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Thread: Test BB Code Highlighting and Colors

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  1. #1
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    Test BB Code Highlighting and Colors


    Test test test test test

    testing Highlighting with BB code code tags

    Trying to get my Blue Testies

    ( aka Making Albert Einstein's Testies Blue )

    From here:

    Looking at Rory’s ! ( by hitting Reply with quote and copying .. )

    [tr=bgcolor:red][td=bgcolor:#blue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:#black]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:#white]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:white]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:white][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue][COLOR="#FFFFFF"]Hi Tony. How are you? This will do me to demo how some thing looks when Highlighted in the VB Editor Code Window :)[/COLOR] [/td][/tr]

    Hi Tony. How are you? This will do me to demo how some thing looks when Highlighted in the VB Editor Code Window



    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue][COLOR="#FFFFFF"] [size=2]highlight any occurrence of that Workbook variable[/size]

    highlight any occurrence of that Workbook variable


    Or Finally my favourate

    Fuck Bollox Wank

    _ Edit
    ignor my testies !

    Rory Tools, no Grid or Header

    [tr=bgcolor:#FFFFFF][td=bgcolor:#FFFFCC]This must be correct Time Format[/td][/tr]


    [tr=bgcolor:#FFFFFF][td=bgcolor:#D99795]This must be Correct Date Format [/td][/tr]
    [/table][/size][size=0][color=lightgrey]Worksheet: [/color][b][color=darkblue]BluePrint[/b][/color][/size]

    This must be correct Time Format
    This must be Correct Date Format
    Worksheet: BluePrint

    Index( Arr() , Rws(), Clms() ) )

    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightgrey] [I][B][FONT=Courier New][size=3]Index( Arr() , Rws(), Clms() ) )[/size][/FONT] [/B][/I] [/td][/tr]
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-12-2023 at 03:04 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

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