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Thread: Drop-Down Menu with Multiple Conditions

  1. #1
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    Drop-Down Menu with Multiple Conditions


    I've a sheet with only 2 two cell but with multiple conditions.

    These are the conditions:
    1. If the cell "J19" is empty, it show "(Select)" in fade font.
    2. Cell "J19" has 4 Drop-Down Menu. When the first menu "Nuclear Family", or the 2nd menu "Joint Family" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Remarks if any)" in fade font.
    3. If the 3rd menu "Single-Parent Family" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Select Reason)" in fade font.
    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    5. On selecting an item, it apper in normal color and format
    6. On selecting "Enter Reason Manually" from this drop-down, the cell "R19" becomes empty, so that the reason can be entered manually.
    7. If the 4th menu "Uncategorised" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Please Specify the Case)" in fade font.

    Annotation 2020-08-27 182859.jpg

    All these conditions are well explained in the excel file attached below. Please have a look to understand clearly my points.

    Thanks for looking my post!!
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  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    _... I would put your requirement into two broad areas,
    _A) One I can help with,
    the other
    _B) I cannot, at least not yet…

    Part B) ( 4. 5. 6. ) is really a completely separate issue to Part A) ( 1. 2. 3. 7. )

    _Part A) I am considering 1. 2. 3. And 7. here
    1. If the cell "J19" is empty, it show "(Select)" in fade font.
    2. Cell "J19" has 4 Drop-Down Menu. When the first menu "Nuclear Family", or the 2nd menu "Joint Family" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Remarks if any)" in fade font.
    3. If the 3rd menu "Single-Parent Family" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Select Reason)" in fade font.
    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    5. On selecting an item, it apper in normal color and format
    6. On selecting "Enter Reason Manually" from this drop-down, the cell "R19" becomes empty, so that the reason can be entered manually
    7. If the 4th menu "Uncategorised" is selected, Cell "R19" show "(Please Specify the Case)" in fade font

    And I wonder if the table should look like this, which is slightly different to what you gave…

    _____ Workbook: Book1.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    16 (Select Here)
    16 Nuclear Family (Remark if any)
    17 Joint Family (Remark if any)
    18 Single-Parent Family (Select Reason)
    19 Expired
    20 Divorced
    21 Break-Up
    22 Abandonment
    23 Enter Reason Manually
    24 Uncategorised (Please Specify the Case)
    Worksheet: Sheet1

    I will move onto the next post, as I may need more space than the current post limit… _
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    _ continued from last post

    Part A)

    This is fairly similar to what we did here:

    My start point, as previously, would be to get some of the syntax for the coding, based on some investigation. This is because I don’t know, and will probably never want to learn, the almost infinite number of formatting possibilities and syntaxes
    ( By the way, I understand nothing about drop down boxes…. )
    A lot of your requirements involve Event coding, so I am going once again into the worksheet object code module.
    ( Right click on the worksheet tab and select View Code )
    ( One of the main reasons why Microsoft have given us access rights to the object code module of worksheets is because there we find the event macros. They are all already there, and available to us, but we do not always see them until we access them , ( via the drop down lists there in the code module
    First Select Worksheet :
    Then choose a macro :

    From the VBEditor, if I hit the key combination, Ctrl+g , I can get the Immediate window, which I can drag around freely. I can even drag it around anywhere on my screen outside the VB Editor window
    ( )

    My next move is to type in the Immediate window a few things to help gat some syntaxes. First I type a ? , after which I can type typical VBA code lines.
    I am looking at the formats in your list table, ( , )
    Here are a few results, ( I got some the command ideas from my previous post: )
    ? Range("AM15").font.ThemeColor
    ? Range("AM15").font.TintAndShade
    ? Range("AM15").font.Color
    ? Range("AM15").font.Colorindex
    ? Range("AM16").font.tintandshade
    ? Range("AM16").font.Bold
    ? Range("AM16").font.Color
    ? Range("AM16").font.Colorindex
    ? Range("AM16").font.Bold
    ? Range("AT19").Font.Tintandshade
    ? Range("AT19").Font.Color
    ? Range("AT19").Font.colorindex
    ? Range("AT19").Font.Bold

    I think that gives me some of the formatting syntax that I need ,at least for the first half of the problem.
    I probably don’t need all that information.

    The coding is then very similar to what we did previously ( )
    Possibly the use of ElseIf below maybe new to you.
    ( Some use of the formatting done by the coding may be unnecessary, at least at this stage. … )

    Here is the coding for Part A)

    Part B)
    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    5. On selecting an item, it appear in normal color and format
    6. On selecting "Enter Reason Manually" from this drop-down, the cell "R19" becomes empty, so that the reason can be entered manually

    I am slightly puzzled why you are not simply adding a drop down list here, as in Cell J19

    I am not sure why clicking on a cell should be required to make something like a drop down list for that cell. Why not just make a drop down list for that cell?

    I think I need some clarity as to your reasons to do this, or possibly I have not understood exactly what you want.
    You are asking for approximately 2 things in PartB):
    B(i)) A selectable list to appear on cell selection. That is basically what a drop down list is
    B(ii)) ( Your 6. ) This is similar to Part A)

    The coding to make a selectable list appear based on a cell selection may involve a use of UserForms. This is a somewhat advanced area of VBA. It is not one that I am too familiar with. I discussed this with you before :
    This might require a lot of work, which would take it out of the realms of a free help forum. You might be lucky and find someone willing to do this for you at one of the larger Excel Forums, but I think it is unlikely.

    Alternatively, we may be able to get VBA to make a drop down list. I would start this option by running the macro recorder whilst making manually a drop down list for the cell R19. But I am not sure what the advantages of this would be over simply having initially the drop down list there.
    I did just record a macro whilst selecting the arrow on a drop down list. Unfortunately , no coding is produced by this: Not all actions taken manually produce coding by the macro recorder. So this does not help us.

    I wonder if in PartB) , what you are asking for is something similar to what you asked for here: ? – You requirement in Part B) , seems to be an attempt again to get a solution for a tree like Horizontal Hierarchical List structure…

    I am not personally sure what is the best way for you to proceed with requirement Part B)
    The only way I Know to do it would be a complicated coding involving UserForms. It is too advanced for you to be involved with, and it would be a lot of work for somebody to do for you…
    Other possibly ways to do this were given by Logit :
    You also said you had ideas for how to do it.

    I think at the end of the day, you wont get an easy answer. Either you or someone else is going to have to take some time to do some work., unless you can find a finished solution that has already been done by someone.

    Part B) ( 4. 5. 6. ) is really a completely separate issue to Part A) ( 1. 2. 3. 7. )

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-31-2020 at 04:28 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  4. #4
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    Thank for the Macro and explaining everything clearly and systematically!

    While working with this Macro, I found

    (1) When I select the cell "J19" and press the 'delete' key on my keyboard, the cell value is deleted, but the fade font "(Select)" does not appear in the cell "J19".
    However, when I press the backspace key after selecting the cell "J19", "(Select)" appers.

    (2) When I select any option from the drop down menu or enter manually any value in the cell "J19", it apperas in the cell in the same faded font, just like "Select". (Solved!)

    (3) When I select an option in Cell "J19", say "Nuclear Family", the corresponding value in the cell "R19", for example "(Remark if any)", appears in faded font. That's nice.
    But when I type something in the Cell "R19", it appears in the same faded font, just like "(Remarks if any)".

    Point (2), here, is solved by me by making a little bit changes in the provided macro. It is here...

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Target.Address = "$J$19" Then
             If Target.Value = "" Then  '  case a cell was emptied
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Target.Value = "(Select Here)"
             Let Range("R19").Value = ""
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
                     With Target.Font
                     .Color = -3817475
                     End With
                 Else  '  case a text was entered
                     With Target.Font
                     .Color = -12316781
                     End With
            End If
           Else  ' Target is Not a cell to be acted on
         End If
         If Target.Address = "$J$19" Then
            If Target.Value = "Nuclear Family" Or Target.Value = "Joint Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Remark if any)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
                With Range("R19").Font
                .Color = 10855845
                '.ColorIndex = 48
                End With
            ElseIf Target.Value = "Single-Parent Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Select Reason)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
                With Range("R19").Font
                .Color = 10855845
                '.ColorIndex = 48
                End With
            ElseIf Target.Value = "Uncategorised" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Please Specify the Case)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
                With Range("R19").Font
                .Color = 10855845
                '.ColorIndex = 48
                End With
            End If
        ' Target is Not a cell to be acted on
        End If
    End Sub

    But I'm unable to solve the Point (3) issue. And point (1) is beyond my area of 'little" knowledge!
    Last edited by Anshu; 09-01-2020 at 10:04 PM.

  5. #5
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    Part B)

    I am slightly puzzled why you are not simply adding a drop down list here, as in Cell J19

    I am not sure why clicking on a cell should be required to make something like a drop down list for that cell. Why not just make a drop down list for that cell?

    I think I was unable to explain my points clearly. The reason for not adding a drop down list in the cell "R19" is-

    As per my knowledge, a normal drop down list made by Data Validation tool, allows the user to enter the only values which are defined in the data validation list. That is, if the drop down list have only 2 menu, say "A" and "B", the user can not enter any other value in the cell other than "A' and "B".

    Here, in my case, I've several occasions when I have to type many things in the cell "R19". I have to use the drop down list in the cell "R19" in only one case, and the case is "If cell J19 contain the value Single Parent Family". In all other cases, I need to enter data in the cell manually.

  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anshu View Post
    ....., I found

    (1) When I select the cell "J19" and press the 'delete' key on my keyboard, the cell value is deleted, but the fade font "(Select)" does not appear in the cell "J19".
    However, when I press the backspace key after selecting the cell "J19", "(Select)" appers.

    (2) When I select any option from the drop down menu or enter manually any value in the cell "J19", it apperas in the cell in the same faded font, just like "Select". (Solved!)

    (3) When I select an option in Cell "J19", say "Nuclear Family", the corresponding value in the cell "R19", for example "(Remark if any)", appears in faded font. That's nice.
    But when I type something in the Cell "R19", it appears in the same faded font, just like "(Remarks if any)"
    Point (2)
    I probably was not too sure exactly what you wanted., but your solution is OK.
    Something of this form would also be OK
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Target.Address = "$J$19" Then
            If Target.Value = "" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Target.Value = "(Select Here)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Target.Font.Color = 10855845
            ElseIf Target.Value = "Nuclear Family" Or Target.Value = "Joint Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Remark if any)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let Target.Font.Color = 6751362
            ElseIf Target.Value = "Single-Parent Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Select Reason)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let Target.Font.Color = 6751362
            ElseIf Target.Value = "Uncategorised" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Please Specify the Case)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let Target.Font.Color = 6751362
            End If
        ' Target is Not a cell to be acted on
        End If
    End Sub

    Point (1)
    I was not sure myself what is going on there. It may be something to do with Merged cells.
    ( Merged cells often cause problems in VBA Many helpers at forums will not help anyone using Merged cells. You should try to avoid using merged cells as much as possible. Many professional programmers hate them! )

    I did some experimenting:
    I put a stop on the macro by clicking in the margin … BrownRoundStopInMargin.JPG
    Then I do the …._
    _ backspace key after selecting the cell, and in the Immediate window, type
    ? Target.Address
    It gives me $J$19, as I expect
    I then repeat the same experiment,
    _using the Delete key
    It gives me $J$19:$P$19 Target_Address.JPG
    So it would appear that in using the delete key, VBA thinks I was selecting all the merged cells

    So a solution to this problem could be to replace
    If Target.Address = "$J$19" Then
    If Target.Address = "$J$19" Or Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then

    But , this introduces another problem …
    .Value applied to more than one cell will return an array() – a field of many values. For example, Range("$J$19:$P$19").Value will give us a row of 8 columns of data. This will cause problems in the rest of the macro. For example, an array cannot be equated to "" – So this following code line, for example, would error
    If Range("$J$19:$P$19").Value = "" Then
    One solution to this would be to replace Target in most of the coding with a range object variable, say RngTgt, then assign that to Range("$J$19") if Target is $J$19 or $J$19:$P$19
        Dim RngTgt As Range: Set RngTgt = Target
            If Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then Set RngTgt = Range("J19")

    This is fairly easy. We just need an extra code section
        If Target.Address = "$R$19" Then
         Let Target.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End If
    That could be simplified to
        If Target.Address = "$R$19" Then Let Target.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    So here is the next macro version from me:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anshu View Post
    ... The reason for not adding a drop down list in the cell "R19" is- .... As per my knowledge, a normal drop down list made by Data Validation tool, allows the user to enter the only values which are defined in the data validation list. That is, if the drop down list have only 2 menu, say "A" and "B", the user can not enter any other value in the cell other than "A' and "B".
    Here, in my case, I've several occasions when I have to type many things in the cell "R19". I have to use the drop down list in the cell "R19" in only one case, and the case is "If cell J19 contain the value Single Parent Family". In all other cases, I need to enter data in the cell manually.
    OK. That makes sense.
    I do not know much about drop down lists and data Validation.
    I have never used any drop down lists.
    I am not too sure how to proceed further with this.
    As I mentioned there are two possibilities, a UserForm solution or a simpler solution involving automating making a drop down list
    Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
    The coding to make a selectable list appear based on a cell selection may involve a use of UserForms. This is a somewhat advanced area of VBA. It is not one that I am too familiar with. I discussed this with you before :
    This might require a lot of work, which would take it out of the realms of a free help forum. You might be lucky and find someone willing to do this for you at one of the larger Excel Forums, but I think it is unlikely.

    Alternatively, we may be able to get VBA to make a drop down list. I would start this option by running the macro recorder whilst making manually a drop down list for the cell R19. ....

    I will post again if I have any more thoughts on this.

    Alan ( Elston )
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-02-2020 at 05:17 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  7. #7
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    Finally SOLVED!!

    Thank you so much Alan Sir for all the help and guidance!!

    So here is the next macro version from me:
    This macro works just wow!

    I've made some changes in the macro to fulfil the "Part B" case (Point 4,5,6)
    Part B)
    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    5. On selecting an item, it appear in normal color and format
    6. On selecting "Enter Reason Manually" from this drop-down, the cell "R19" becomes empty, so that the reason can be entered manually

    This is the Macro which finally satisfies my all 7 Point needs. (red color indicates the area I've changed)

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) '
        If Target.Address = "$J$19" Or Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then  '  we need  "$J$19:$P$19"  to make macro work on  Delete  probably because of merged cells
        Dim RngTgt As Range: Set RngTgt = Target
            If Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then Set RngTgt = Range("J19")
            If RngTgt.Value = "" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let RngTgt.Value = "(Select Here)"
             Let Range("R19").Value = ""
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 10855845
          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
            ElseIf RngTgt.Value = "Nuclear Family" Or RngTgt.Value = "Joint Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Remark if any)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 6751362
          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
            ElseIf RngTgt.Value = "Uncategorised" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Please Specify the Case)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 6751362
          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
            End If
        ' Target is Not a cell to be acted on
        End If
        If Target.Address = "$R$19" Then Let Target.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Target.Address = "$J$19" Then
            If Target.Value = "Single-Parent Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "Select Reason..."
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
           With Range("R19").Font
            .Color = -10477568
            .TintAndShade = 0
           End With
         With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
            xlBetween, Formula1:="Expired,Divorced,Break-Up,Abandonment,Enter Reason Manually"
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .InputTitle = ""
            .ErrorTitle = "Error!"
            .InputMessage = ""
            .ErrorMessage = "To enter the reason manually, please select the option 'Enter Reason Manually'"
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
         End If
      Else   ' Target is Not a cell to be acted on
         End If
         If Target.Address = "$R$19" Then
            If Target.Value = "Enter Reason Manually" Then
          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
          With Target.Font
            .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
            .TintAndShade = 0
           End With
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = True
        End With
            Target.Font.Size = 11.5
         End If
      End If
    End Sub
    Sub Oops()
     Let Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

    For making these changes, I've recorded the macro by Macro recorder, and then organized them in the above code.

    This macro works pretty well without any issue.

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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-03-2020 at 03:22 PM. Reason: corrcted link in quote

  8. #8
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anshu View Post
    .....For making these changes, I've recorded the macro by Macro recorder, and then organized them in the above code.
    However, I've some doubts regarding 'changes in macro made by me'.
    I think, making a just 'working' macro is different from making a 'smooth and fluent' macro. It seems that a smooth macro puts less loads on system, and do the job efficiently....
    So what about this final Macro?
    Does it need any changes, or it's just ok??
    OK, this is very good news that you have got to grips with the macro recorder.

    The macro recorder is both
    _ a good start point for a beginner
    and also
    _ it is still used by senior professional programmes, since it is much more efficient to run a macro recording to get some syntaxes rather than trying to learn the almost infinite syntax variations that VBA has.

    You are correct that coding produced by a macro recorder is rarely fine and fluent, and some intelligent changing is usually beneficial.

    Bear in mind that
    _ I don’t have any experience at all with coding drop down list, so I can only give you some general tips on refining coding given by the macro recorder….A fully refined macro involving drop down lists/ validation I am unqualified/ unable to give
    _ Also I am still not 100% clear on what is going on.. You say that one of your requirement s is:
    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    But that does not happen. If I click on cell "R19" , then nothing happens. – It is not possible for anything to happen when cell R19 is clicked on, because… So far in this Thread we have been looking just at the event code of Worksheet_Change
    This only reacts to a change. It does not react to a select ( clicking on a cell )

    What I perceive as what appears to happen with you macro regarding cell R19 .. is the following:
    The drop down validation list in cell R19 is produced when the value “Single-Parent Family” is selected in cell J19
    If that drop down list is present in cell R19 , and “Enter Reason Manually” is selected from that drop down list in R19, then the drop down validation list in cell R19 is removed
    So any refinement on your coding that I do will reflect that perception

    So …. , Some general ideas on changing a macro recorder produced coding .,
    Two main points, the third point is not so important
    _(i) The macro recorder does not have any idea what you are wanting to do. It tries to record exactly what you do.
    _(ii) We have eyes. We must see and select cells in order to do anything. VBA does not have eyes. It does not need to see or select anything
    _ ( _(iii) With End With )

    The consequences are
    _(i) Unnecessary stuff
    Often much more is recorded then we need. For example, lots of formatting and lots of options (arguments := ) are included which we can simply remove as it serves no purpose for our requirements
    _(ii) Activate, Select
    It is rarely required to Activate or Select anything. We as humans do need to do this, but VBA does not.
    As simple example:
    Something like this:
          With Selection
    can almost always be replaced by
          With Range("R19:Z19")
    _(iii) With End With ( )
    The macro recorder produces this a lot. Possibly this is because it produces a lot of extra unnecessary stuff, ( as noted in _(i) )
    With End With is helpful to keep things tidy if lots of things are done with something. Some programmers also use multiple With End With. This can be confusing to a beginner. I personally would avoid using it too much. You would have possibly noticed that previously I replaced something like
                With Range("R19").Font
                .Color = 10855845
                '.ColorIndex = 48
                End With
                Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
    This is partially personal choice of mine.

    So the changes I would do are due to 2 things
    The issues discussed in _(i) _(ii) _(iii)
    re writing the macro to follow what I see as the logic:
    The drop down validation list in cell R19 is produced when the value “Single-Parent Family” is selected in cell J19
    If that drop down list is present in cell R19 , and “Enter Reason Manually” is selected from that drop down list in R19, then the drop down validation list in cell R19 is removed.

    I have done two versions of the next macro, here:
    The two macros are exactly the same except one macro is where I have 'commented out some things, and the other macro has those 'commented things removed

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-04-2020 at 09:20 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thank you for refining the code and enhancing my understanding about Macro Recorder!
    The code works absolutely fine.

    The only issue I find is after having a drop down menu in cell R19, if I select any other value in cell J19 other than Single Parent Family, the validation list still exist in the cell R19, which prevents to enter anything new in the cell R19.

    This issue is solved by just putting a line in the end of every "elseif line". This is highlighted in the code below..

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) '
        If Target.Address = "$J$19" Or Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then  '  we need  "$J$19:$P$19"  to make macro work on  Delete  probably because of merged cells
        Dim RngTgt As Range: Set RngTgt = Target
            If Target.Address = "$J$19:$P$19" Then Set RngTgt = Range("J19")
            If RngTgt.Value = "" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let RngTgt.Value = "(Select Here)"
             Let Range("R19").Value = ""
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 10855845
            ElseIf RngTgt.Value = "Nuclear Family" Or RngTgt.Value = "Joint Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Remark if any)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 6751362
            ElseIf RngTgt.Value = "Single-Parent Family" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Select Reason for Single-Parent)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 6751362
                With Range("R19").Validation
                  .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
                  xlBetween, Formula1:="Expired,Divorced,Break-Up,Abandonment,Enter Reason Manually"
                  .IgnoreBlank = True
                  .InCellDropdown = True
                  .InputTitle = ""
                  .ErrorTitle = "Error!"
                  .InputMessage = ""
                  .ErrorMessage = "To enter the reason manually, please select the option 'Enter Reason Manually'"
                  .ShowInput = True
                  .ShowError = True
                End With
                 Range("R19").Comment.Visible = False
                 Range("R19").Comment.Text Text:="Reason for Single-Parent"
            ElseIf RngTgt.Value = "Uncategorised" Then
             Let Application.EnableEvents = False
             Let Range("R19").Value = "(Please Specify the Case)"
             Let Application.EnableEvents = True
             Let Range("R19").Font.Color = 10855845
             Let RngTgt.Font.Color = 6751362
            End If ' end of all values of J19 to  result in actions
        Else  ' Target is not cell J19  ( or  J19:P19 )
      End If
        If Target.Address = "$R$19" Then
            Let Target.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
            If Target.Value = "Enter Reason Manually" Then
            Target.Value = ""
        End If
       Else  ' Target is not R19
     End If
    End Sub

    I'm surprisingly happy to see some changes in the macro, provided by you, which I really wanted but didn't know how to do that.
    For example, this long code

          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
    is simply written in one line, as

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    4. On clicking this cell "R19" a drop down menu appear with 5 option - "Expired" "Divorced" "Break-Up" "Abandonment" "Enter Reason Manually"
    But that does not happen. If I click...
    This line shows only the partial picture of the whole story. Hence, I think, it would be the reason for the misunderstanding.

    The real story is here, which you have already solved nicely...
    The drop down validation list in cell R19 is produced when the value “Single-Parent Family” is selected in cell J19
    If that drop down list is present in cell R19 , and “Enter Reason Manually” is selected from that drop down list in R19, then the drop down validation list in cell R19 is removed.
    The final line is just one...
    Thanks a lot!!

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    A couple of comments about your last modifications…

    I am not sure what the point is about the code lines that you have added like


    .ClearContents / ClearComments
    .ClearComments removes any comments attached to cells ( )

    Possibly you were thinking of wanting to do
    But, as far as I can tell, there is never any need to do that. It appears that .Validation.Delete somehow already clears away any contents in the cell

    You rarely need to do this. Possibly you have a reason that I don’t know about?

    Note also, If you do want to .ClearContents, then you must be careful.
    Two problems that I see
    _1) Merged cells may cause you problems. You may need to replace
    _2 If contents are cleared from a cell, then that is a worksheet_change. That worksheet change will start the macro starting again. In some cases it might even cause an infinite loop of re starting the macro which will cause problems and / or errors.

    Before the macro tries to change anything, you must temporarily turn off macros set off by events.

    So you would need to do this
    Let Application.EnableEvents = False ' Temporarily disable macros of this event kind
    Let Application.EnableEvents = True ' Turn back on macros of this event kind

    Quote Originally Posted by Anshu View Post
    ...., this long code

          With Selection.Validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator _
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
          End With
    is simply written in one line, as
    I took a guess there that lots of the code lines were not needed. I am not 100% sure because I don’t have any experience with Drop down validation stuff. Often the way forward in such cases is to remove some code lines one by one, checking if it effects anything.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-04-2020 at 04:30 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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