Get the Color shade you want to come out in Final Post

I expect there is a better way to do this, but I just hit on a way that works quite well, so I will document and share that now , and edit and update later if I come up with a more scientific and/ or automated way.

As an example , say I have seen this: _ shade _ somewhere, as you see it here, ( there ) . Lets assume I want to post that word in a Forum editor which accepts BB Code tags, ( BB Code tags: ) such that I get that _ shade _ in the final post just as you see it here ( there )

Here is a way to do it:
_1 ) Use Word to get the shade of shade that you want,
:for example,
_ 1A) highlight any text and experiment with its color:
Word Text Color 0.JPG :
Word Text Color 1 2.JPG :
Word Text Color 3.JPG :
Word Text Color 4.JPG :

( Hit OK when finished to change selection color)
Attachment 1981Attachment 1982Attachment 1983Attachment 1984

_ 1B) As an alternative start point, you can find any text color anywhere, for example in the internet, paste into Word and adjust it in Word as per _ 1A)

_2 ) Copy the final Text to the clipboard.
Search the internet for any Word to HTML converter, there are many free ones available. Typically you can paste anything into a Visual Editor and then choose to obtain the HTML code
WordVisualToHTML.JPG :
Attachment 1980

_3 ) In the given HTML code will typically be some part referring to the text shade,_..
HTML Code:
 <p><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; color: #417394;">shade</span></p>
_.. here for example, the number of interest is _ color: #417394

_4 ) I assume the number used in the square bracket [ BB Code Color Tags ] pair is the same as in pointy bracket < HTML > code Tags color bit. It appears to be.
So for our example shade you would use this in a forum post_..
____ [color=#417394] shade [/color]
_.. which would come out like this:
__________________ shade

( If you want to keep the indent, as I did here (there), and avoid the forum editor “eating” spaces of more than one, ( as most forum editors do this ) ) , then use the white character trick: Post something like this:
[color=white]_ Any_White_Profanity Text [/color] [color=#417394] shade [/color]



