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How could I hard code 60 which is 60 minutes lunch break or 1-hour
TimeDiff = Format(EndTime - StartTime, "h"" hours and ""m"" minutes""") - 60
did not work. I'm thinking I can have two buttons one for a 60 minute lunch break or 30 minute lunch break break to be deducted at the end. I hope I explained it better, sorry
The part I highlighted in red is the calculated value (the Format function displays the calculated value in a "formatted" way), so that is the value that the lunch break time should be subtracted from, but you cannot just subtract 60 for 60 minutes as 60 is not a time value (which is what StartTime and EndTime are), rather, you can use the TimeSerial function and let it construct the time for you for your given number of minutes. For example...
TimeDiff = Format(EndTime - StartTime - TimeSerial(0, 60, 0), "h"" hours and ""m"" minutes""")
I think I would modify the code to handle the break time separately in the MessageBox, otherwise the start/end times and displayed difference won't "add up". However, I wasn't sure how you would want to report the time difference, so I have given you two macros to choose from (pick the one with the output you like best)...
Sub GetStartEndTime1()
Dim StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date, BreakTime As Long, TimeDiff As String
StartTime = ActiveCell.Value
EndTime = Application.InputBox("Select the cell with the ending time...", Type:=8)
BreakTime = 60 'Not sure how you plane to calculate 30 or 60, but it goes here
TimeDiff = Format(EndTime - StartTime, "h"" hours and ""m"" minutes with a " & BreakTime & " minute break.""")
MsgBox "Start time: " & StartTime & vbLf & "End time: " & EndTime & vbLf & "Time difference: " & TimeDiff
End Sub
Sub GetStartEndTime2()
Dim StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date, BreakTime As Long, TimeDiff As String
StartTime = ActiveCell.Value
EndTime = Application.InputBox("Select the cell with the ending time...", Type:=8)
BreakTime = 60 'Not sure how you plane to calculate 30 or 60, but it goes here
TimeDiff = Format(EndTime - StartTime - TimeSerial(0, BreakTime, 0), _
"h"" hours and ""m"" minutes which excludes a " & BreakTime & " minute break.""")
MsgBox "Start time: " & StartTime & vbLf & "End time: " & EndTime & vbLf & "Time difference: " & TimeDiff
End Sub