If I do very time consuming calculations (by VBA code) - then after very little time - Excel shows "Not responding". I get around that by having a counter - and then updating my application.statusbar property with a counter in brackets - so now it no longer give me the "Not responding message". So that is all good - however after 2 hours of so the statusbar stops updating - I simply get the circular "hourglass" - I can see that the application is still running (using windows 7 - can place my mouse on the taskbar on the buttom and it shows "running") - so if I let it keep on trucking - it will eventualy finish. I also know my application is still running by using Ctrl+Break - then debug. If I force the application.statusbar - then it become active again.
Any idea how I can force the application.statusbar to remain live and not fall asleep?