Using the VBA Range.Insert Code line when something is in the clipboard

If anything other than a spreadsheet range is in the clipboard range then the behaviour of the VBA Range.Insert Code line is as discussed previously.
What happens when a range is copied to the clipboard followed by a Range.Insert Code line is not simple to explain.
I have not seen any clear official documentation on this. I expect it "works" as a method to Insert range data more by chance than by design.
I can see a set of rules. I can summarise them in 2 Pints

_Pint 1) The attempted new range dimensions.
Unlike in the case for an empty clipboard, it does not follow that the actual range inserted will have the dimensions of that given in by the Range in Range.Insert. This probably goes unnoticed as often this "Method", that is to say this "combination of a Range.Copy followed by Range.Insert" is used to insert whole rows

Consider a " "combination of a Range.Copy followed by Range.Insert" action."
As in the case of nothing in the clipboard, a new Range is given, that being the Range in the Range.Insert Command. At the outset of the Insert command, it would appear that the range to be made free by the Insert command is not necessarily the Range. It appears to me that the Range will be adjusted , according to the Rules below. ( The command may or may not then be successful, that is to say it may or may not error ).

For the purposes of clarity.
Range is that copied to the clipboard
Range is the given range in Range.Insert
Range is the attempted range used finally in Range.Insert , .. in other words, if the action is successful then the actual action done is Range.Insert
As will be discussed, Range will start at top left of Range but the actual range area used , Range, will be a contiguous rectangular range of cells comprising Full multiples of Range

_ Pint 1a) Range >= Range
_ P1a) The Range given , ( in the Range.Insert code line ) is equal to or larger than the Copy Range
It appears that the attempted Range is either the copied Range or an exact multiple thereof.
___ P1a)(i) If it is possible to include an exact number of the copied Range dimensions within the Range specified as the new range to be inserted, then that will become the attempted effective Range in Range.Insert. In this case the Range in the Range.Insert command is an integer number of the copied Range held in the clipboard. It will be attempted to insert this Range. Top left of the given insert Range remains Top left of the inserted new Range
___ P1a)(ii) If it is not possible to include an exact number of the copied Range directions within the Range specified as the new range to be inserted, then the range attempted to be inserted will be the copied Range held in the clipboard. . Effectively the Range "shrinks" from that given in darkRange down on size to the copied Range.
Range becomes Range
Top left of the given insert Range remains Top left of the inserted new Range

_Pint 1b) Range is < Range in 1 or more directions
_P1b) The specified Range ( in Range.Insert ) is smaller than the Copy Range in either the horizontal direction or the vertical direction ( or both ).
___P1b)(i) If it is possible to include an exact number of the Copy Range width or an exact number the Copy Range height in the Range specified as the new range to be inserted, then that will become the attempted effective Range in Range.Insert. In this case the Range in the Range.Insert command is increase in the other direction to include the integer number of the Copy Range which do fit in one direction.
Top left of the given insert Range remains Top left of the inserted new Range
___P1b)(ii) If it is not possible to include an exact number of the copied Range width or an exact number of the copied Range height within the Range specified as the new range to be inserted, then the Range attempted to be inserted will be the Copy Range held in the clipboard. Effectively the Range adjusts