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Thread: Windows 10 and Office Excel

  1. #521
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Function GetProcesses{

    Function GetProcesses{ ……………_
    This was the summary situation which we ended up with from the last post.
    An approximate schematic summary of the situation at which we have so far arrived at
    header1 header2 A Header Last Header <-- This bit with the created “column” is part of the main ListView object
    0\ 345
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This brown thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 0,
    and an Item identifier/name of 345
    Item 0
    1\ 232
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This blue thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 1,
    and an Item identifier/name of 232
    Item 1
    2\ 36
    SubItem SubItem SubItem <-- This purple thing is a ListViewItem object. It has an Item number of 2
    and an Item identifier/name of 36
    Item 2
    In the above schematic we are showing 4 objects. The last three belong to the first one, ( after they have been ned to it ).
    The values in the first column somehow belong to the main ListView object.
    SubItems are Added to the ListViewItems

    Everything we need comes from early on in the function via
    $Processes = Get-Process | Select-Object Id,ProcessName,Handles,NPM,PM,WS,VM,CPU,Path, # and I think this is getting us an array of objects.
    Write-Host $Processes
    will get us one of these for every Process
    @{Id=5800; ProcessName=AggregatorHost; Handles=88; NPM=6112; PM=1200128; WS=2211840; VM=2203375075328; CPU=1,0625; Path=C:\WINDOWS\System32\AggregatorHost.exe}

    Similarly in PowerShell typing $Processes would get us a lot of things like this
         #       Id          : 5800
    #            ProcessName : AggregatorHost
    #          Handles     : 88
    #           NPM         : 6112
    #           PM          : 1200128
    #           WS          : 2211840
    #           VM          : 2203375075328
    #           CPU         : 1,0625
    #           Path        : C:\WINDOWS\System32\AggregatorHost.exe
    The next line,
    ( and a similar one used a bit further down in the main function Loop for all processes, ForEach ($Process in $Processes){ ),
    could do with some elaboration possibly
    $AProcessProperties = $Processes[0].psObject.Properties
    ( _____ $Process.psObject.Properties )
    The way the script uses those last two lines, is such that $AProcessProperties is going to be the same as the first one of $Process.psObject.Properties , because that lattter is used in ForEach ($Process in $Processes){

    The best guess I can give for this at the moment is this:
    Things generally in PowerShell are objects, or can usually be taken/ used as if they were.
    The .psObject for a thing is some sort of wrapper allowing the PowerShell command type things to somehow make use of the newest sort of OOP stuff which often goes under the use of the word .Net
    Anoother approximation could be to say it returns something similar to the Class of the thing we apply it to. It then follows that the .Properties is going to return the object things.

    As it happens we seem to be going around in circles in the given script that accompanies the video:
    We started with these, Id,ProcessName,Handles,NPM,PM,WS,VM,CPU,Path , and the two script bits using the .psObject seem to have the main purpose of returning them.

    Perhaps I can save a lot of time by giving a version of the given script, and then a script that seems to do exactly the same!
     Function GetProcesses{
     $Processes = Get-Process | Select Id,ProcessName,Handles,NPM,PM,WS,VM,CPU,Path
     $ProcessProperties = $Processes[0].psObject.Properties
     $ProcessProperties | ForEach-Object { $listview_Processes.Columns.Add("$($_.Name)") }
        ForEach ($Process in $Processes){
         $ProcessListViewItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem($Process.Id)
         $Process.psObject.Properties | Where {$_.Name -ne "Id"} | ForEach-Object {
                                 $ColumnName = $_.Name ;  $ProcessListViewItem.SubItems.Add("$($Process.$ColumnName)") 
     Function GetProcesses{
     $Processes = Get-Process | Select-Object Id,ProcessName,Handles,NPM,PM,WS,VM,CPU,Path
        ForEach ($Hdr in @("Id", "ProcessName", "Handles", "NPM", "PM", "WS", "VM", "CPU", "Path")){$listview_Processes.Columns.Add($Hdr)}  
        ForEach ($Process in $Processes){           
         $ProcessListViewItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem($Process.Id) 
            ForEach ($Hdr in @( "ProcessName", "Handles", "NPM", "PM", "WS", "VM", "CPU", "Path")){$ProcessListViewItem.SubItems.Add("$($Process.$Hdr)")}  

    Here is a comparison of a Write-Host line added to show for the first psObject returned thing, and then the same got from the PowerShell window
     int Id=5236 string ProcessName=AggregatorHost int Handles=88 long NPM=6112 long PM=1142784 long WS=5099520 long VM=2203375075328 System.Double CPU=0,578125 System.String Path=C:\WINDOWS\System32\AggregatorHost.exe
      PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $Processes = Get-Process | Select Id,ProcessName,Handles,NPM,PM,WS,VM,CPU,Path
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $ProcessProperties = $Processes[0].psObject.Properties
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $ProcessProperties 
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 5236
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
    Name : Id
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : AggregatorHost
    TypeNameOfValue : System.String
    Name : ProcessName
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 88
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
    Name : Handles
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 6112
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int64
    Name : NPM
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 1142784
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int64
    Name : PM
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 5099520
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int64
    Name : WS
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 2203375075328
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Int64
    Name : VM
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : 0,578125
    TypeNameOfValue : System.Double
    Name : CPU
    IsInstance : True
    MemberType : NoteProperty
    IsSettable : True
    IsGettable : True
    Value : C:\WINDOWS\System32\AggregatorHost.exe
    TypeNameOfValue : System.String
    Name : Path
    IsInstance : True
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-19-2022 at 12:08 AM.

  2. #522
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    just testing

    test test

    This is not a love song
    This is post

    I can comment here easily , and have lots of format to mess with to make it pretty

    _SomeThingsInThePipe | ForEach ( {
    ___ $_.doingstuff
    ___ $SomethingElse = $_.Something
    __ } )

    Sub CopyExcelColumnSpamURL()
    Selection.Copy ' This will put it in the clipboard
    'Dim objCliCodeCopied As DataObject   '**Early Binding.   This is for an Object from the class MS Forms. This will be a Data Object of what we "send" to the Clipboard. So I name it CLIpboardSend. But it is a DataObject. It has the Methods I need to send text to the Clipboard
    ' Set objCliCodeCopied = New DataObject '**Must enable Forms Library: In VB Editor do this:  Tools -- References - scroll down to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library -- put checkmark in.  Note if you cannot find it try   OR IF NOT can add that manually: VBA Editor -- Tools -- References -- Browse -- and find FM20.DLL file under C:\WINDOWS\system32 and select it --> Open --> OK.
    ' ( or instead of those two lines  Dim obj As New DataObject ).    or  next two lines are.....Late Binding equivalent'
    Dim objCli As Object '  Late Binding equivalent'   If you declare a variable as Object, you are late binding it.
     Set objCli = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") '
     objCli.GetFromClipboard 'All that is in the Clipboard goes in this Data Object initial instance of the Class
    Dim SpamURLs As String ' String varable to take the moodified code. This can be very long,                                                                                            like my cock
     Let SpamURLs = objCli.GetText() 'retrieve the text in the initial instance of the Class. ( In this case the original code modifies to have code lines )
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(SpamURLs)
    Let SpamURLs = Replace(SpamURLs, vbCr & vbLf, "[/uRl]" & vbCr & vbLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Let SpamURLs = Replace(SpamURLs, "http", "[uRl]http", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
     ' Make a data Object to put back in clipboard. This a Another Object from class just to demo, could have used the first
    'Dim objDatCliBackIn As DataObject
    ' Set objDatCliBackIn = New DataObject 'Set to a new Instance ( Blue Print ) of dataobject
    Dim objDatCliBackIn As Object
     Set objDatCliBackIn = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
     objDatCliBackIn.SetText "Alan Spam Tests" & vbCr & vbLf & SpamURLs  'Make Data object's text equal to the long string of the modified code
     objDatCliBackIn.PutInClipboard 'Place current Data object into the Clipboard, effectivelly putting its text, which is oue final code in the Clipcoard
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-15-2022 at 02:43 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  3. #523
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Github Updates and Obsidian Wizardry 22 04 2022

    Chris did a live stream of some relevance so,
    _ first some notes, part of which might be used in some comments, so they might appear as if I am talking to Chris.
    _ based on the changes I will update my Temp11.ps1 to Temp12.ps1

    Initially he talks about some software, Obsidian. I have no idea about that. A quick glance looks like it’s a limited less useful platform to do what I do at my well organised forum. But when I check it out, I might change my ideas. Its easy to get used to something, then think it’s the best. You do that frequently, and then change your mind, later. That’s cool

    He started looking at GitHub, at minute 36 He is going to close a lot as he is going to re write drastically the win 10 debloater script. That might include your idea to try out WPF.
    (1 Hr 10Min 55Secs, , check out there: You used 1440, untypical low for you, and you went on further at 1Hr 13Min 30Secs , , to bring up again the issue of WPF v WindowsForms , ( 1hr 13min 45 secs ) )

    He started looking at Pull requests, PRs…
    PR #305 d4rklynk, add Librewolf
    Has some useful stuff, Chris couldn’t be bothered and was confused as everyone is in how things get linked to other peoples stuff in at GitHub, so he just closed it. (Librewolf may have been trying to link to his stuff, but it could partly be that Chris or both of them don’t understand GitHub completely)

    PR #304 SimPilotAdamT, Fix issue #299 and #302
    Good one – stops the “Task manager extra details bit hanging” – I think I noticed something screwy there myself once so was added that to latest version, and I will

    After this Chris broke off a bit and decided to get a virtual machine up and test before doing more Merge/Commit stuff
    He went for a Windows 11 virtual machine up, and as usual got in a muddle,
    At min 42 30 he does windows 11 because he thinks most of us have switched.
    ( I think- Issues will be sorted out by chance I expect, which will take a while, and I don’t have the extra resources to be a Guinea Pig on windows 11
    So I am partially beginning to be switched to windows 11, but not as regards using Debloat scripts for a good improved and speeded up versions )
    It did not work, so he ended up using a windows 10.

    At Minute 50 , 30 secs ( ) , seconds you were not sure about recent windows 10 versions:
    21H2 was the latest released in middle November 2021
    ( From about that date until the current time, I had a few standard earlier versions, mostly connected to the internet permanently and mostly on default update settings. Microsoft never updated them surprisingly. One I forced to update, and it took a very long time, but was finally successful. Perhaps MS were uncharacteristically not in a rush to update on this one)

    Back to the PRs
    1 16 30 back to pull requests

    PR Mrhaydendp #308 Batch Installer for WinGet
    A good one. Chris totally missed the point 1 Hr 19 you did not take the time to do justice to the batch instillation PR
    I think you should not get too excited by any particular way about installing winget. I have seen it vary which works from time to time, and most likely will continue to do so. Better would be to concentrate your efforts on some script to try a few ways, and pick the one that might work.
    (And betters still either
    _ don’t install stuff at all
    _ make it more bullet proof as I mentioned and even further perhaps to allow chocolaty install alternative. )

    1Hr 19Min 35secs host ( ) general comments on etc hosts, then on to the PR that was a major part of the Video, 1Hr 20Min 45Secs #306
    PR Brandonbr1 #306 Add a script to block ads and include things from the scripts folder into the actual main file the people download
    Chris liked most, ( takes out an anti spyware line
    # Disabling Antispyware flags script as virus and also doesn't work with anti-tamper measures introduced in 20H2+
    # Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Name "DisableAntiSpyware" -Type DWord -Value 00000001
    Chris loves the stuff at 1 22 22 , - The Guy is doing a NetSH to do a firewall

    An interesting comment from someone else on the PR Windows Defender (and most other antiviruses) has a history of blocking files that modify the hosts file due to it being a common technique used by viruses to create a backdoor in people's systems. This might be why there isn't a hosts file blocking implementation in the script yet. Also might be because hosts file blocking can introduce problems for people who use sites like Microsoft and Google services. Having it as a separate script might be best .
    Chris at 1 22 30 :
    , - “This is why I love G__H__ - go through PRs before you get a great one , like this one…”
    ( some time earlier Chris said he should test stuff before committing/Merging. But he forgot that, and committed/Merged this one, because he loved it so much )

    Chris a few minute later, still on the same PR –
    , - The TLDR: He was very, very, very upset by that PR – “Sometimes I hate PRs and wish I just code it all myself”

    _.. Another G__H__ fuck up
    But is good to see the development, ( or not ), on a Live stream. And entertaining
    ( Maybe you were a bit hard on the guy, Brandonbr1.
    OK, it broke stuff for you. You easily fixed it. Sometimes your script brakes stuff for others. Often they can’t fix it.

    ( 1Hr 27Min 50secs:- Chris you like Terminal. I don’t know much about these things myself, but some people smarter than me tell me that Terminal will probably go under when the open source PowerShell 7 becomes widely used )

    So.. the fuck up_
    On testing he was concerned that the write-host did not appear?
    There seemed to be some other errors
    I think he did some repair to fix the bad PR – after changing some things, ( mostly deleting stuff, he somehow did a GitHub PR repair Push/Commit/Merge or whatever, called Fix bad PR.
    Fix bad PR. Fuck up

    A re run in terminal seemed to error similarly, or maybe not after a refresh / wait. .. It then seemed to work .. got as far as ..”blocking Ip telemetry”.
    Then a bit after Chris was very, very, very upset… He vanished behind the scenes with a cable, …
    The repair details are summarised here : 1Hr 49min summarised fix

    Back to other Pull requests
    PR THEBOSSMAGNUS #298, Add microsoft visual c++ runtime
    Chris left it open

    Sparker-99 #291 ,Added waterfox install
    Chris don’t like that browser so closed it

    Sighi-04 #286 Fixed dead package name for adobe reader installer
    Simple one line change, Chris accepted
    684 winget install -e Adobe.AdobeAcrobatReaderDC | Out-Host
    684 winget install -e --id Adobe.Acrobat.Reader.64-bit | Out-Host

    Carterpersall #285 Tweaked a Few Things and Resolved Several Issues
    Looks like GitHub made it messy, and Chris was too tired and fed up to look at it, or he may hve hidden it in a branch. God knows. I doubt anyone else does
    Hit Files changed to take a look ( ) These may be individual files

    Myxxmikeyxx #282 Added Git For Windows Button Option
    This was to add a button, but Chris liked the idea, and said he will put it into Github Desktop button instead of another installer, and he may have done it.. I will need to check the $githubdsktop.Add_Click{(

    I liked your comments towards the end, of you wanting your own place, in parallel to anything or anywhere else that you do stuff, so as to keep some sort of longevity. That is exactly what I think about my forum. For a year or two I am mostly in the background trying to understand how to maintain it, reliably.
    Although I don’t always approve of some of the addicts, some of whom I think are psychos, spending all of their life at forums, some do have it as the most important part of their life.
    A few are nice people, just a bit lonely and sad, in their old age, with nothing better that they are able to do. They do provide a service from which others benefit. In recent years, some forums have vanished without warning, or some places been changed to read only. That has been very unkind to some of these people.

    Update Temp11.ps1 to Temp12.ps1 from Chris23April2022.ps1

    As usual, I would like to keep up to date with Chris’s development, so I add lines to my latest, Temp11.ps1 , using the latest from Chris, , to know where the lines are needed.
    Either the linnes are
    _ left empty
    _ include all or part of what Chris has there: the purpose of that is.
    The purpose of that is to either use, and/ or make it easier to compare future versions of Chris’s script with mine.

    To do this I typically put the two files side by side in their own window ( ISE or Notepad++) , , and scroll down making a changes as I go along to keep similar code lines at the same place, as much as possible…

    Share ‘Temp11.ps1’
    Share ‘Chris23April2022.ps1’

    9.34 Live - Github Updates and Obsidian Wizardry-mXrmy8T74lM_22 04 2022
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-24-2022 at 09:40 PM.

  4. #524
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Update Temp11.ps1 to Temp12.ps1 from Chris23April2022.ps1

    It looks like I might have accidentally added 2-3 empty lines from 577, so I took those out. Then I am back in sinc
    A single space line discrepancy at about 771, possibly my error again

    A single line has been used to include the extra Git.Git, so I take that ,

    From 983 we make the change for the If on task manager, which looks as though I need two extra lines,

    From 1026, # Network Tweaks has been shifted down for a # reducing ram via regedit I take that for now as it is , , ---

    Had a line out of wach , took out a line just before #Laptopnumlock to bring it back in sinc

    That’s it??
    So it looks like the entire host blocking ( P Request, Brandonbr1 #306 ) got missed out. The video suggested you wanted to , and did have, at least some of it still there.
    Probably another dimension to disaster that G__ Hub is: A G__ Hub F___ up on top of a G__ Hub F___ up

    Share ‘Temp11.ps1’
    Share ‘Chris23April2022.ps1’

    Share ‘Temp12.ps1’
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-24-2022 at 09:37 PM.

  5. #525
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    First goes at "WPF" winutil

    This is post

    Week later 29 Apr 2022 Chris surprised me with his first WPF attempt

    I was hoping Chris would not get around to doing this for a while, but he has done it very quickly following a week later from his last Live Stream which heavily mentioned the Debloat script.
    Chris said he did C stuff at college, ( 22 years ago ) – strange – he said before in a video that he never went to college?
    9.36 Live - New Windows Tool-xqBhFPW_LuM_29 04 2022

    It looks like Chris has started uploading the first attempts at GitHub: From 28 April, 2022
    Share ‘ChrisFirstWPFDeleted.ps1’

    What’s going on..
    Without looking at detail yet, just gleaning from Laymen info the video:
    WPF is some tool to make a nice GUI. Its based on the .Net stuff, but optimised to make a nice GUI. WPF seems to chuck out a “Semmel” ( xml ) coding. That comes from Visual Studio. I guess we can think of it initially, approximately, as a posh GUI that does not limit you to PowerShell.
    However, for now, Chris is going to use PowerShell, and the free Visual Studio. For now, we can think of Visual Studio as a development environment like the VB Editor in VBA or the ISE in PowerShell. But its somehow much more all encompassing.

    Lets say that again, partly graphically , and in particular showing also what Chris is doing in the video, ( which he mentions has some limitations, but for now he accepts that to keep it all free source in PowerShell .ps1 file. Going into a full executable, will remove some limitations, and he may be in danger of going into that , by the back door… )
    What’s going on..and how
    So the new stuff, somehow made a XML coding that in .Net gives us a nice GUI. Some of that is comprehendible as being obvious what it is referring to. So we can make some simple changes or additions, such as in this example, Chris added a few extra checkboxes.
    XML – PowerShell GUI coding
    This is an interesting bit: We can paste that XML coding in a normal .txt / .ps1 file, or rather we out that coding in a PowerShell variable, pseudo like
    $inputXML = @"
    <Window x:Class="WinUtility.MainWindow"
            Title="Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility" Height="450" Width="800">
    <Grid Background="#777777" ShowGridLines="False" Name="MainGrid">
        # Lots of html / xml  like stuff…….
    That above is just a random snippet. In the actual thing there is lots of Grid and other stuff

    There then follows some very complex and verbose coding that Chris does not understand and I doubt I ever will that makes the objects and there variables available to PowerShell. This worries me a bit, since understanding this coding may never take place
    In that complex coding is a final function, that gets the variables from the GUI.
    That line is done once, and if I do that code line manually it in the PowerShell Window, then I will get a list of the variables.
    The running of the form also gives these variables: This text file is what comes out in PowerShell on running, followed by my manual run of Get-Formvariables
     PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF\ChrisFirstWPFDeleted.ps1
    If you need to reference this display again, run Get-FormVariables
    Found the following interactable elements from our form
    Name                           Value                                                                                   
    ----                           -----                                                                                   
    WPFadobe                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Adobe Reader DC IsChecked:False                
    WPFadvancedip                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Advanced IP Scanner IsChecked:False            
    WPFautohotkey                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:AutoHotkey IsChecked:False                     
    WPFbrave                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Brave IsChecked:False                          
    WPFchrome                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Google Chrome IsChecked:False                  
    WPFdiscord                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Discord IsChecked:False                        
    WPFesearch                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Everything Search IsChecked:False              
    WPFetcher                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Etcher USB Creator IsChecked:False             
    WPFfirefox                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Firefox IsChecked:False                        
    WPFgimp                        System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:GIMP (Image Editor) IsChecked:False            
    WPFgithubdesktop               System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:GitHub Desktop IsChecked:False                 
    WPFIcon                        System.Windows.Controls.Image                                                           
    WPFimageglass                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:ImageGlass (Image Viewer) IsChecked:False      
    WPFinstall                     System.Windows.Controls.Button: Start Install                                           
    WPFMainGrid                    System.Windows.Controls.Grid                                                            
    WPFmpc                         System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Media Player Classic (Video Player) IsChecke...
    WPFnotepadplus                 System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Notepad++ IsChecked:False                      
    WPFpowertoys                   System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Microsoft Powertoys IsChecked:False            
    WPFputty                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Putty and WinSCP IsChecked:False               
    WPFsevenzip                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:7-Zip IsChecked:False                          
    WPFsharex                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:ShareX (Screenshots) IsChecked:False           
    WPFsumatra                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Sumatra PDF IsChecked:False                    
    WPFTab1                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Install Content:                                 
    WPFTab1BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Install                                                 
    WPFTab2                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Debloat Content:                                 
    WPFTab2BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Debloat                                                 
    WPFTab3                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Config Content:                                  
    WPFTab3BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Config                                                  
    WPFTab4                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Updates Content:                                 
    WPFTab4BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Updates                                                 
    WPFTabNav                      System.Windows.Controls.TabControl Items.Count:4                                        
    WPFterminal                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Windows Terminal IsChecked:False               
    WPFTitusPB                     System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar Minimum:0 Maximum:100 Value:0                       
    WPFttaskbar                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Translucent Taskbar IsChecked:False            
    WPFvlc                         System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VLC (Video Player) IsChecked:False             
    WPFvscode                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VS Code IsChecked:False                        
    WPFvscodium                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VS Codium IsChecked:False                      
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-FormVariables
    Found the following interactable elements from our form
    Name                           Value                                                                                   
    ----                           -----                                                                                   
    WPFadobe                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Adobe Reader DC IsChecked:False                
    WPFadvancedip                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Advanced IP Scanner IsChecked:False            
    WPFautohotkey                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:AutoHotkey IsChecked:False                     
    WPFbrave                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Brave IsChecked:False                          
    WPFchrome                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Google Chrome IsChecked:False                  
    WPFdiscord                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Discord IsChecked:False                        
    WPFesearch                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Everything Search IsChecked:False              
    WPFetcher                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Etcher USB Creator IsChecked:False             
    WPFfirefox                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Firefox IsChecked:False                        
    WPFgimp                        System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:GIMP (Image Editor) IsChecked:False            
    WPFgithubdesktop               System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:GitHub Desktop IsChecked:False                 
    WPFIcon                        System.Windows.Controls.Image                                                           
    WPFimageglass                  System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:ImageGlass (Image Viewer) IsChecked:False      
    WPFinstall                     System.Windows.Controls.Button: Start Install                                           
    WPFMainGrid                    System.Windows.Controls.Grid                                                            
    WPFmpc                         System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Media Player Classic (Video Player) IsChecke...
    WPFnotepadplus                 System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Notepad++ IsChecked:False                      
    WPFpowertoys                   System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Microsoft Powertoys IsChecked:False            
    WPFputty                       System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Putty and WinSCP IsChecked:False               
    WPFsevenzip                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:7-Zip IsChecked:False                          
    WPFsharex                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:ShareX (Screenshots) IsChecked:False           
    WPFsumatra                     System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Sumatra PDF IsChecked:False                    
    WPFTab1                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Install Content:                                 
    WPFTab1BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Install                                                 
    WPFTab2                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Debloat Content:                                 
    WPFTab2BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Debloat                                                 
    WPFTab3                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Config Content:                                  
    WPFTab3BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Config                                                  
    WPFTab4                        System.Windows.Controls.TabItem Header:Updates Content:                                 
    WPFTab4BT                      System.Windows.Controls.Button: Updates                                                 
    WPFTabNav                      System.Windows.Controls.TabControl Items.Count:4                                        
    WPFterminal                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Windows Terminal IsChecked:False               
    WPFTitusPB                     System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar Minimum:0 Maximum:100 Value:0                       
    WPFttaskbar                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:Translucent Taskbar IsChecked:False            
    WPFvlc                         System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VLC (Video Player) IsChecked:False             
    WPFvscode                      System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VS Code IsChecked:False                        
    WPFvscodium                    System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox Content:VS Codium IsChecked:False                      
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
    Because we have the variables we can do things to them as in the old tool script, such as adding Add_Click stuff

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-13-2022 at 02:11 PM.

  6. #526
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    First goes at "WPF" winutil

    Minute 6, 55 seconds .. limitation of this “open” non .exe way
    .. since It’s running in PowerShell. That will take precedence. It’s the parent that’s doing everything, .. If you do something in the GUI that sends back to PowerShell, it will lock the GUI until whatever is finished in the background.
    …If I did a full .exe on the front end and embedded PowerShell. It would not be like that

    Because we have the variables we can do things to them as in the old tool script, such as adding Add_Click stuff

    It’s the viewbox that makes it autoscale
    He finds WPF a bit more obscure than C
    He loves VS and the real time stuff
    He has effectively two panels, “grids split 30% 70% with
    Then he has a vertical stack panel ( which is the default ) which is the left most buttons.

    Rants as ever about Pull Requests he fucked up
    Basically Chris has made a mess with Essential Tweaks and he is hiding it behind pretending he had bad Pull Requests. In fact he barely looked at the Pull Requests and those he did he messed up. So he is sort of going back and looking more carefully in a module like way, on the meat and splitting it. Just like my very first thoughts after getting clued up on his last year or so of the old Tool
    A bit later he goes someway to justify his comments – things are just merged in with no documentation, but who is responsible for that? Debatable, stuff there Good night what a mess - got his Hibernations in a mess

    Drilling into meat, of it, line by line, ( hiding his mess up by saying making it perfect for everyone )
    When you select Laptop it will click the Misc. Tweaks for Enable Power Throttling ( to save battery, and Disable NumLock on Startup because a lot of Laptops don’t have affinity
    When you select Desktop it will click the Misc. Tweaks for Disable Power Throttling, and Enable NumLock on Startup because most people will want a ten key??
    In Essential Tweaks only Remove MS Apps is the one he wouldn’t do.

    Chris spends a bit of time doing the option click selections stuff,
    does some IF stuff to run on a checked box,
    then we are off to the meat, breaking up the old code

    _ Activity History

    _ The Debloat. While he was there, decided to comment out #Microsoft.YourPhone
    ( talks about option new to remove a lot of office bloat )

    _ Game DVR. A few rants follow – stuff in the meat badly documented as it was a Pull Request that Chris did not implement correctly documentation stuff there Good night what a mess - got his Hibernations in a mess
    he says he was too lenient. Actually he was too lazy and made no attempt to check anything or had no idea about his own script and implications of Pull Requests on it.
    He is not always sure where things should go. He may think again where some bits go

    _ When the Home group 4 script lines are put on a click box, Chris changes the to disable to manual

    He got bogged down finding stuff so decided to just go back to the start in Essential Tweaks, and split stuff,
    _ starting with O&O

    _ 8 lines of the first meat went to Telemetry

    _ At WiFi he mentions again how bad Smartphones are:

    (_ Application suggestions, approx 13 lines, he decides to put in Telemetry)

    (_ Activity history already done that one )

    _ He is not too sure where WiFi and location tracking should go.

    _ He decides to jam all the feedback and all down to the dmwapp stuff into telemetry, ( so the whole fucked up WAP Properties Telemetry issue id missed again ), Telemetry will be the catch all
    Remote assistance gets dropped in here also, and Chris rants again that not even Microsoft use it:

    _ Restore point goes on its own click button thing.

    _ Super Fetch. Crap again that never worked. But it’s not clear if Chris did anything with it?

    _ Chris sees some more Hibernation stuff and copies it and is in a mess again. Missed something, second time around: But that is disabling??
    ( rant first time around was enabling )
    Right here, Perfect crap
    No idea what Chris eventually put in the Disable Hibernation Button.

    _ Task manager Details. The good Pull request from the last video. Changing windows explorer view details. But he went off and god knows if he did anything with it. ( 20 H1 2257 or 2004 or 21 H2 , showing detail bugged out. Maybe a patch fixed it.
    _ Some mix up again with WiFi
    ( He advises someone to use 2016 version if you want LTSC )
    _ He decides to forget all about the tray icons

    _ We are into Num Loch again, something about the Add Type windows forms he does not like,
    The reason for disabling Num Loch is on some Laptops you may lose some of the right hand keyboard and people don’t know how to bring it back
    He says his whole script is wrong, he left it at default. Enable should be 2. Disable should be 0
    So finally he did it right.

    _ Changing Explorer view goes in Telemetry. No one need quick access

    _ Power Throttling. Definitely want that on LapTop Two lines taken from # reducing ram via regedit – the rest of that reducing ram stuff he comments with #### Performance Display and memory , and says he will come back but then changees that and puts that and almost everything up to service tweaks in Telemetry !!

    _ File extensions goes to a Misc TweakExts button.

    ** In the chat someone asks … 400K subscribers and only 240 watching. Michael Hathaway answers that Chris uses Bots: ,
    _ Services ( comes back later – not sure where to put it)
    This Chris says works so well, and gives best feedback
    ( starts talking about Boot Time, the “Issues Thread” after Sam asks )
    Does his rant ( in love with issues , hate PR rant Chris has superior knowledge ) , looks at Chat a bit apprehensive. .. Maybe because **
    _ Does the services

    _ Boot time UTC goes in Misc Tweaks Set time ( Dual Boot is it needed isd )

    Looks like he is getting lazy, fed up etc., and says he ignores background apps, and it looks like he ignores a lot of other stuff as well

    _ Display for performance. ( Shows the manual way to do it

    He starts doing Essential undo by including the previous own button for visual effects ( opposite of last added display for performance. )
    A button for all, copies initially just the whole meat from old script.
    He just goes through very quickly.


    More laziness as he decides not to touch search

    He noticed that Clipboard History was deleted in Essential tweaks ( In services, so he takes from the enable/Undo button the meat and outs it in Undo
    "cbdhsvc_48486de" # On 28 April Chris notices that this disables Clipboard History, and puts the undo button stuff in Undo )

    He does a run through, Run Tweaks, and notices he is deleting some apps he personally did not want to: Mindcraft, Whiteboard, xbox
    After that he decides to put this ( Remove MS Store Apps check button thing ) in Misc. Tweaks. He finally does that after forgetting to a few times.

    He might decide to break out Telemetry a bit more after the stream, and even the Undo also.

    He takes out all Result.Text stuff

    He starts the install bloating.
    Gets lost in looking at software to install, following suggestions in Chat.

    Chocolatey, Scoop (invoke… Chocolatey Scoop look into invoke... )

    We are probably at this point at this script from 30 April, 2022:
    Share ‘ChrisWPF30April.ps1’

    Because he was not finished, and because of Algorithm God, on Wednesday 4 May…._
    9.37 Fixing my biggest failure-nDlGkDENCyM_04 05 2022
    9.37 Fixing my biggest failure-nDlGkDENCyM_04 05 2022 :
    _... Fairly short video, Not much new

    Code signing, redirect

    Friday , May 6 , second sequential Live stream on new WPF tool!
    He starts very well, has a good Agenda, but gets bogged down in mostly boring crap bloating with more winget downloads.
    9.38 Live - Finalizing New Windows Tool-7KPH608Av4E_06 05 2022


    There may be some Do Events in Forms for GUI user interactions

    He talks about wanting to do “Templates for feature requests” etc ?

    Going forward he says he is concentrating on the install.

    Sam asked him again to look at the “Issues Thread”, and Chris says he will at the end….
    ( Sam Zick $2.00 suggestions issue thread on github , Chris says he will do it before he goes to far )
    I think Chris is trying to hide all his incompetence and lax interest in the GitHub win10debloat page which has wasted a lot of peoples time stupidly.

    Someone suggests just linking nitenite, her slag’s it off. Says it was Ok for 10 years ago

    generic list then make array, better programming in PowerShell

    ( Chris thinks MS teams is shit, only idiots and those forced to use it use it )

    We are probably at this point at this script from Tuesday 10 May, 2022:
    Share ‘ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1’
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-14-2022 at 01:34 PM.

  7. #527
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    On Friday the 13th on his Live stream, ( which was on some obscure thing that I have no idea about ) he mentioned at the beginning just briefly the new WPF winutil, , says its not quite there and he will take the unusual step for him of launching a kind of alpha type release tomorrow Saturday 14 May, 2022. (He says he made a soft launch on Wednesday 11 may, 2022 ?)

    He gives a way to launch it from PowerShell ( or terminal ) Shell window, ###

    __ iwr –useb | iex

    iwr : Invoke web request

    -useb : Just a kind of way to take the address : This takes you to raw latest ( at Git Hub ) ( It re directs to )
    ( )

    | iex : Pipes you into the iex

    As announced, Chris uploaded on Saturday 14 May, 2022.
    9.39 The Best Windows Tool for 2022-tPRv-ATUBe4_14 05 2022
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-19-2022 at 03:47 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  8. #528
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    First Attempt at exe made from first "WPF" winutil ps1 ( 10-17 May, 2022 )

    This is post
    bitly link

    Testing making an exe from the new “WPF” winutil script.
    ( 17 May, 2022 )
    So we did this before for the previous script: , which was following Chris’s instructions, for example: ,

    TLDR: What you do
    _ Get the ps1 file. Put it somewhere and make a note where it is, (because you will need to give that path in one of the commands later )
    _ Open PowerShell, ( as Administrator ), and do the 4 commands, ( and you may also need to answer some prompts along the way with a single character)

    So, the full story, I am attempting the same again as I did before with the old script ( ) …..
    Here we go
    We need the .ps1 File.
    Here is a app bix share link to the one Chris uploaded to GutHub and called a “soft release” on Tuesday 10 May, 2022. ( A week later, as I write this, and a few days after the official release video ,( 9.39 The Best Windows Tool for 2022-tPRv-ATUBe4_14 05 2022 ) , it is still the newest available at GitHuib )
    Share ‘ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1’

    We need to put that File somewhere and make a note of the full Path, I have it at
    D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF\ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1 ( )

    I open PowerShell as Administrator

    I do these 4 basic commands:
    cd 'D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF'
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

    ( I get asked some stuff and answer with the options something like yes to all )
    install-module ps2exe
    ( I get asked some stuff a couple of times , and answer with something like yes and yes to all)
    ps2exe .\ ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1 .\ ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.exe
    The end result is that an exe appears: ,

    If I compare
    _ what I get from double clicking on that exe file
    , with
    _ what I get when hitting the play button with the ps1 file in the ISE, ( , )
    , then the results look at first glance to be identical:


    Here is the screenshot of the full commands and actions taken in the PowerShell window, ( and below is the exe I made !!! )

    In this window below I have copied the entire text from that screenshot, and the text in Blue is what I actually typed in – that is 4 basic commands and 3 single character answers. A , J and A

    Windows PowerShell
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
    Lernen Sie das neue plattformübergreifende PowerShell kennen –                                           
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd 'D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF'                                      
    PS D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted       
    Ausführungsrichtlinie ändern
    Die Ausführungsrichtlinie trägt zum Schutz vor nicht vertrauenswürdigen Skripts bei. Wenn Sie die Ausführungsrichtlinie
     ändern, sind Sie möglicherweise den im Hilfethema "about_Execution_Policies" unter
    "https:/" beschriebenen Sicherheitsrisiken ausgesetzt. Möchten Sie die
    Ausführungsrichtlinie ändern?
    [J] Ja  [A] Ja, alle  [N] Nein  [K] Nein, keine  [H] Anhalten  [?] Hilfe (Standard ist "N"): A
    PS D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF> install-module ps2exe
    Der NuGet-Anbieter ist erforderlich, um den Vorgang fortzusetzen.
    PowerShellGet erfordert die NuGet-Anbieterversion oder höher für die Interaktion mit NuGet-basierten
    Repositorys. Der NuGet-Anbieter muss in "C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies" oder
    "C:\Users\acer\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies" verfügbar sein. Sie können den NuGet-Anbieter auch
    durch Ausführen von 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force' installieren. Möchten Sie
    den NuGet-Anbieter jetzt durch PowerShellGet installieren und importieren lassen?
    [J] Ja  [N] Nein  [H] Anhalten  [?] Hilfe (Standard ist "J"):  J
    Nicht vertrauenswürdiges Repository
    Sie installieren die Module aus einem nicht vertrauenswürdigen Repository. Wenn Sie diesem Repository vertrauen, ändern
     Sie dessen InstallationPolicy-Wert, indem Sie das Set-PSRepository-Cmdlet ausführen. Möchten Sie die Module von
    'PSGallery' wirklich installieren?
    [J] Ja  [A] Ja, alle  [N] Nein  [K] Nein, keine  [H] Anhalten  [?] Hilfe (Standard ist "N"):  A
    PS D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF> ps2exe .\ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1 .\ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.exe
    PS2EXE-GUI v0.5.0.27 by Ingo Karstein, reworked and GUI support by Markus Scholtes
    Reading input file D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF\ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1
    Compiling file...
    Output file D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF\ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.exe written
    PS D:\Temp Opt\GitHub\ChrisNewWPF>

    Summary: Recap What you do
    _ Get the ps1 file. Put it somewhere and make a note where it is, (because you will need to give that path in one of the commands later )
    _ Open PowerShell, ( as Administrator ), and do the 4 commands, ( and you may also need to answer some prompts along the way with a single character)

    !!! The Final made exe:
    Share ‘ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.exe

    made from this ps1 File:
    Share ‘ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-19-2022 at 04:18 PM.

  9. #529
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    This is post

    Some Pull Request stuff done 17 May, 2022

    ( aka another GitHub confused catastrophe
    Issues and Pull requests are stacking up, and Chris is already starting to get in a mess and loose control. ( He has introduced some Nursery school type templates people have to confirm to, which doesn’t help either: He has implemented just some of the Pull Requests, and is perhaps just randomly tackling some of the issues, and at the same time introducing some poxy dopey changes.
    I think Chris may be in danger of becoming the thing he swore to destroy….)

    Summary of changes, all in one go on 17May, ( or maybe (i) , (ii) , and then (iii) ):
    _ (i) Carterpersall tidied up the services and the comments on them, and did some other formatting of script indents
    _ (ii) Chris did some changes to the xml ??


    decoupling xaml and ps1
    _ (iii) This next change calls up XML thing from a separate, MainWindow.xaml
    Share ‘MainWindow_xami - StandAloneXML17May.txt’
    Share ‘MainWindow.xaml’

    It’s all a total mess. It looks like he changed something he was never using to update it to what he was using: It seems that the full script from 10 May, the full script from just before the last change (ii) on 17May, and the stand alone XLM in change (iii) all have the same XML stuff. (The big mystery seems to be for now where and what the previous XML used by Chris in (ii) has anything to do with anything anywhere. Possibly just another GitHub confused catastrophe

    Share ‘ChrisWPFTuesday10May2022.ps1’

    Mistery Red and Green stuff
    Share ‘ChrisWPF17May2022(ii).ps1’
    Share ‘May10-17XML.txt’
    Share ‘May17XML.txt’

    The new thng thing (iii) ,
    Share ‘MainWindow_xami - StandAloneXML17May.txt’
    Share ‘MainWindow.xaml’

    Share ‘ChrisWPF17May2022.ps1’
    Share ‘ChrisWPF17May2022(iii).ps1’
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-20-2022 at 02:08 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  10. #530
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some Issues / Pull requests and other GitHub chaos confusion
    Changing the PowerThrottlingOff key previously errored as the directory PowerThrottling does not exist by default
    - Fixed by adding a check in two places for the PowerThrottling directory, and if it does not exist it creates it,
    If(!(Test-Path "HKCU:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Power Throttling")){New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power" -Name "PowerThrottling"}

    From Chris…. commented May 13, 2022
    The main issue with this PR is that it simply fails to do anything with Power Throttling by removing that path lines. A cleaner way is the complete removal of Power Throttling all together and the removal of it from the GUI. … I'm inclined to just remove the entire bit of code as it seems to have hurt more than helped. So I will close this PR and submit a new version with the full removal of Power Throttling.
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-24-2022 at 01:41 AM.

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