Rick Rothstein back in 2009 was responsible for creating the above code. I have modified it to include my specific range name, "PicassoPage" where previously it indicated "Selection".Code:Sub PortToStage() Dim PicassoPage As Range Set PicassoPage = Application.Range("BANKA") Dim X As Long, FF As Long, S() As String ReDim S(1 To PicassoPage.Rows.Count) For X = 1 To PicassoPage.Rows.Count S(X) = Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(WorksheetFunction. _ Transpose(PicassoPage.Rows(X).Value)), ",") Next FF = FreeFile Open "c:\TTND\PicassoPg.cvs" For Output As #FF Print #FF, Join(S, vbNewLine) Close #FF End Sub
I hope I don't get into trouble on my first post on this site but I have seen Rick's work and it is my opinion he is the best programmer in the country.
So, I am looking for help in creating code to take the above generated file (PicassoPg.cvs) created using Workbook A and pull it into a range with the same name and configuration in Workbook B, sort of like a parallel universe thing. Both workbooks have easy access to the csv file and when you look at the corresponding worksheets in both workbooks they look identical. The only difference is that the range name in workbook B is "BankB"