I started this thread on another site (shame on me! ), but as I don't think I explained myself properly (since nobody replied...), I thought I'd have another go.

I have a workbook that contains hyperlinks that all point to locations within that workbook i.e. all internal.

The workbook is stored on our SharePoint.

If I open the workbook from the SharePoint without checking it out, everything works fine.

If I check the workbook out, then click the hyperlinks, Excel tries to re-open the workbook, which isn't what should happen.

The hyperlinks all comprise the full server+workbookname+rangename references. I was wondering if I could somehow create an "internal" hyperlink that only specified the range name to link to, this might solve the problem - the only issue is, I don't know if this is even possible, let alone how to do it.

As usual, all assistance gratefully received!