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Thread: Notes tests, Scrapping, YouTube

  1. #111
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Post 111 #post19743

    The Getting Started list

    There are not many videos in this list, so I could try a scrap based on the Play all link, but first for consistency I will try the corresponding way I did before, but this time I will just have to get 1 text file from 1 link, ( The first one in the play list ), rather than the 9 necessary on the previous longer play list.

    So this is the navigation to go through to get that link
    _ First the YouTube channel, So geht YouTube
    _ Then at the play list, Die ersten Schritte auf YouTube , be careful, as you don’t want the link behind Die ersten Schritte auf YouTube , (
    ), but rather the one to the right of that is which you should click, which is in behind Play all , This is the one -
    _ Then get the final required link from the one behind the first video in the small vertically scrollable window on the right
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-30-2024 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #112
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Coding follows along from before, ( ) .
    The only difference is that I can avoid looping the links as I only have one, and the folder for things in this attempt will be

    Here is the final text file, …_ ,
    ___________________________________.... It was got from this macro

    Option Explicit
    Sub WieGehtsYouTubeURLServerChromeGettingStarted()   '          
     On Error GoTo Bed
    '_1 First section get the long text string of the HTML coding of the internet Page
    '_1(i) get the long single text string
    'Dim strURLs As String: Let strURLs = "" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    'Dim URLs() As String: Let URLs() = Split(strURLs, vbCr & vbLf, 9, vbBinaryCompare)
    'Dim Cnt As Long
    '    For Cnt = LBound(URLs()) To UBound(URLs())
        Dim strURL As String, Indx As String
    '     Let strURL = URLs(Cnt)
    Let strURL = ""
    Let Indx = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, "&", -1, vbBinaryCompare))
    Let Indx = Replace(Indx, "=", "_", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
           With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
            .Open "GET", strURL, False ' '
            '.Open "GET", "", False ' '
            'No extra info here for type GET
            '.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="PooH" ' YOU MAY NEED TO TAKE OUT THIS LINE
                                                                                       '.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" '  ---   It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
            .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Chrome"  '
            .send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
               While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
           Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc.    The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
           End With
       '_1(ii)  Optional secion  to put the text string into a text file , for ease of code developments
       Dim FileNum2 As Long: Let FileNum2 = FreeFile(0)                                  '
       Dim PathAndFileName2 As String
        Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "GettingStarted\" & "WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChrome" & Indx & ".txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome526" & ".txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome451" & ".txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome376" & ".txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome301" & ".txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome226" & ".txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome151" & ".txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome76" & ".txt"   '   "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome1" & ".txt"   '
       Open PathAndFileName2 For Output As #FileNum2 ' ' The text file will be made if not there, and if it is there and already contains data, then the data will be overwritten
        Print #FileNum2, PageSrc '
        Close #FileNum2
    '    Next Cnt
    Exit Sub  '  Normal code error in the case of no errors
     MsgBox Prompt:=Err.Number & ":  " & Err.Description: Debug.Print Err.Number & ":  " & Err.Description
    End Sub   ' Code end in the case of any error
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-02-2023 at 05:40 PM.

  3. #113
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Post 113 #post19745

    Next is as usual to pull out the 11 digit YouTube bit of a typical YouTube video, so same code as before, ( ) , but without the looping, and folder to find the single text file worksheet changed to GettingStarted and the worksheet for the results also I have named GettingStarted

    Sub GetPlayListLinksFromTextFileUsinghqdefaultjpg_ErstenShitPlayList()  '   look for this - hqdefault.jpg
    Rem 0a
    Dim WsGS As Worksheet:  Set WsGS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("GettingStarted")
    'Rem 0b) An Array of all the 9 text files got from the last macro   Sub WieGehtsYouTubeURLServerChromeHybridStep75_2()
    'Dim strTxts As String: Let strTxts = "WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_1.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_76.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_151.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_226.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_301.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_376.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_451.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    '"WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_526.txt" & vbCr & vbLf & _
    'Dim Txts() As String: Let Txts() = Split(strTxts, vbCr & vbLf, 9, vbBinaryCompare)
    'Dim Cnt As Long
    '    For Cnt = LBound(Txts()) To UBound(Txts())    ' Loop all the text files got from the last macro   Sub WieGehtsYouTubeURLServerChromeHybridStep75_2() ==
        ' Rem 1 Get the text files as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                    '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     '                                             Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome.txt"   '
    ' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "GettingStarted\" & Txts(Cnt)   ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome601.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome526.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome451.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome376.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome301.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome226.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome151.txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome76.txt" '  '"WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome1.txt"   '
     Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "GettingStarted\" & "WieGehtsYouTubePopularServerChromeindex_1.txt"                                           ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome601.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome526.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome451.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome376.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome301.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome226.txt" ' "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome151.txt" '  "WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome76.txt" '  '"WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome1.txt"   '
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundamental type data input...
    ' Let TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot receives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    'Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
    '  Or
     Let TotalFile = Input(LOF(FileNum), FileNum)
    Close #FileNum
    ' Rem 2 Get all links based on the unique bit of index=x, where x is 1 2 3 4 ...... etc
    '                   Dim Cnt As Long: Let Cnt = 1
    Dim TextBit As String: Let TextBit = TotalFile
    Dim posJpg As Long: Let posJpg = InStr(1, TextBit, "hqdefault.jpg", vbBinaryCompare)
        Do While posJpg <> 0
        Dim strURL As String: Let strURL = Mid(TextBit, posJpg - 12, 11)
        Dim Unics As String  '  This is mainly because sometimes the same 11 digit bit  appears a few times in a text file,    But Note that because I dont initialise / reset this then, unlike the previous code done once for each text file,  I will also catch the duplicates caused by me overlapping the URLs that I used, like , example at the start of the second main outer loop, the 76th 77th 78th and 79th would not get added
            If InStr(1, Unics, strURL, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
             Let Unics = Unics & " " & strURL
             Dim Lr1 As Long: Let Lr1 = WsGS.Range("A" & WsGS.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
             Dim Nr As Long
                If WsGS.Range("A1").Value = "" Then
                 Let Nr = 1
                 Let Nr = Lr1 + 1
                End If
             Let WsGS.Range("A" & Nr & "").Value = strURL
            Else ' Got a dup
    '             Let WsPop.Range("C" & Nr & "").Value = WsPop.Range("C" & Nr & "").Value + 1 ' for count of dups
            End If
         Let TextBit = Mid(TextBit, posJpg + 1)
         Let posJpg = InStr(1, TextBit, "hqdefault.jpg", vbBinaryCompare)
    '    Next Cnt   '   ============================
    End Sub

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-02-2023 at 07:23 PM.

  4. #114
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    To bring us to the level of the last few attempts, we have the main macro. This has had a few minor tweaks. Mostly these are involved with Title given out, which has always been a bit modified. I will take this a bit further for fun and give a version un modified in column J, and then perhaps do some other experimenting

    Sub GetStuffFrom11DigitYouTubegettingStarted()  '
    Rem 0 Worksheets info
    Dim WsYT11 As Worksheet: Set WsYT11 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("GettingStarted")
    Dim RngWsYT11 As Range: Set RngWsYT11 = WsYT11.Range("A1:A36")   '  680") ' 692")
    Dim Cnt As Long
    ActiveWindow.Panes(3).Activate ' To get out of top pane and into bottom pane (I have worksheet divided at line 1)  This is so only the bottom pane is scrolled and the first line in pane 1 with the headings in stays there
    Rem 1 The main stuff now - take every 11 digit bit , make a full link of it, scrape all the text and do all the business
        For Cnt = 2 To 36 ' 680 '  692
            '                  If RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 1).Value2 <> "" Then
            If RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Value2 <> "" Then
                With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")  '  .Server - Yasser
                 .Open "GET", "" & RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Value2, False ' '
                 .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Chrome"  ' - SpeakEasy Mike
                 .send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
                    While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
                Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc.    The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
                End With
                '_1(ii)  Optional secion  to put the text string into a text file , for ease of code developments and debugging
            Dim FileNum2 As Long: Let FileNum2 = FreeFile(0)                                  '
            Dim PathAndFileName2 As String
             Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\GettingStarted\WieGehtsYouTubeServerChrome" & RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Value2 & ".txt" '
            Open PathAndFileName2 For Output As #FileNum2 ' ' The text file will be made if not there, and if it is there and already contains data, then the data will be overwritten
             Print #FileNum2, PageSrc '
             Close #FileNum2
        ' If RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 1).Value2 = "GWGzz5p5D80" Then Stop In case I want to stop at a particular 11 digit bit for debugging
            Dim TextBit As String ' The idea is to get a chunk of text that seems to have all the info I want
             Let TextBit = Split(PageSrc, "videoDescriptionHeaderRenderer""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
             'Let TextBit = Mid(TextBit, 1, 600)
             Let TextBit = Mid(TextBit, 1, 1400)
            Dim Title As String
        '         Let Title = Split(TextBit, ":{""title"":{""runs"":[{""text"":""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
        '         'Let Title = Split(Title, """}]},""channel""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
        '         Let Title = Split(Title, """}", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
        '            If InStr(1, TextBit, """,""navigationEndpoint""", vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then
        '            Let Title = Split(TextBit, ":{""title"":{""runs"":[{""text"":""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
        '            Dim Pos1nav As Long, Pos2nav As Long
        '             Let Pos1nav = InStr(1, Title, """,""navigationEndpoint""", vbBinaryCompare)
        '             Let Pos2nav = InStr(Pos1nav, Title, "{""text"":""", vbBinaryCompare)
        '             Let Title = Left(Title, Pos1nav - 1) & Right(Title, Len(Title) - (Pos2nav + 8))
        '             Let Title = Split(Title, """}", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
        '            Else
        '            End If
        '  That above checked for link text crap, but only worked if the link was at the beginning of the title: If the link was inside it or at the end, we will end up with multiple text bits, (and the link text crap)  I need to join together and ignore link text crap  -  BTW "link text crap" is what comes after the text seen for the link which is needed to make it work, but i don't want it        .... Text1 .. Textseenforlink .. textcrapneededtomakelinkwork  ... Text3    etc
            Dim posTxtTag As Long ' Usually there will be just one bit of   {"text":"    after which come the title, but sometimes there may be a few as in the case of a link in the title..
             Let posTxtTag = InStr(1, TextBit, "{""text"":""", vbBinaryCompare)
                Do While posTxtTag <> 0 And posTxtTag < InStr(1, TextBit, """channel""", vbBinaryCompare) ' hopefully the text    channel  always comes after the title and before anything else I want
                Dim posTxtTagEnd As Long, posTxtTagEnd2 As Long
                 Let posTxtTagEnd = InStr(posTxtTag, TextBit, """,""navigationEndpoint", vbBinaryCompare)  ' This gives me the end of the text for the case of a link text
                    If posTxtTagEnd = 0 Then Let posTxtTagEnd = 999 ' If I ain't got a link then I make this big so it does not get used
                 Let posTxtTagEnd2 = InStr(posTxtTag, TextBit, """}", vbBinaryCompare)  ' mostly this would be the end of a text bit
                 Let posTxtTagEnd = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(posTxtTagEnd, posTxtTagEnd2) ' Whatever text end I have or watever text end comes first will be used
                 Let Title = Title & Mid(TextBit, posTxtTag + 9, (posTxtTagEnd - (posTxtTag + 9))) ' mostly this would only be done once, just more times for building the text if its split into bits by the use of a link in the title
                 Let posTxtTag = InStr(posTxtTagEnd, TextBit, "{""text"":""", vbBinaryCompare) ' This will mostly be 0, unless text is split into bits by the use of a link in the title
                Loop ' While posTxtTag <> 0
             ' some initially empirically found Title tidying up
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "\u0026", "&", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "\""", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "/", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 9).Value = Title
            ' Do some empirical text tidying up that I might typically have done in a final video title
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "ä", "ae", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "ü", "ue", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "ö", "oe", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "Ä", "AE", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "Ü", "UE", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "Ö", "OE", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' Important to do this - if in doubt change to a space as otherwise words may get joiuned ( More than one space are easilly removed after )
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "#wiegehtyoutube", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "!", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "?", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "ß", "ss", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "€", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, ":", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "#", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "&", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) '
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "'", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "‚", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, """", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "“", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "„", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)  '    „ajdffak“
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "+", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, ".", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "YouTube", "UT", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "[", "(", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Replace(Title, "]", ")", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        '     Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        '     Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        '     Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        '     Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
        '     Let Title = Replace(Title, "-", " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
              Let Title = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Title) ' In case any spaces caused by removing stuff
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 2).Value2 = Title
             Let Title = "" ' If i don't do this the  Title = Title &   coding will keep adding the titles together
             RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 2).Select ' This is helpful or else I cant see the worksheet being filled after the first few
            ' To get the next info i use a lot the  Split Split  bit Yasser showed me
            Dim Views As String
             Let Views = Split(TextBit, """},""views"":{""simpleText"":""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
             Let Views = Split(Views, " Aufrufe""}", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
             Let Views = Replace(Views, ".", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' I don't like seperators of any kind
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 4).Value2 = Views
            Dim PubDate As String
             Let PubDate = Split(TextBit, "publishDate"":{""simpleText"":""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
             Let PubDate = Split(PubDate, """},""factoid"":[{", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 3).Value2 = PubDate
            ' date nightmares again
            Dim PubDateV2 As Long, Naw As Long ' DateSerial(year, month, day)
            Dim PubDateRaw As String: Let PubDateRaw = Replace(PubDate, "Premiere am ", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let PubDateRaw = Replace(PubDateRaw, "Live übertragen am ", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let PubDateV2 = DateSerial(Right(PubDateRaw, 4), Mid(PubDateRaw, 4, 2), Left(PubDateRaw, 2))
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 1).Value2 = PubDateV2
             Let Naw = Evaluate("=NOW()"): ' Debug.Print Naw
        '         Debug.Print Format(PubDateV2, "\Da\y i\s " & "dddd")
        '         Debug.Print Format(PubDateV2, "dddd DD mmm YYYY") & " " & Format(Naw, "dddd DD mmm YYYY")
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 3).Value2 = PubDateV2
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 3).Value = PubDate
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 3).Value = Format(PubDateV2, "dddd DD mmm YYYY")
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 5).Value = Int(Views / (Naw - PubDateV2))
            Dim Likeses As String
             Let Likeses = Split(TextBit, "Mag ich\""-Bewertungen""},""accessibilityText"":""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
             Let Likeses = Split(Likeses, " \""Mag ich\""-Bewertungen", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
                If InStr(1, Likeses, "Keine", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then ' Sometimes the likes are not there  or not showmn or something - only happend in a video not from the main author
                 'Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 6).Value = Likeses
                 Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 7).Value = Int(Likeses / (Naw - PubDateV2))
                 Let Likeses = "Keine"
                End If
             Let RngWsYT11.Item(Cnt).Offset(0, 6).Value = Likeses
            End If
        Next Cnt
    End Sub
    I note I had 2 strange rogue 11 digit bits….

    So for now I will just remove those.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-03-2023 at 08:26 PM.

  5. #115
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Here is the usual wad of coding to get us a final ordered ( included V2 date ) set of titled files, for this getting Started case

    Sub QwickDuh()
    Rem 0a
    Dim WsGS As Worksheet:  Set WsGS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("GettingStarted")
    Rem 1
    Dim DaDuh As String
     Let DaDuh = Dir(PathName:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\GettingStarted\" & "*.wmv", Attributes:=vbNormal)
     Dim Rw As Long: Let Rw = 1
        Do While DaDuh <> ""
         Let Rw = Rw + 1
         Let WsGS.Range("K" & Rw & "").Value = DaDuh
         Let DaDuh = Dir
        Loop ' While dahuh <> ""
    End Sub
    Sub TestingTitlSrch()
    Rem 0a
    Dim WsGS As Worksheet:  Set WsGS = Me
    Dim RngSrch As Range: Set RngSrch = WsGS.Range("C2:C34")
    Dim RngK As Range: Set RngK = WsGS.Range("K2:K32")
    Dim Knt As Long, aCel As Range
        For Knt = 2 To 32
         Set aCel = TitlSrch(RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Value, RngSrch)
            If Not aCel Is Nothing Then
             Debug.Print "Found at row " & aCel.Row & "   """ & aCel.Value & """"
              Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Select
              Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             'Let RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Offset(0, 1).Value2 = aCel.Offset(0, -1).Value2 ' Date in  V2
             Let RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Offset(0, 1).Value2 = aCel.Offset(0, -1).Value2 & " " & aCel.Value ' Date in  V2  and space and  main scraped(modified) title value
             'Let RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Offset(0, 2).Value2 = aCel.Offset.Value2
            Debug.Print "Cant't find  " & RngK.Item(Knt - 1).Value
            End If
        Next Knt
    End Sub
                                                ' This function is a VBA array looping thing. It tidies up a bit a string Title you give it in the typical way i might tidy up a title.  Then it splits that by spaces, and tries to match a lot of words from that in a Title in the given range of Titles. It reduces the amount of words it tries to match until it finds a match or gives up and tells you it never managed it
                                                ' The basic idea is to split the Title to be looked for by a space so we have a one dimensional array of all the words in that title, and then we try to find a title in the list to be searched that has at least a certain number , HitsWish , of those words. That number is determined empirically , and if that amount of number is not found we keep reducing the HitsWish. So we do our best to match as many words as possible. That way we improve the chances of matching the right one
    'Public Function TitlSrch(TrgtVal As String, SrchClm As Range) As Range
    '(TrgtVal is range selected value, SrchClm is LookUpTable)                   The return is the found cell range
    'Typically the  Dir  given title, Typically the main scraped Titles range    The returned range is the cell in the main scraped list of the matched title, so that we can   Offset   from that to get the other info we want such as date  V2
    Sub CopyChangeNameToAddDateAnd11DigitBitFSO() '  Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Rem 0
    Dim WsGS As Worksheet:  Set WsGS = Me
    Dim Parf As String, Parf2 As String
    Dim FSOLibrary As Object, FSOFolder As Object, FSOFile As Object
    'Set the file name to a variable
     Let Parf = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\GettingStarted\"
     Let Parf2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\GettingStarted\GettingStartedWMV\"
    Set FSOLibrary = CreateObject(Class:="Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set FSOFolder = FSOLibrary.GetFolder(Parf)
    'Use For Each loop to loop through each file in the folder
    Dim Rw As Long: Let Rw = 1 ' So as to start at 2 by a  Rw = Rw + 1  in a loop
        For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.Files
            If Right(FSOFile.Name, 4) = ".wmv" Then
             Let Rw = Rw + 1
            'Let WsGS.Range("N" & Rw & "").Value = FSOFile.Name ' for quick check before rename
            FSOFile.Copy (Parf2 & WsGS.Range("L" & Rw & "").Value2 & ".wmv")
            'FSOFile.Copy (Parf2 & Format(Rw, "000") & " " & Wsmp4WMV.Range("G" & Rw & "").Value2)
            'FSOFile.Copy (Parf2 & Format(1, "000") & " " & Wsmp4WMV.Range("G" & Rw & "").Value2)
            End If
    'Release the memory
    Set FSOLibrary = Nothing
    Set FSOFolder = Nothing
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-05-2023 at 03:41 AM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  6. #116
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  7. #117
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  8. #118
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  9. #119
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  10. #120
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

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