been trying for two days, the drop down box I have shows 4 times the Agency name and I have no idea how to make it only once and for the Centers & its ID's to show in other cells.
    I'm not that advanced in excel, but eager to learn. I'd appreciate ANY help anyone can give me! Thank you!
    AgencyList CentersList IDList
    ABC Agency ABC Center 1 1231
    ABC Agency ABC Center 2 1232
    ABC Agency ABC Center 2 1233
    ABC Agency ABC Center 3 1234
    BCC Agency BCC Center 1 1235
    BCC Agency BCC Center 2 1236
    BCC Agency BCC Center 2 1237
    BCC Agency BCC Center 3 1238
    BCC Agency BCC Center 3 1239
    CDD Agency CDD Center 1 1240
    CDD Agency CDD Center 1 1241
    CDD Agency CDD Center 1 1242
    CDD Agency CDD Center 1 1243
    CDD Agency CDD Center 2 1244
    CDD Agency CDD Center 2 1245

    This is how it should look:
    Agency Name: FROM DROP DOWN MENU
    ABC Agency
    ID: Center Name:
    1231 ABC Center 1
    1231 ABC Center 2
    1233 ABC Center 3
    1234 ABC Center 4

    by the way "ABC Center 2" is twice because there are actually two but each have a different ID.

  2. #2
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Hi Lucero,

    Welcome to ExcelFox !!

    Try this
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

  3. #3
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Except for the position of the columns, it sounds like AutoFilter may produce the lists you want to see. You didn't tell us the version of Excel that you are working on, so we cannot give you specific directions on how to find it, but you would start by selecting the Agency Name column and then turn on AutoFilter. Look for it either in the Data menu item of XL2003 or the Data tab on later versions of Excel.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Rothstein View Post
    Except for the position of the columns, it sounds like AutoFilter may produce the lists you want to see. You didn't tell us the version of Excel that you are working on, so we cannot give you specific directions on how to find it, but you would start by selecting the Agency Name column and then turn on AutoFilter. Look for it either in the Data menu item of XL2003 or the Data tab on later versions of Excel.
    Hi Rick, Im using excel 2007. Auto filter wouldn't work because the drop down menu is part of a budget template and the list of data needs to be hidden. Thank you though for your willingness to help me. Take care.

  5. #5
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    Dear Admin, This is not working... What it's needed only one Drop Down box for the Agency and as soon as an agency is chosen, the Centers and ID's for that chosen agency should be populated in the cells below like the example. I'm sad I cannot figure it out and I'm not finding the right answer. Thank you though!! Take care

  6. #6
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    Assume your data in A1:C16 row 1 being the header

    Type the Agency name in G1

    In G2 and copied down and across,

    =IFERROR(INDEX(B$2:B$16,SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$16=$G$1,R OW(B$2:B$16)-ROW(B$2)+1),ROWS(G$2:G2))),"")

    It's an array formula. Confirmed with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Dear Admin,
    Thank you so much for your help!! The array formula is exactly what I needed!!! You Rock!!!

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Thank you so much for your help!! The array formula is exactly what I needed!!! You Rock!!! :D

  9. #9
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

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