Hi Admin
I have made a change to the order of operations in the macro as I tried to run it on a workbook with a sheet with 20,000 lines, it was still running 18 hours later. The problem was my workbook has acquired 12,000 styles and doing the comparison for every cell took a long time.
In my version I create a list of used styles and set the available styles to found then delete the rest. The macro ran in 5 minutes.
I changed the "ThisWorkbook" to "ActiveWorkbook" as I keep all of my macors in one file and run them from there.
Sub RemoveUnusedStyles()
'// Author : Admin @ ExcelFox.com
'// Purpose : Delete all unused styles from a workbook.
'alternate way of removing unused styles
'search through the file listing the styles in use
'list styles in file
'cycle through available styles comparing to in-use list
'remove listed styles not in use
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim d As Object
Dim s As Style
Dim a
Dim StyleCount As Long
Dim StyleRemoval As Long
Dim StartTime As Variant
Dim Endtime As Variant
Dim availableStyle(64000) As String
Dim availableStylecount As Long
Dim usedStyle(64000) As String
Dim usedStyleCount As Long
Dim foundStyle As Boolean
StartTime = Now()
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
d.comparemode = 1
availableStylecount = 0
With ActiveWorkbook
n = .Styles.Count
'get all the non-built styles
'add names of custom styles to array availableStyle
For i = 1 To n
If Not .Styles(i).BuiltIn Then
d.Item(.Styles(i).NameLocal) = False
availableStylecount = availableStylecount + 1
End If
StyleCount = n
n = 0
usedStyleCount = 0
For i = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
With .Worksheets(i).UsedRange
For c = 1 To .Columns.Count
For r = 1 To .Rows.Count
Set s = .Cells(r, c).Style
If Not s.BuiltIn Then
'check if this style has been added to the array of usedStyleCount
'if not then add it
foundStyle = False
n = 0
While n <= usedStyleCount And foundStyle = False
If usedStyle(n) = s.Name Then
foundStyle = True
End If
n = n + 1
If Not foundStyle Then
usedStyle(usedStyleCount) = s.Name
d.Item(ActiveWorkbook.Styles(s.Name).NameLocal) = True
usedStyleCount = usedStyleCount + 1
End If
End If 'not built in style
End With
'Cycle through list of styles, delete unused styles
a = Array(d.keys, d.items)
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a(0))
'delete unused styles
If Not CBool(a(1)(i)) Then
If Not .Styles(a(0)(i)).BuiltIn Then
.Styles(a(0)(i)).Locked = False
StyleRemoval = StyleRemoval + 1
End If
End If
End With
Endtime = Now()
MsgBox "This file initially contained: " & StyleCount & " Styles." & vbCr & _
"The Macro removed: " & StyleRemoval & vbCr & _
"The macro took: " & Format(Endtime - StartTime, "hh:nn:ss") & vbCr & _
"Start: " & Format(StartTime, "dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss") & " End: " & Format(Endtime, "dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss"), vbOKOnly, "Score Card"
End Sub
I used this macro in sheets that were a collation of many other sheets and acquired so many excess styles along the way that excel began advising me that it could not paste in data.