Dear Sir,
I'm very thankful to you that, you made very useful VBA formula. I found if this formula can work like this it will be very easy to input formula in multiple formatting
=NumberAsText(A1) ==> One Hundred Twenty Three Point Four Five
=NumberAsTextAnd(A1) ==> One Hundred and Twenty Three Point Four Five
=NumberAsTextCheck(A1) ==> One Hundred Twenty Three and 45/100
=NumberAsTextDollar(A1) ==> One Hundred Twenty Three Dollars and Forty Five Cents
=NumberAsTextCheckDollar(A1) ==> One Hundred Twenty Three Dollars and 45/100
=NumberAsTextCheckRiyals(A1) ==> One Hundred Twenty Three Riyals and 45/100
Please see attached snap if this formula work like this it will be much easier to choice any format.
Thank you so much your for your kind attention