Question 1

Solution for this question, ( 2020-05-28 22:13:09 Rajesh Kumar )

Question: ( Question 1 )
......I have a list of 80 students. I have made 80 sheets, 1 sheet for 1 student. I want to rename these 80 sheets on the basis of the name in the list, so that whenever I update the name list, the corresponding sheet-name changed automatically. I'm a beginner in this field. Please help me.

Hello Rajesh
This requirement is fairly easy with VBA

There are 3 macros which I have written for you, and I am returning 2 workbook examples

Macro for your original requirement
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
This macro is in both workbooks:
It does this: If you change any of your names in column B of the worksheets, then the name of the corresponding worksheet tab Name will change, as per your main original requirement.

Workbook AddNamesfromListToExistingWorksheets.xlsm
This is the workbook supplied by you. It has initially 80 student names in column B of the first worksheet. It has 80 additional worksheets , as made by you, with the names of 1 2 3 4 5 …. Etc.
This workbook has a macro , Sub ChangeNamesToExistingWorksheets() . This macro replaces those names with the names from the Student name list in column B

Workbook AddWorksheetsNamedFromList.xlsm
This is your original Workbook, with all but the first worksheet deleted. So this only contains one worksheet containing your list of student Names in column B
In this workbook, there is a macro, Sub AddWorksheetsfromListOfNames()
This macro adds worksheets with the student Names

Note: in your supplied data, you had two identical names at row 26 and at row 75, SACHIN KUMAR , so I changed it to SACHIN KUMAR 2 in row 75
( We could handle such cases in coding, automatically, later if you preferred )


Share ‘AddNamesfromListToExistingWorksheets.xlsm’ :
Share ‘AddWorksheetsNamedFromList.xlsm’ :
For macros, see also post

Cross posts ( 2020-05-28 22:13:09 Rajesh Kumar )